IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz have you switched identicons and qr codes to svg yet?
zzz oh yeah, I remember that.
dr|z3d that's a nack on the qrcodes.
zzz I took a peek in apps/imagegen
zzz switching identicons to svg in java would be straightforward because it uses Graphics2D
zzz QR not so
zzz QR is doing straight-to-bitmap, no Graphics2D
zzz but I think I see where to hook in
dr|z3d I messed around with the current bitmap implementation for identicons, got caught in the weeds, then tried jdenticon js lib and found it produced more visually interesting results and was subjectively faster to render.
dr|z3d then I had a brief look at js libs for qrcodes and got distracted.
zzz throwing out all of apps/imagegen and starting over in js is a choice, not a path I'll be taking for either
dr|z3d there are just 2, identicons and qrcodes. doesn't make much sense to do random art as svg.
zzz sure
dr|z3d not sure it makes a huge ton of sense to throw out qr codes if we can get that rendering to svg via the current code.
dr|z3d the text positioning on the qr codes still irks.
zzz the QR does like 2 or 3 stages of bitmap stuff that have to be bypassed
dr|z3d because it's placing the text in the bottom padding without shifting the graphic up, looks off.
zzz theres a BitMatrix -> ByteMatrix -> BufferedImage -> ImageWriter, it's madness
zzz might be hard to shift the graphic but you can play with text size and placement
dr|z3d yeah, I did look at it some, and thought "fuck that". :)
dr|z3d graphic placement is just padding, it does a uniform padding around the graphic without calculating the height of the text. there's probably some math to get it properly centered while retaining the sqaure format.
dr|z3d got anything new to show us with the geomap?
orignal so any news about i2pshanrk?
eyedeekay Reddit reporter sent us some logs:
orignal I mean what causes this issue
dr|z3d i2pshank? i2pshark?
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d he said the issue went away when he reduced the number of torrents he was hosting.
dr|z3d but who knows if that's relevant?
dr|z3d it's possible if he was hosting a few thousand torrents, but he never said.
eyedeekay I still haven't seen it start happening in the setup the reporter described, but the reporter was vague about the setup like dr|zed pointed out
zzz snark is trying to reconnect but nobody's home
zzz the exception on our side is just a dumb side=effect, I'll fix it
orignal what does it mean?
orignal can't connect at all?
orignal no reponse to some messgae?
orignal I guess I know what's that
orignal lack of file descriptors
orignal and acceptor fails