IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob I host a ton of torrents and have no real issues.
dr|z3d zzz identified a bug so it'll be fixed soon.
not_bob Yep, read the scrollback. Good stuff.
not_bob Still super busy on this end.
dr|z3d busy's good.
dr|z3d busy and compensated :)
not_bob I just had dinner at a brazalian steakhouse, totally worth it.
not_bob So tasty.
dr|z3d sure you didn't have a brazilian at a steakhouse? :)
not_bob No, no. I ate so much meat. It was amazing.
dr|z3d *** makes the sound of barber's sheers. ***
not_bob hahahahaa
not_bob I don't like barbor shops.
dr|z3d What about berber shops?
not_bob Hahhaa, I read that wrong :)
not_bob Anyway.
not_bob_afk Alas, later!
dr|z3d laters o/
zzz yeahno. svg qr code experiment over
zzz it's a horrible idea
zzz because a qr code is essentially a bitmap, which png is really good at compressing
zzz 7KB typ
zzz in svg it's over 1600 rectangles, 180KB, and that's after doing some work to consolidate the rectangles
dr|z3d yeah, you'd probably want to use a different algo for svg, not sure if the library supports that.
dr|z3d have you tried tweaking the error correction level?
dr|z3d EncodeHintType class might offer some assistance..
dr|z3d there are other tunables in there that might affect the complexity of the output and therefore size of the svg.
dr|z3d > Error correction level: Reducing the error correction level from Q (25% Reed-Solomon coding) to L (15% Reed-Solomon coding) or even M (7% Reed-Solomon coding) can significantly reduce the QR code's size. This is because lower error correction levels require less data to be encoded, resulting in a smaller QR code.
dr|z3d PDF417_COMPACTION, PDF417_DIMENSIONS, and AZTEC_LAYERS variables also look promising.
zzz sure you could make reductions on the margin but it's still a shitload of rectangles
zzz it gzips down to nothing but you're still asking the browser to render a thousand shapes
dr|z3d yeah, but how are you loading it into the browser? as <svg> or <img> ?
zzz doesnt matter
dr|z3d it very much does matter.
zzz img
zzz still has to render it whether in the document dom or not
dr|z3d that's what you should be doing, the browser will rasterize the svg when specified as an img. and remember, we only need to render it once.
zzz it's still rendering a bitmap as a svg.
dr|z3d sure, that was the point :)
dr|z3d as an img, it'll also be cached.
dr|z3d if (hints != null) {
dr|z3d if (hints.containsKey(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION)) {
dr|z3d errorCorrectionLevel = ErrorCorrectionLevel.valueOf(hints.get(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION).toString());
dr|z3d if (hints.containsKey(EncodeHintType.MARGIN)) {
dr|z3d quietZone = Integer.parseInt(hints.get(EncodeHintType.MARGIN).toString());
zzz with our typ. qr w/ addresshelper into a 384x384 img, the 'core' qr part is 81x81 scaled up 4x to 324x324
zzz 81x81=6561 pixels, half on, half off more or less
zzz so we have to draw 3300 pts, with consolidation into boxes it's about 1600
dr|z3d yeah, I think you can get that right down if you tweak error correction and the other variables.
zzz "right down" means what, 25%? 50%? it's too much by a factor of 20 at least
zzz wrong encoding for the job
dr|z3d this comment suggests optimizations to avoid pixel-level translation:
zzz the SO post is basically what I did
dr|z3d up to you. you can try to optimize the output, tweak some knobs, or move on to something less frustrating :)
dr|z3d it's not like qrcodes play a prominent role in the console.
zzz right. for simple hostname-only urls it would be reasonable but not with our 600-char urls w/ addresshelper
dr|z3d yeah, very true. any which way you cut it, encoding 600 characters ain't going to be pretty.
dr|z3d dunno if you can compromise there and encode the b32 instead of the b64.
dr|z3d or encode a hash of the b32 which you can then feed into a form in susidns.
dr|z3d significant updates to the zilvero snark theme in latest + dev build, let me know how you find it if you're a zilvero user (or even if you're not!). thanks!
dr|z3d linus and jason in conversation.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. "Jason. This smells. It's BS." ***