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NULL Anyone have any idea why my console network was completely fine, router ports for TCP and UDP are open, but after needing to do a console restart its stating IPv4 is firewalled and now I am noticing my total tunnels and share ration are extremely low compared to what they used to be
dr|z3d you got marked as unreachable by another peer, probably, NULL.
dr|z3d when you're firewalled, your router becomes a marzipan dildo in terms of transit traffic.
NULL dr|z3d anyway to go about getting the network to retest IPv4 or will it just do it on its own and hopefully eventually go back to normal
dr|z3d try adding the line i2np.udp.disablePeerTest=true to your router.config and restarting. see if that helps. before you do, make sure on /confignet you selection the option that says "not firewalled, always use discovered ip address"
dr|z3d it does sort itself out in time usually, or you can try the above.
dr|z3d you can also enable/disable ipv6 if you want the router to do a soft restart. that can help.
dr|z3d enable, save, disable, save.
dr|z3d or vice versa.
NULL I tried that out and just did the restart, I will report back on the results here in a bit once the router has time to integrate into the network fully, thank you for the advice
dr|z3d you maen the i2np.udp.disablePeerTest=true config?
NULL Yes I added that line to router.config
NULL Have to go deal with some family things so I will report back later
dr|z3d earth calling wodencafe
wodencafe [20:59] <dr|z3d> earth calling wodencafe
wodencafe Hey there dr|z3d, how are you?
dr|z3d he lives. hi wodencafe
dr|z3d no bad here thanks, you good?
dr|z3d I've been vaguely following your requests/gripes with i2psnark. I think we can do something.
dr|z3d there are 2 possible and complimentary avenues one could pursue.
dr|z3d > no bad here thanks, you good?
dr|z3d > I've been vaguely following your requests/gripes with i2psnark. I think we can do something.
dr|z3d > there are 2 possible and complimentary avenues one could pursue.
dr|z3d first, a strip all non-i2p tracker option when a new torrent is added to snark. that should be fairly easy.
wodencafe Hey hey.
dr|z3d second, have tracker2 handle torrents and automatically strip non-i2p trackers from the uploaded torrent and add tracker2.
dr|z3d with all that said, this is already easily achieved in snark, albeit not automatic, requires manual intervention.
wodencafe Right. And apparently that's new functionality (relatively speaking) as I had no idea it existed prior to that conversation.
wodencafe I'm guessing a lot of tracker2 users aren't aware of it either, as I got a bunch of comments recommending for me to go to some sketchy http (https doesn't work) site that can edit torrents. And on some of the torrents I tried there, it didn't even work.
dr|z3d are you using vanilla snark or i2p+ snark?
wodencafe I finally found that I could do it with `transmission-cli`, so I just wrote up a bash script to do it.
wodencafe Vanilla >_>
wodencafe I'd like to upgrade, but I'm paranoid about losing what I've already set up. I'm seeding a lot.
dr|z3d you wouldn't lose anything.
dr|z3d upgrading to i2p+ is about the same risk as upgrading to standard i2p in terms of data loss. ie no risk at all :)
wodencafe I2Psnark screwed me a couple of times.
dr|z3d how so?
dr|z3d hold that thought, brb...
wodencafe As an example, I created some torrents with I2Psnark, and I had the data stored in a different directory than the default data directory. So I2Psnark created the torrent files in its default data directory, but then referenced the data in the other directory where the actual files I was seeding existed. I usually keep everything up in a VM, and save / load state if I need to. But at some point I had to
wodencafe restart the VM, and then I2Psnark got confused and couldn't find the files anymore. It forgot about the custom data directory, so it tried to re-download the torrents I already had, into its default data folder. I was able to overcome this with symbolic links and verifying local data on all the torrents, but this was a slow, manual process.
wodencafe Welcome back dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d thanks!
wodencafe Did you see the messages I sent?
dr|z3d anyways, wodencafe, risk free option for testing I2P+'s i2psnark is to try the standalone version.
dr|z3d last I saw from you: restart the VM, and then I2Psnark got confused and couldn't find the files anymore. It forgot about the custom data directory, so it tried to re-download the torrents I already had, into its default data folder. I was able to overcome this with symbolic links and verifying local data on all the torrents, but this was a slow, manual process
wodencafe Yes that was it.
