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zzz ping eyedeekay re: planning
eyedeekay pong zzz
zzz hi eyedeekay hope you had a good holiday
zzz I need help, I'm stuck
eyedeekay Good enough :) hope you did too
eyedeekay How can I help?
zzz I've been throwing out ideas for a month or two
zzz MRs, zzz.i2p posts, proposals, discussions here and in #saltr
zzz desperate for some comments from you, love it, hate it, whatever
zzz I have no idea what I should be working on for 2.7 and beyond
zzz what can I do to drag some feedback out of you?
eyedeekay Well for starters this is a fine way :), sorry about that been doing a lot of context switching
eyedeekay I have some thoughts on the map I will put up on the draft MR but the long and short of it is that I don't understand why all the lines are red. I'm thinking of the attributes of some of the other pew-pew maps and they seem to use color to indicate some of the things you're using size to indicate, which I think might make the map seem less noisy?
eyedeekay But I'm not sure if that's "hard"
zzz details are details, just looking for top level 'this is something worth pursuing' or 'hate the whole concept'
eyedeekay In terms of the "eyecandy or pointless" aspects of it from your MR I'm in favor of eyecandy, and I don't think it's pointless
zzz here's my list
zzz 1) from-scratch SVG generator for graphs (#saltr, MR 206)
zzz 2) in-console maps (#saltr, zzz.i2p, MR 206), depends on 1)
zzz 3) snark js audio playlist (MR 204)
zzz 4) per-tunnel bw limiters (MR 200)
zzz 5) LS2 service records (i2pforum, zzz.i2p, proposal 167)
zzz 6) p2p email (i2pforum, zzz.i2p, proposal 167) depends on 5)
zzz 7) Datagram2 (proposal 163)
zzz EOT
zzz afaik I've heard not a peep from you on any of it
zzz take whatever time necessary, but just know it's starting to eat into the 2.7 schedule / feature list
eyedeekay Well there is no "hate this whole concept" or "is this worth pursuing" for DG2 IMO. It's just a question of now or later. It also requires the most coordination with i2pd out of the whole list afaict.
eyedeekay So 7 is certainly worth pursuing. I'll have a conversation with orignal about when
eyedeekay 5 and 6 interest me greatly, esp. since building and storing LeaseSets is where I'm at in go-i2p and because I would like to use in-network p2p email with git.idk.i2p in the future
eyedeekay I'm getting ready for a more technical discussion of those potential applications/features
dr|z3d sidenote: you've also got the display-by-class MR for advanced configs (non-advanced mode) sitting doing nothing, that's an easy win for the upcoming release.
dr|z3d as I suggested to zzz previously, rendering that as a table instead of a list may involve less css modifactions, already implemented in +
zzz sure. note that not all on the list are necessarily good ideas at all, or doable for 2.7
zzz we just need to keep conversations going and not get stuck
dr|z3d all the proposals bar the js playlist get my vote, fwiw.
zzz thanks everyone for your feedback
zzz *** afk ***
eyedeekay I've currently got the most feedback on 1 and 2. Regarding the significance of political boundaries, my knee-jerk reaction is to assume they are significant and suggest leaving them in. OTOH, is that A) building it to show what one might expect and B) making power outlets look like faces?
dr|z3d yeah, I think we're settled on borders.
dr|z3d geographic borders, that is. you want some level of detail in the map.
dr|z3d aside from the occasional territorial dispute, I don't think they're that controversial.
eyedeekay That's not really what I'm concerned about, though. I'm concerned that if the map becomes useful for observing some like blocking or disruptive phenomenon the presence of national borders might lead to assumption/misattribution about the origin of said phenomenon
eyedeekay Aesthetically I totally agree
dr|z3d I don't think we're quite there yet in terms of using the map to determine that level of detail. Maybe later.
dr|z3d at the moment, map indicates router count per country code, and current tunnel builds. I like the idea of extending it, but that's where we're at.
eyedeekay Well that's my behaviorist-eye view of the issue of national borders on a network map, should it ever become relevant.
dr|z3d doubtless it will evolve more sophistication if we decide to use it as a debugging tool :)
dr|z3d I'm envisioning various layers that can be toggled that expose different details. Like for example a layer that indicates where all the floodfills are, or where all the X tier routers are.. that sort of thing.
eyedeekay I could see it getting pretty interesting as a tool in the future as well, perhaps displaying an average version per country would be interesting during update time for instance. But it sounds like there's plenty to do before that level of granularity is useful