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dr|z3d (b64 encode)
dr|z3d who knew jesus was a web designer? asteras.i2p
zzz think I finally fixed the tunnel.Bps graphs vanishing, reported months ago
dr|z3d did I report that?
dr|z3d something something snark graphs disappearing on snark restart something something?
zzz iirc yes
zzz yup, but I was seeing it on eepsite graphs
dr|z3d after you said you couldn't reproduce that, I just assumed my renaming of the graph titles was somehow interfering. good to know it wasn't me :)
zzz still not 100% sure I got it because I don't fully understand what is happening, but if you can readily reproduce it,give the fix a try
dr|z3d if I restart snark, my snark graphs disappear. that's all I know.
zzz ok then plz test and report
dr|z3d will do.
dr|z3d re svg qrcodes, after testing I think you're right about the size, not much doing for b64s. is size an issue, though? probably not for the few locations qr codes are used.
dr|z3d as for presentation, this may/may not give you some presentational ideas (mostly rounded corners).
zzz don't think "sexy" is the aesthetic we're going for
dr|z3d there aren't any tits nor flashes of thigh. :)
zzz nor any hawk tuah, but still
dr|z3d but still, nothing.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d it's a ridiculous name, but presentationally rounded corners do make the output a little less offensive, at least for svgs.
dr|z3d there's a javascript toggler there in addition to the tabular layout.
zzz iirc I abandoned that miniproject because I didn't see any possible consensus on how it should look after yours and eyedeekay's comments
zzz maybe I'll take another look someday but low on the list
dr|z3d you had some issues with one of the themes iirc, at least from eyedeekay's comments on the MR; I thought the idea was sound but decided tables and toggles worked better.
zzz I was trying to do something simple and you two are pulling me in opposite and complex directions, so I don't see a path forward atm
dr|z3d up to you. the path forward is *obviously* that commit I just referenced :)
dr|z3d as eyedeekay, he'll tell you the same thing. he loves toggles :)
zzz lol
dr|z3d feedback on the translation percentage tables..
dr|z3d put it in ant as a task that spits out a text file, good idea.
dr|z3d as for console inclusion, doesn't seem like a bad idea either, a separate page with stats and flags in a table. may motivate more people to get involved.
zzz I was thinking a new tab in /debug but nobody would see it there
dr|z3d link to it in the translation section on configui.
zzz best seems to be to generate it at build time and keep the generation code out of the release jars
zzz just stuff the output into resources/
dr|z3d agreed.
zzz I thought about putting status in the dropdown? "Spanish (38% translated)"
dr|z3d up to you. I'd advise against, adds clutter, but it's not a totally offensive idea. Better just link to the leaderboard page.
dr|z3d if you want to get fancy, you could display the percentages as bars, with a leading flag column, to make it look nicer.
dr|z3d also adding a percentage might be misleading if you're only displaying the console translation, or if you're displaying the total translation % for all webapps. either way.
zzz maybe
zzz eyedeekay, please add in-console tx report to yesterday's list as 8)
eyedeekay noted, will test it today and gives some feedback on at least 1 or 2 MR's too
zzz thx, but nothing to test is posted, just proof-of-concept output posted on zzz.i2p
eyedeekay OK I'll have a look at that then :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks for the link! Only sufficient time to read the opening salvos today, but I enjoy the drama between smart men! Bookmarked, ofc ;p
dr|z3d VSCode now has a direct competitor from Eclipse:
dr|z3d np, T3s|4, it's an amusing read. Jason's tenacity and resistance to Linus's flaming is particularly impressive.
zzz fine for inspiration but it's gonna inherit all the console style so not really the time for it now