dr|z3d > me: yeah, can get confused sometimes, this is true. it also doesn't like it if you delete a torrent file and then add it again in the same session iirc. or maybe add a magnet link. whichever. refuses to recognize the data is associated with the torrent and generates a IO error or somesuch.
wodencafe Oh I didn't see your response.
dr|z3d shitty net is shitty.
dr|z3d (right now)
wodencafe So, is I2P+snark better than I2Psnark?
dr|z3d well, you'd be getting a biased view from me, but yeah.
dr|z3d you got a lot of torrents running?
dr|z3d you could also ask not_bob_afk, he also has mucho torrents and prefers I2P+ snark.
wodencafe Right now it's >100, and I have a lot more to add :P been fulfilling wishes.
dr|z3d ok, well, torrent filtering is something you'd likely find useful.
wodencafe Oh yeah I've seen that name.
wodencafe Torrent filtering?
dr|z3d you get a bar at the top of your torrents with status filter buttons.
dr|z3d so if you only want to see active torrents, for example, or incomplete.. you're in luck. hit the relevant button, bingo.
dr|z3d realtime updates.
wodencafe Hmm. That does sound useful, as I add more torrents I'll definitely need that :P
wodencafe I was thinking about this recently, and I guess I'm confused as to why there is a fork of I2P and I2P+.
wodencafe Why are they not unified?
dr|z3d different philosophies.
dr|z3d what else do you get? per torrent animations that make it much clearer what your torrents are doing at any given moment.
dr|z3d realtime bandwidth stats.
dr|z3d optional lightbox for downloaded images.
dr|z3d goes without saying, a hugely improved UI, 7 theme options.
wodencafe So, if I wanted to upgrade, what is the process for that?
RN don't forget the tinkering under the hood
RN dr added some non-factory accesories for more torque and horsepower
RN it might not pass smog, but it hasn't killed any of my kittens yet.
dr|z3d from i2p? just grab an i2p+, drop it into your i2p app or config dir, restart the router. download a release version first, then you can pull dev updates afterwards.
dr|z3d lol RN
dr|z3d oh, and yeah, faster downloads in some cases, wodencafe. let's not forget that.
wodencafe Ok. Where would I find this I2P+
dr|z3d once you're on 2.0.0-0+ you can browse to and then enable unsigned development builds (and replace the update url with skank.i2p/dev/ if you want to run /dev/ builds)
wodencafe Hmm, ok I'll add it now. Probably will wait until tomorrow to do the upgrade, it's getting close to bed time :P
dr|z3d either way, you'll want to enable unsigned updates, and probably change your update policy to notify only. save, and then check for updates so you'll have a stable version update available if you're not opting for /dev/ builds.
wodencafe Not until I start actually developing on it, anyway :P
dr|z3d fastest way to get it. should be ridiculously fast to download.
wodencafe I added it :P
dr|z3d well done, first step to happiness! :)
wodencafe It's long overdue anyway :P
wodencafe Unknown or non-i2p host: skank.i2p
dr|z3d grab the address helper from notbob.i2p
dr|z3d and add some subscriptions to your addressbook!
dr|z3d you can also download torrent from postman. but I'd still do the above.
dr|z3d my bad, 2nd url.
dr|z3d purple diamond gets you the address helper.
dr|z3d and once you've got skank.i2p in your addressbook, be sure to check skank.i2p regarding upgrading.
dr|z3d that's important ^^^
tisratil7 what do any of you think of protonvpn?
dr|z3d good.
tisratil7 just making sure bc I was just about to install inviziblepro.
dr|z3d privacy policy good, bandwidth, good, free service good, software/support, good.
tisratil7 how are y'all doing since I was here last time?
dr|z3d be wary of any software that replaces an s with a z in the name. :)
tisratil7 I'm sorry what do you mean? s with a z in the name?
dr|z3d inviZible..
tisratil7 again I'm sorry I can't comprehend with something short.
dr|z3d invisible -> inviZible. dodgy.
tisratil7 ah I see thank you
tisratil7 so how did this "someone" come up with this idea for i2p? like how did they discover the proxy?
tisratil7 cause this is first time I heard of i2p since Tor
dr|z3d there's a history of i2p up somewhere. maybe on zzz.
dr|z3d been around as long as Tor, maybe slightly longer.
tisratil7 my cousin who served marines said that tor was coded by cia? LMFAO
dr|z3d well, not quite.
dr|z3d but the CIA do use Tor in their operations.
dr|z3d the origins of Tor lie with the US Navy.
