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RN snow[flakedout] what are those links?
NULL dr|z3d, anyway of getting 5% increments with network sharing in the i2p+ interface?
dr|z3d NULL: edit the config instead of using the UI.
NULL Appreciate it, thank you
dr|z3d otherwise, no, 5% is too noisy, that's probably 16 enrtries on a dropdown.
NULL That did that trick for me, so I am good with it. The bandwidth test was recommending 75%
NULL Definitely understand that
NULL Now with that test, I am on a vps with shared bandwidth at 10TB a month currenctly while I test the service at speeds up to 5Gbps. Should I set the settings closer to that of the 5Gbp potential or like maybe somewhere in the middle?
NULL Sorry shared speed, independent bandwidth
dr|z3d set the speeds in and out to 999999
dr|z3d with a 90% share.
dr|z3d see how you get on with that. you can always adjust it downwards later.
dr|z3d I mean, get those up and down values to around the speed your provider is allowing.
dr|z3d set them super high then adjust down.
dr|z3d there's a maximum you'll hit regarding network share b/w
dr|z3d depending on the amount of ram and cores your system has.
dr|z3d unlikely you'll be able to allocate more than around 1/2 Gbp/s
NULL What type of ram and cores would be needed to run a beefy service to help to service once I also get a reseed server going on it
NULL help the*
dr|z3d what you got there now?
NULL 1 core @ 3.1Ghz vCPU
NULL Just while I test the service then will beef it up more if they perform well uptime wise and performance
dr|z3d that's enough to be going on with. see how the router performs after a week or so of uptime.
NULL Sounds good to me
dr|z3d also, don't forget webhosting.i2p / as an alternative provider.
dr|z3d good guy runs that, often on this network and in this channel.
NULL Should I give the console more than the 512mb max? I tried before with 1024mb and the console itself registered the amount and I am currently testing as I like that they have no info and I can use XMR to pay
dr|z3d all 3 current outproxies (in part) run on incognet.
dr|z3d try with min -> 256 -> max 768 and see how you get on with that.
NULL Will do, thank you again for the advice
NULL Will have to meet the guys behind the vps service at some point as thats awesome that they are involved with the service
dr|z3d you'll see him here soon enough. rambler.
dr|z3d he sponsors a fair chunk of network resources, too.
NULL Thats amazing
NULL does the webhosting.i2p link to the same service as it wasn't wanting to pull up
dr|z3d yeah, same site.
dr|z3d if you haven't seen that page.
NULL I found them through a blog post about getting i2p up and running through a vps and liked all the offerings from the get go so I pulled the trigger cause I like being able to have the instance running permanently now and just ssh into it for the services I need
NULL I have not
NULL Holy crap involved in a shit ton of projects, makes me want to keep using the service even more
NULL Any stats page about uptimes?
NULL Didn't see one when I was looking
dr|z3d for the vps stuff? I don't think so, but uptime is pretty excellent, bandwidth is great, and you won't see the system your own overprovisioned.
dr|z3d *you're on
NULL All I need to know then
NULL Saw 24/7 Support, so I would assume downtimes wouldn't even be very long
NULL Was curious dr|z3d, besides i2p+ what all are you involved in with i2p?
dr|z3d yeah, NULL.
NULL Anybody know how to get element or matrix running over i2p through outproxy or tor? Web searches are returning nothing and the element app doesn't have a section for proxy access
dr|z3d are those standalone apps, NULL?
NULL dr|z3d matrix is the protocol and yes element is the main recommended standalone client
dr|z3d run the latter with torsocks element
NULL Im utilizing zzz's socksoutproxy to access tor through ssh as well and torsocks -a -p 4455 /Applications/ is returning command cannot be found
NULL my bad /Applications/ cannot be found
NULL I copied the exact application path as well for that
dr|z3d is torsocks installed?
NULL I think i figured it out, used torsocks to start a torified shell talking back to the server on through ssh and then used open -a in that shell to open the app just can't figure out the correct terminal command right this moment to confirm its the ip i can see searching through the configured browser
dr|z3d try curl |grep Congrats
dr|z3d in the torshell.
dr|z3d you'll also probably want to background element by adding a & at the end of the command, then you'll have the terminal available.
NULL Nvm got the command and the torified shell didn't work
dr|z3d might have to sudo su first and then run torsocks. something broke a while back.
dr|z3d sudo su first, then run torshell, then curl to check..
RN are you missing 'ssh' in there somewhere perhaps?
RN or did you already do that?
dr|z3d new /dev/ build up, new separate pages for active/scheduled jobs and job queue stats.
NULL the ssh tunnel or in the command? I didn't see a flag for it in the command and I have access to tor through an ssh tunnel on utilizing socksoutproxy on my vps
dr|z3d job stats table now excludes single-short and disabled jobs.
dr|z3d *single-shot
NULL Atleast through the configured browser
NULL but the torsocks command doesn't work RN
RN is it torsocks or torify?
