IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d coming along nicely.
dr|z3d do not forget: line,path,rect{shape-rendering:crispEdges} if you want super crisp.
zzz hmm. it does make the axes skinnier
dr|z3d it's giving you 1px width on the stroke without anti-alising which causes it to look blurry.
dr|z3d if you want a fatter axis, just give it 2px width.
zzz agreed, that's what jfree is doing
dr|z3d the thicker axis you mean?
dr|z3d that's my hackery for larger graphs.
dr|z3d the other thing you may/may not want to remove is the top and right bounding lines.
zzz no, agreed crispEdges looks better
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d new attack ramping up? net feels sticky right now.
dr|z3d more map optimization, zero requirement for the non-tagged land mass group, removing it slices the size of the svg in half.
dr|z3d and in the latest + dev update, we're now preloading the tooltip flags on the map so they should display instantly.
zzz I got basic transforms working for rotated text
dr|z3d well done. you're really going great guns :)
zzz I figure I'll eventually put it up on github and it would have pissed off somebody if it wasn't supported
zzz even if we don't need it
dr|z3d yeah, dangerous route, that one. you'll end up spending another 3 weeks implementing stuff we don't need if you're trying to cover everything :)
dr|z3d gradients? filters? I'd probably leave filters out of the picture, laggy. but gradients, maybe.
zzz yeah supporting a library is hell, done it before, it's so easy to accidentally break something
zzz the miniupnpc lib just did a major bork and broke both bitcoin and i2pd
dr|z3d ouch.
zzz so, it turns out, crispEdges gives you the jaggies for diagonal lines and circles, i.e. it kills antialiasing, not recommended
dr|z3d yup, I thought we mostly established that.
zzz I thought you told me to put it on everything ))
dr|z3d on the graphs, you want crisp-edges for paths, rects and lines, you don't want anti-aliasing.
zzz you only want it on lines if they are horizontal or vertical, which they always are for graphs, not so great for tunnels on a map
dr|z3d yeah, different context. don't do crisp edges there :)
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> you probably *do not want* crisp edges for anything other than vertical or horizontal lines.
zzz lol missed that one
dr|z3d pay attention! :P
zzz so yes or no for paths?
dr|z3d what's the context?
dr|z3d are we talking about graphs or?
zzz that;s the problem, could be either
dr|z3d crisp edges for graphs, yes.
dr|z3d crisp edges for paths outside of graphs, probably no.
zzz but not countries?
dr|z3d we've got another trick for countries.
dr|z3d > vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke
dr|z3d I'm happy enough with the heatmap colors now, I think we've got sufficient contrast between the tiers.
dr|z3d all it's missing is your magic tunnel lines, zzz :)
dr|z3d coming along!
dr|z3d most I can do is get the lines on my map, can't align them properly.
dr|z3d svg dimensions are 720x475
zzz sure, until you can scale and crop to 1600x828, it won't look right, but you can still play with it
zzz you may be able to fix it manually by wrapping your whole thing in a <g transform=matrix(...)>...</g> but maybe best for you to start over if you can get cartosvg to give you a 1600 wide one
dr|z3d no worries, I've got something vaguely correct.
dr|z3d not difficult to integrate your line overlay into the existing js/svg map.
dr|z3d you can either inject it directly into the existing svg, or you can render out the svg and link the file in the main svg.
dr|z3d and tooltips definitely make sense, otherwise you get a cluster of illegible text in places.