tisratil7 ah the us Navy, but why cia use it when they can find things legally?
dr|z3d from wikipedia: The core principle of Tor, onion routing, was developed in the mid-1990s by United States Naval Research Laboratory employees, mathematician Paul Syverson, and computer scientists Michael G. Reed and David Goldschlag, to protect American intelligence communications online.
dr|z3d the CIA would use it in foreign countries to hide their communications, for example.
tisratil7 1990s? damn I'm old.
dr|z3d last thing you want if you're a CIA operative in Iran is for the Iranian gov to see you're communicating with Langley.
tisratil7 meaning? they had permission to do what they needed to do?
dr|z3d I'm a spy. I need to communicate with HQ. I don't want that connection to be visible to anyone.
tisratil7 ahhh like halfway house stuff
dr|z3d opsec, aka operational security. can save lives.
tisratil7 I don't know them. they sound flattering tho. in what way?
tisratil7 saving lives in what way?
tisratil7 I used to be friends with one of lulzsec until he pled guilty and turned on us.
dr|z3d not the best of friends, those.
tisratil7 yeah they were terrible. I think 6 got busted.
tisratil7 but idk about the rest of em. I'm sure they blended in with better group
tisratil7 is it okay to use i2p proxy on Twitter?
tisratil7 you doing okay tho? you didn't answer when I asked lol
dr|z3d yeah, fine, thanks. busy coding as usual :)
y2kboy23 And coding great software dr|z3d does :)
tisratil7 I'm glad to hear that. i gotta get back on IG and work. making fingerboards(tech deck) bc I love the kids out there and it makes me happy seeing them shredding it
tisratil7 coding software? I use visual in python. pretty neat tho
dr|z3d RN: you running with reverse lookups?
tisratil7 reverse lookup? on app or termux? i never thought about it since I use nmap and sql and darkowl.
dr|z3d_ in the latest I2P+ builds.
dr|z3d_ (for peers)
tisratil7 seriously? how do I get here?
dr|z3d_ get where?
tisratil7 i2p+ builds for reverse lookup
tisratil7 cause I'm tired of spam calling me all the time.
RN nah dr, I'm not yet looking at that feature. right now other priorites such as adding redundancy and failover stuff, and backups, plus life and things and such and so forth
tisratil7 there* not here. my bad.
RN by the time I look at it, the netstorm will probably have passed
RN ;)
tisratil7 what? lmao
tisratil7 you gotta be specific bc you literally jumped in and spoke to a subject I don't even know which. like idk if you're replying to me or z3d.
RN "<RN> nah dr, I'm..."
dr|z3d roger that, RN
RN these kids and their short attention spans today... I dunno who's gonna take care of us when we get old dr|z3d .
RN no offense tisratil7
tisratil7 but anyway I'm glad I came here, y'all seem real than any of tor users.
dr|z3d be nice to tisratil7, he's only 14 :)
dr|z3d Tor is a service, we're a community :)
tisratil7 14? what name did you look me up through cause I'm 17 years late. I'm 33... haha
dr|z3d you didn't want to tell us that. but ok. I was joking.
tisratil7 bruh if you think I'm 14 I gotta stop you bc I'm not that kid... lmao.
tisratil7 and I didn't know y'all asked how old I am since you said I didnt want to tell y'all that... but dude. I wouldn't make my name look bad but I'm not 14 lol
tisratil7 RN you're straight.
dr|z3d calm down, tisratil7, we're toying with you.
tisratil7 ahhh nice tease I see. y'all have trolling in your blood lmao
tisratil7 bc that's the best execution. it gets downright hilarious.
tisratil7 my dude kirtaner told me that everytime I get monero I have to convert it to Bitcoin and convert it back to monero? I'm not excited on coins but why convert it back to monero?
tisratil7 I mean I thought monero is untraceable except Bitcoin .
dr|z3d don't believe the hype. what appears to be anonymous today could easily be uncloaked tomorrow.
tisratil7 okay z3d I'm glad you're doing okay today I'll be back tomorrow to learn more about monero.
tisratil7 bc kirtaner is insane. so he doesn't always reply.
tisratil7 oh btw just an idea, you can make this chat help us tag the sender by using nickname. like I called you z3d.
tisratil7 or something complex.
dr|z3d you'd do that in your client.
dr|z3d try typing dr<tab> and see what that does.
dr|z3d you can also have the client notify you if your nickname or keywords are mentioned.
tisratil7 oh I wasn't sure how to tag you to be specific in messages so I don't get confused on who's replying to me
tisratil7 dr<z3d>
tisratil7 did it work?
tisratil7 doesn't look like it.
tisratil7 I joined freemasonry the other day but I don't know how this work... lol
tisratil7 masonry makes men better, but it can't make them perfect
RN sure you're not 12 tisratil<7>
tisratil7 yes I'm sure.
