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dr|z3d svg artifacts gone.
dr|z3d no editing required, just: paint-order:stroke; (assuming you're applying a stroke to the countries).
zzz have you gotten <use href=... to work to load a sub-svg in? I'm stumped...
dr|z3d yeah, easy enough.
dr|z3d make sure it goes at the bottom of the svg, undearneath the other layers.
dr|z3d iirc, <img href="/full/path/to/foo.svg"> should work.
dr|z3d *<image
zzz it has to be use, not image, to be in the DOM
zzz did you try image or use? working on what browser?
dr|z3d one sec, I'll try and recreate.
dr|z3d <image href="/themes/geomap/lines.svg" height="100%" width="100%">
dr|z3d firefox (librewolf)
dr|z3d assuming the image is the same dimensions as the layers underneath, you don't need width and height.
zzz but according to mozilla:
zzz SVG files displayed with <image> are treated as an image: external resources aren't loaded, :visited styles aren't applied, and they cannot be interactive. To include dynamic SVG elements, try <use> with an external URL. To include SVG files and run scripts inside them, try <object> inside of <foreignObject>.
dr|z3d yup, you're getting a static image overlay with image.
dr|z3d if you want interaction, that's a different proposal.
zzz in the html, are you loading your basemap svg with <img src= or <object data= ?
dr|z3d neither. using <svg> inserted into the page with a file loader.
zzz hmm
zzz thats the third option...
dr|z3d yeah, do that and then you just inject the extra layer into the page / svg.
dr|z3d let's see if I can get something working with <use>
zzz about to try <object>
dr|z3d <use> looks like it's internal to the svg itself, so doesn't appear to solve anything.
dr|z3d though maybe the mozdev page I'm reading isn't the full picture.
zzz not true, although most examples are href=#foo, href=xxx#foo is also supported
dr|z3d that was the page I was on. :)
dr|z3d When you see "#shadow-root (closed)" in the Elements panel of your browser's developer tools, it means that you are trying to access or inspect a shadow DOM tree that is closed or encapsulated. Shadow DOM is a feature of the Web Components technology that allows web developers to create encapsulated components with their own DOM trees, styles, and behavior.
dr|z3d A closed shadow root is created when the mode option is set to "closed" when creating the shadow root. A closed shadow root is not accessible from outside the component, meaning you cannot traverse the DOM tree or manipulate its contents directly. This helps maintain the encapsulation of the component's internal structure and styles, preventing them from being affected by external CSS rules or JavaScript.
dr|z3d In the context of using <use> to load an SVG into another SVG, the issue might arise if the source SVG is inside a shadow DOM tree with a closed shadow root. Since the shadow root is closed, the browser cannot access the SVG elements inside it, and therefore, the <use> tag cannot reference those elements.
dr|z3d from where I'm sitting right now, appending the lines layer to the existing svg looks like the easiest method.
dr|z3d ie. load map svg from file, append extra layer(s), write to page.
dr|z3d I've kept all the resources outside of jars for now to make for easy adjustments.
dr|z3d jars/wars
zzz firefox got the janks and consistently wasn't even displaying the whole base svg, had to restart it
zzz now have to go back and retry things that weren't working
zzz fuuu it gagged again
zzz did you have a problem where it quit drawing countries after Burundi?
dr|z3d no, not seen that.
dr|z3d did you remove the landmass group?
dr|z3d or, better still, use the svg up on git.skank as your starting point.
zzz yeah I did
dr|z3d how are you loading the svg?
zzz atm with <object but was happening before with <image
zzz it almost always happens if I load the image in its own tab
zzz but now it's happening on the console page too
dr|z3d can't get to happen here, either with the svg inline on a console page, or loading the svg separately.
dr|z3d I'm also delaying the display of the countries for half a second so they all render at once, looks better than them rendering individually.
dr|z3d not long enough to be a noticeable delay, but long enough so that the entire map comes into view.
dr|z3d map loads, gray, then the heatmap loads.
dr|z3d slight transparency on the sea background so it blends better with the console theme.
zzz you sorted the paths by country name, right? before they were only semi-sorted
dr|z3d put the ids at the front of the paths.
zzz I'm not using the sorted flavor, and I don't think you should either, because some of the paths start with 'm' instead of 'M'
zzz so that's relative to the end of the path before it, afaik
zzz but maybe the first m/M doesn't matter and it is absolute?
dr|z3d I think you might be right re relative vs absolute, might be some slight adjustments to the ordering required.
dr|z3d with that said, I'm not noticing any visual discrepancies, maybe I haven't look hard enough.
dr|z3d yeah, doing an eyeball check vs the cartosvg meractor map at I can't see any issues with the new ordering.
dr|z3d if there was an issue, Albania and Algeria would have disappeared. still present and correct :)
dr|z3d That seems pretty clear: All of the commands also come in two variants. An uppercase letter specifies absolute coordinates on the page, and a lowercase letter specifies relative coordinates (e.g., move 10px up and 7px to the left from the last point).
zzz yeah but does 'last point' include from a previous element?
dr|z3d good question. I'd expect to see some breakage on my reordered map if that was the case, but strangely there is none.
dr|z3d let's try something...