RN I never really used them enough by hand to know the difference. once I got something to work, I put it in a script and invoke it by name.
NULL torify is just an outdated wrapped added to torsocks for backwards compatibility now
RN well, is it broken though? or did you try it?
RN out of my element here a little
RN do you have torsocks installed?
dr|z3d torify is a wrapper to torsocks.
NULL i do have torsocks installed, and I made sure to update torsocks but the command isnt working for me
NULL First time trying to use it as well RN
RN I don't remember which I used when I cloned the I2P git thingamagiggy the first time, but it just worked
RN but right now, I'm not in a place to open a bunch of files to find my notes... dr|z3d knows Tor's guts better than I.
RN dr, do you agree with NULL that torify is outdated?
NULL Wish Element just implemented a proper proxy settings page
RN just throw it in a VM, that's what all the cool kids do nowdays
dr|z3d it's somewhat broken lately, RN.
dr|z3d so, yeah, probably due a renovation.
dr|z3d also, re /dev/ build, job stats table now sortable.
dr|z3d not perfect yet, doesn't differentiate between time scales, but still, it's something.
RN interesting.
dr|z3d was too much information on the single page before, wasn't sufficiently exposed to be useful.
NULL Gonna try proxychains-ng instead
RN TMI and insufficient exposure seem to be opposites
RN sorting is usually helpful
dr|z3d you can have too much info on a page with too many elements, so the interesting information is pushed below the viewport.
dr|z3d snowflakees!
snowflakes Hi mr. Doctor
snowflakes Did you see my new project?
snowflakes serv ⇒ t6n4sevt5t4pqpunzhb4lw3iwr2qjlzoav3weclhzgix5dxvdl2a.b32.i2p:80
snowflakes servapi ⇒ t6n4sevt5t4pqpunzhb4lw3iwr2qjlzoav3weclhzgix5dxvdl2a.b32.i2p:8081
dr|z3d staying out of trouble? :)
snowflakes ANTEBEOTAPI ⇒ xgpgxkhn7n2xg5jeiywqbmkuxj3oscsqi55bwkod2wle32gbw3ja.b32.i2p:8081
snowflakes ANTEBEOTHTTP ⇒ 3i5lddpjm4kxcsfcx42fmeaza7ol3l6qmustr7cnwiotvp7d4syq.b32.i2p:80
snowflakes Use a some magic. trouble not touching me for now
snowflakes will be back to chat later
RN snowflakes, are you related to snowman?
snowflakes anyone here to use telegram? Hypnoziz did run "I2PGram" server on golang
snowflakes It'is alternative for telegram but in I2P network
snowflakes telegram unsecure
dr|z3d i2pchat, snowflakes. could use some more of your magic :)
snowflakes I not sure
snowflakes maybe is not works
dr|z3d I very sure.
dr|z3d i2pchat works great.
snowflakes And the practices it's way to "obsessio"
dr|z3d no idea what you mean.
snowflakes affirmations
snowflakes and another bullshit
dr|z3d put down the crack pipe!
snowflakes "the power of the subconscious"
dr|z3d make sense! :)
dr|z3d are you talking about telegram on i2p?
snowflakes I mean it yes
dr|z3d yes is the right answer if the question was "are you going to do some more i2pchat magic?" :)
snowflakes QT is blocked in russia
snowflakes but maybe, for now I works with antebeot project
snowflakes whats happened in I2PChat?
snowflakes it's broken now?
dr|z3d no, it's fine.
dr|z3d but it could do with some work.
not_bob_afk That's what I mean.
not_bob_afk It works well enough.
not_bob_afk I use it often.
not_bob_afk snowflakes: You should give it a shot.
not_bob Well, this still sucks.
dr|z3d network attack
dr|z3d thousands of useless ff's.
not_bob A few of my routers are working.
not_bob But, none of them well.
dr|z3d expect fixes. orignal's working on stuff, as is zzz.
not_bob *nod*
not_bob I figured it would be mitigated.
dr|z3d I've relaxed the concurrent search throttle in the latest i2p+ build which may help if your router's failing to build tunnels.
not_bob Yep, that's the issue I'm having. I'm not able to build enough tunnels.
not_bob Once I get them built it's good.
dr|z3d various new things, also. refactored the flag+hash widgets. separated running/finished jobs and job stats, and various other enhancements.
not_bob So, ironicly, on services where I have a larger number of tunnels set to run those services work better.
not_bob I see no posts on zzz.i2p about this.
not_bob Then again, I'm sure quite a few people are having issues getting to there...
not_bob Anyway, I'm off to deal with other things. Thank you for the heads up.
dr|z3d ok, new /dev/ build up with mitgations for the floodfill swarm attack.
dr|z3d as a side effect, you'll be able to monitor how effective it is by checking your banned peers list or counter in the sidebar. you may be surprised how much gets caught, and how quickly.