RN pay attention to the flow of converstation and it is not hard to keep up
RN unless you are some flavor or neurodivergent
tisratil7 RN okay I understand. I have problem comprehending bc I was born deaf.
RN this channel doesn't have people who volley their conversation at long times
tisratil7 that's why I love to learn anything
tisratil7 volley? meaning?
RN in #i2p-chat theres these funny people that talk to each other sometiems 18 hours apart
RN that gits a little confusing sometimes
RN volley meaning back-and-forth
RN it is a word from the sport of tennis i thing
RN *think
tisratil7 oh gotcha, I appreciate the homework. I've been on tor for so long nobody never told me about i2p so it's pretty new to me
RN welcome to I2P
RN and give thanks to postman and his irc minions that keep this irc running for us with no subscription charges
tisratil7 thank you RN I appreciate the love by welcoming.
RN Aloha tisratil7
tisratil7 thank them to the fullest
tisratil7 and thank you too
RN yeah some fun stuff you can do on I2P if you are patient and carful configuring things
tisratil7 configuring things? I only configured Twitter but what other things I shouldn't?
RN twitter? is twitter now i2p-compatible?
tisratil7 it's connected, it had no problem when I exited and got back on.
tisratil7 you could try if nothing is banned in your country.
tisratil7 I think
RN using I2P to connect to twitter... not a great info security plan
RN but I don't think twitter has an eepsite
tisratil7 no they don't. not since Elon did everything to it
RN so you don't have a guide that showed you someting about using twitter through I2P?
tisratil7 no that's why I had it turned off before it connected. I was like oh crap. but yeah that's why I want to know
RN because if you are using I2P to tweet, you probably just end up going out a Tor exit, or other proxy
RN if you are running twitter on your phone, that is separate from running I2P
RN they don't interact
RN if you are opening twitter web site, in a browser set to use I2P as a proxy, that might work but what does it gain?
tisratil7 I thought about that lmao bc i2p is made from the ground up. so I shouldn't leave it running.
RN no you should definately leave it running. what device are you using? a phone, laptop,...?
tisratil7 Android.
RN ok, so you probably don't want it running 24/7 on your phone...
tisratil7 my laptop is gone. I wrecked my truck.
RN oh?
tisratil7 yep lmao that's why I didn't let it run
RN sorry you had that experience.
tisratil7 if I had my laptop I'd do it
RN getting another one?
tisratil7 it's okay, experience is the best teacher mate. and yeah sometimes soon. just making sure I know what to do.
RN ok
RN well the experience of I2P on a mobile device versus on a laptop/tower style computer is a bit different
RN but it is obviously useable
RN irc and eepsites work
RN been a while since I tried it, I don't recall if there is more set up for you at install
RN of course you have to set the irc client and browser to use the I2P
tisratil7 doesn't look like it when I look for something to help i2p but yeah. irc client is here right?
RN yeah, you got this part working
tisratil7 like that's how I'm texting you right?
RN yes
RN browser is just setting a proxy setting in the browser, usually not too hard to do
tisratil7 okay what about browser bc when I click on eepsite it says not found so I figured someone is working on it.
tisratil7 I still have tor.
tisratil7 so... yeah.
dr|z3d address book subscriptions, assuming you've configured your browser correctly.
RN once your browser is using I2P (http proxy port 4444) then you can see eepsites
RN yes! thanks dr|z3d those too
dr|z3d and check the outproxies are correctly configured. exit.stormycloud.i2p not exit.stomrycloud.i2p .. or you can use purokishi.i2p
RN so maybe use a different browser than you do for Tor on mobile
tisratil7 I never found subscription, that may even be a problem... maybe?
dr|z3d should be somewhere to configure that.
dr|z3d addressbook subscriptions or similar.
tisratil7 bro it worked but when I got on it's page. there's hella codes I can't even call out... so many. like wow.
tisratil7 like not even close to where I can configure it...
tisratil7 when I clicked on the link it worked. but too many codes when it pulled up.
tisratil7 nothing like error. but it pulled up some strange codes I thought about calling aliens using geomatria.