zzz I tried changing the m to an M for Ethiopia and it borked it, so whatever
dr|z3d yeah, borkage.
dr|z3d I just swapped out all d="m for d="M, same.
zzz so sorting didn't break it
dr|z3d not afaict
zzz which surprises me, but I know nothing
dr|z3d maybe the sort kept the order of the elements starting with m.
dr|z3d as you say, it was mostly sorted before.
dr|z3d there are a few countries that the map omits.. falklands, tibet (?), not seeing banladesh either, and western sahara also untagged.
dr|z3d will require some svg surgery to activate those, they appear to be conjoined as a single path.
zzz there's always going to be some mismatch, we have three sources of data: google, cartosvg, geoip
zzz code needs to handle it
dr|z3d *nods*
zzz if anything you may as well remove all the single-point countries
zzz although some of them may become real paths if you go back to cartosvg and rerender at 1600, which you need to do at some point
dr|z3d there is no rerender for svg, there's just a viewbox.
zzz no I mean you have to start over on
dr|z3d this was the source of the map ->
dr|z3d I can probably scale the image in inkscape to be 1600px wide, not sure how well it'll handle the ids.
zzz no you have to go to and make a custom one
dr|z3d yes, but no.
zzz ok mr. 'upscaling is bad'
dr|z3d yeah, it's bad for bitmaps, it doesn't matter for svgs.
zzz sure it does
dr|z3d no, listen to me. it doesn't matter for svgs :)
zzz that's how you get single-point countries
zzz at a big enough resolution, all countries would have a real path
zzz now, whether 1600, which is 2.2222 times bigger than 720, would be a decrease in one-point countries, dunno
dr|z3d ok, I see what you're saying, but it still doesn't matter because we're scaling the svg in the viewport, and countries will remain barely visible regardless.
dr|z3d and regarding scaling in inkscape, you'd be scaling the current heavily optimized svg, so not much doing.
zzz the "look" of the svg looks fine when upscaling, but you don't regain the detail you lost when downscaling to 720
dr|z3d not important enough to redo, countries that are that small aren't worth worrying about imo.
zzz so maybe upscaling from 720 is fine, but know it's a concious choice and you're losing detail you could have if you started from scratch at 1600
dr|z3d you'll also note that the max width for output on the carto app is 800px.
dr|z3d not so much a choice as "here's a map that roughly conforms to zzz's bitmap, let's run with this". :)
dr|z3d so the issue with the map isn't upscaling or downscaling per se, it's the heavily optimized paths.
dr|z3d no matter, I don't think it's worth worrying about tiny countries anyway, most of the islands I'm looking at in the map that are super small are larger than 1 pix and do have shape.
snex whats the smallest country that even shows in netdb?
snex singapore?
zzz hmm, 800 max, too bad
zzz 720 it is then
zzz i have to restart this stupid computer, I think something is borking firefox
dr|z3d the other issue with wanting more definition is that you end up allowing sub-pixel values and then the size and rendering times of your svg explodes.
dr|z3d blame snap, zzz.
dr|z3d I generally get rid of snap and install firefox and/or librewolf from the repos. saves a lot of hassle.
dr|z3d tuvalu, snex
dr|z3d or the orkney isles. aka dunno.
dr|z3d also, if no one else noticed, they've got a new interim ceo at mozilla.
dr|z3d her last job was working on portable breast pumps, so she's obviously absolutely perfect for the job.
cumlord someone has to keep homelander in check
dr|z3d the other thing we're forgetting about the map in use, zzz, is the embedded country ids and associated tooltips. that was specific to the demo mercator map, don't think that's available on from the app.
dr|z3d ok, we've got the country ids, so I'm wrong about that.
dr|z3d what we've also got which could conceivably be ported across is less optimized paths.
dr|z3d eg: <path d="M184.89,25.349L187.272,24.463L186.714,21.074L188.104,20.102L187.41,17.228L188.658,17.908L190.907,17.658L190.504,16.262L191.895,14.708L195.168,17.346L201.112,17.273L202.335,16.652L202.171,14.407L206.476,13.765L207.341,12.416L209.046,13.62L211.467,12.167L213.56,9.676L216.081,9.838L219.224,9.224L220.931,11.394L223.635,11.116L224.142,10.78L226.662,13.808L228.152,13.769L228.534,15.277L227.686,16.364L224.26
dr|z3d 8,17.442L222.685,19.289L221.186,23.369L220.381,24.198L217.394,30.869L211.121,32.544L206.961,32.197L205.968,33.441L202.069,34.718L199.021,36.197L195.846,36.004L193.053,34.491L191.427,32.38L187.694,29.394Z" id="Hungary" class="country"></path>
dr|z3d note the decimal places absent from our current map.
dr|z3d yeah, not outside the realms of possibility to port over the smaller countries if that's required.
dr|z3d not convinced it's worth the effort right now, maybe with inline zoom and pan (which I've had a brief look at) it would make more sense.
dr|z3d from the app, the svg map is around 7-8 times the size of the optimized map.
zzz my firefox issue is some sort of heisenbug, it happens about half the time with inspector closed and all the time with inspector open. chrome is fine.
zzz I got <use href= working