RN sounds like the error page on cake to me dr|z3d
tisratil7 it is an error. but Im letting it cool til we figured it out.
dr|z3d no, it sounds like he's loaded notbob's hosts file in his browser.
dr|z3d you need to add that url to i2p's configs, tisratil7, not open in browser.
tisratil7 yeah where is that at z3d?
tisratil7 again I'm on Android.
NULL So, dr|z3d after adding that file to the router.config IPv4 is stuck on testing that results are even worse with tunnels, builod success, share ratio, and my transferred bandwith
NULL the not that*
RN tisratil7, try
RN I think that is same on droid.
RN but no, actually, does droid have a webui?
tisratil7 says it can't be reached. y'all ever thought about using i2p through tails or whonix?
RN people use I2P in both of those with differing degrees of success/tinkering
dr|z3d NULL: did you configure the relevant options on /confignet as well?
RN are you running tails on your Android there?
dr|z3d it does, fairly basic.
dr|z3d NULL: /confignet -> always use detected ip address...
dr|z3d also check that the port configured there is the same as your firewall exempted port.
dr|z3d you can specify the TCP port manually as well, same as UDP.
tisratil7 no I'm not. I just have many ideas.
RN tisratil7, one other thing you can try, is localhost:7657
RN and dr|z3d the port is same right?
dr|z3d probably, don't recall.
RN I need to get my failing mobile replaced and try I2P on it. it has been a long time.
tisratil7 nope... nothing. maybe because of protovpn protecting something.
RN so the android is going through a vpn and running I2P. There's lots of places for things to break or need configuring I imagine.
NULL Under TCP Configuration I made sure Always use auto-detected IP address (not firewalled) was enabled and the ports there for both udp and tcp are what I have configured in my router for port forwarding dr|z3d
RN well, if you can load i2peek-a-boo.i2p then your I2P and browser are working...
tisratil7 more than we probably can imagine. most phones we have now is lot different than we used to have in 2000s... they covered most of securities. starting to think I'ma use a burner and throw the SD card away.
RN It sounds like they are. not sure about the console, I thought that was in the application on adnroid and very limited last I looked several years ago.
tisratil7 console? I never saw that setup. it just let me in.
tisratil7 I got this app from froid btw. maybe that's who it was that's fucking shit up.
tisratil7 but I believe that's not the case. it has to be something. no eepsite or nothing.
RN tisratil7, if you can load the peek-a-boo link I pasted above, next to look at would be one of these imho: notbob.i2p"> notbob.i2p planet.i2p"> planet.i2p or
RN Oops! skip the last. LOL
RN both of those have excelent uptime and reachability
tisratil7 planet works. I got there before.
RN yeah, but you got a bunch of codes on your display
RN try my link... notice it is shorter
not_bob droid does not have a web ui.
not_bob With android, if you run into a site taht your router doens't know, just use my jump service. Problem solved.
not_bob And, you get to see cool graphs.
not_bob I just made a blog post about putin :(
tisratil7 i recalled that. it didnt let me through. like z3d said I need to get laptop or PC to fully become connected.
RN I wasn't sure, thanks not_bob
tisratil7 no it doesn't have web ui.
RN not_bob, is an expert on minimal connection tisratil7
RN and a fun blog about eepsites
tisratil7 I already got graphs... like everything works but eepsites.
RN not_bob, have I told you before I like your blog reviews?
RN what graphs? in the I2P android app?
not_bob tisratil7: Nah, android I2P works fine, but the interface is more limited.
RN oh that'll be fun to look at
RN not_bob, I'm not sure if tisratil7 is loading eepsites or not
not_bob RN: you have, and thank you!
not_bob лол
not_bob tisratil7: Anyway, I'm here to answer questions too if you need.
not_bob RN: I recently did some work on the program I wrote that tells me what site to review next. Now it checks to see if I've already written about a site and only spits out new ones.
RN NICE. you don't have to re-roll the dice ever
not_bob As I've done enough of them at this point that it was becoming a slight problem.
RN icons for blog entries on the defcon view anytime soon?
tisratil7 I havent loaded eespites. it prevented me.
dr|z3d new /dev/ build up with tunnels/ sorting enhancements.
not_bob That'st he goal, yes.
not_bob But, busy this weekend, as I tend to be.
not_bob So, that's going to be a bit of a ways off.
RN so tisratil7 what browser are you trying?
not_bob Not months, but a week or two at least.
RN oh, that is soon not_bob.
tisratil7 RN I'm on Fox or tor. that's it.
RN very excited about that
RN firefox
RN and you set the proxy settings to http - port 4444 ?
not_bob The goal is to have another little icon by the language flag that shows if there is a review, and provides a link.
tisratil7 yeah through foxyproxy.
tisratil7 but it says connected but nothing worked.
RN excelent, not_bob, excelent.
dr|z3d thinking about it, not_bob, you could use the strawb icon.
RN I would disable foxyproxy till you see how things work more, and just manually set the proxy in firefox
not_bob dr|z3d: A grand idea!
RN brilliant!
not_bob I shall do that!
tisratil7 nah that's too much trouble. the reason why I'm here is because I don't want to lost y'all. so I'm getting new PC soon.
not_bob tisratil7: Oh?
not_bob I got a new lappy386 a while back. It's pretty spiffy.
tisratil7 yeah I think my phone is not doing what I want to.
not_bob You can totally do most things on a phone with I2P, but, it's not as good, and takes a lot more knowing what you are doing to get there.
RN new gear always feels exciting! Σ:Đ
not_bob Yes, I like it.
not_bob And the single board computer market is insane right now, so I went intel this time.
not_bob As long as it's low power and can run linux I'm happy.
RN I got a couple used nuc's to play with when I can figure out a monitor situation
RN tiny computer
RN they are capable but discontinued
not_bob Yeah, I like tiny. Better for a small space.
not_bob And low power.
RN I would imagine
not_bob I have bigger machines, but I leave them at "friends houses"
RN good friends
RN :)
RN freiends are good
not_bob hehehe
not_bob I almost never see the server that runs notbob.i2p
RN it is a champ
not_bob 01:25:47 up 13 days, 22:57, 12 users, load average: 0.08, 0.17, 0.72
RN I'm playing with a machine I will never see lately
RN heheh
not_bob It's currently in it's not busy stage. Here in a bit the load will go up a bit.
RN htop or bipytop?
not_bob I use htop
not_bob Never heard of the other one.
dr|z3d bpytop
dr|z3d apt install bpytop
RN it is fancy, kinda like the look of canon I2P vs i2p+
RN bippy LOL
RN htop does the job
not_bob Is it text mode?
dr|z3d what RN means is it's what I2P+ is to I2P re htop. :)
RN but if you want a little more pretty text mode
dr|z3d console.
RN yes, and I DID get that backwards
not_bob Yeah, if it's X only, I don't want it.
RN text
not_bob I'll try it out.
RN it gets more fancy if your stuff supports it... looks nice in Konsole if you have kde
RN but it looks good in Putty too
not_bob I do not use kde
RN not needed
not_bob Sometimes I'm on a straight up text only console, other times I use Xorg
RN still a nice visual in a basic text console
not_bob It just depends on what terminal I'm using.
NULL dr|z3d do changes to router.config like that line you had me add from earlier require a router restart or do they just take effect?
not_bob I have a pi installed that I can use from my drivers eat.
dr|z3d_ NULL: depends on the config, some do, some don't.
not_bob But, it's text only.
dr|z3d_ NULL: some are documented in /help/advancedsettings and should tell you if a restart is required
not_bob idk says I'm likely the only use to I2P while doing 85mph.
dr|z3d_ T3s|4: happy days!
NULL Sounds good, thank you
not_bob And, my english is not very good tonight.
RN haha, not_bob
RN we don't grade on spellink or grammmmarrz
RN it is content and presentation that get strawberries
not_bob hahhaaha
not_bob Even more so if a site has graphs!
RN ♫ ♪ It's all about the berry, the berry, no lemons ♪ ♫
not_bob I try to not give out lemons. But, yeah.
not_bob Tomorrow's review is a lemon.
RN LOL now I have that song in my head
RN oh dear
not_bob I may have gotten a little snarky...
not_bob Anyway, that's for tomorrow.
RN oh, so they publish later when you are afk?
RN neat idea
not_bob It depends?
not_bob I tend to auto-publish.
not_bob I have a list of them already done, and it grabs one to post at the right time.
not_bob But, I can do it manually too. It's whatever.
not_bob If I know I'm going to not have good internet, or be busy I'll do up a number in advance.
not_bob But, if I've got good internet and time I'll do them more in real time.
not_bob More than a few of those have been written while sitting in a starbucks.
not_bob Or, parked near a starbucks :)
not_bob It's funny. Many places block Tor, but not I2P.
not_bob Have you seen dickinass.i2p (warning, ascii porn)
not_bob Whoever wrote that gets it right. I2P is better than tor.
dr|z3d any feedback on the refresh issue, not_bob?
dr|z3d any chance to test it?
not_bob Yeah, no refrensh issues now.
dr|z3d or maybe you haven't updated I2P+ lately?
dr|z3d oh. great.
not_bob Oh, on I2P+, no.
not_bob I have not had time to update that.
dr|z3d now's a GREAT time.
not_bob I've only got one server running I2P+ currently and that's notbob.i2p
dr|z3d optional reverse lookups for router ips now available.
not_bob I do like that.
dr|z3d the java lib doesn't like non-authoritative reponses, so it won't catch all the routers. looking at a possible alternative dns lib.
dr|z3d also, new top 50 peers by transit request page.
not_bob I have a few tasks to deal with, but sure, I'll upgrade here in a bit.
dr|z3d and most of the /tunnels pages are now sortable, all auto-refresh.
tisratil7 don't add porn unless you know how miserable you are.
not_bob tisratil7: Sorry about that.
not_bob That site makes me chuckle though.
tisratil7 I've seen deep shit. which makes me think they are arg. but dude you mentioning that shit. I think I want someone to follow me when I pass.
not_bob Nah, this was harmless.
not_bob But, I will refrain. I normally do.
tisratil7 nah you don't get the metaphor?
not_bob Not at all.
dr|z3d tisratil7: it's a spoof site, not porn per se.
dr|z3d ascii porn image is about as hard as it gets.
dr|z3d unless something changed.
not_bob Yeah, quite harmless.
not_bob Nah, I just checked it.
not_bob It still says i2p > tor at the top
tisratil7 it means there's no way out.
not_bob Which was the point I was getting at.
not_bob No way out?
tisratil7 you end up on your own.
not_bob Anyway, I2P, from what I know is pretty mundane for content.
RN he did give warning
RN the pic is actually pretty hawt!
not_bob It's very well done for ASCII art.
RN agree
not_bob If nothing else, you can tell what it should be.
not_bob And, not all ascii art is that good.
not_bob Much of it you have to squint at for a while till you can just make out what it should be.
T3s|4 yeah - tis not bad at all ;p
tisratil7 but at least I'm still here. I love y'all.
RN awww!
not_bob Speaking of, I had a user email me today asking me to blacklist a site.
not_bob I've never had that happen before.
RN oh my!
not_bob But, as it turns out, the site is dead, so it doens't matter.
T3s|4 what was the offered reason for cencorship?
not_bob pedo bullshit.
RN ugh
T3s|4 ah...
not_bob I can't ping it, it's dead.
not_bob so, ehh.
T3s|4 or just off-line atm
tisratil7 what pedo? can you find me on Twitter?
not_bob tisratil7: Have you been to notbob.i2p?
tisratil7 I noticed but it didn't pull up.
not_bob It's an index of I2P sites.
not_bob Sorted by catagory.
not_bob Each site also lists what langauge and so on.
tisratil7 but what motherfucking pedo do this?
not_bob That's not related.
tisratil7 I'm confused.
not_bob I run that list of sites.
not_bob Someone wanted a site removed.
not_bob But, the site isn't on the list.
not_bob So, ehh.
not_bob Dead sites are not on the list.
T3s|4 It's like the Big G for i2p, without all the required evilness to become the world's agency and richest advertising agency, by a very long shot ;p
RN tisratil7, we don't like pedos. nobody was saying you were one.
not_bob The point is it's known that I censor that sort of site.
not_bob That's my rule. Anything goes, but that shit.
RN if you are, please don't tell us about it
T3s|4 world's *largest and richest
not_bob But, so far I've had to blacklist a total of six sites ever?
not_bob So, it's not like it's a huge issue on this network.
not_bob Oh, 8
not_bob Either way, a small number.
tisratil7 Jesus. thank you.
RN I'm RN. Jesus isn't here right now.
tisratil7 I was about to tear any.
not_bob No, no. Don't do that. We are a friendly bunch.
RN sometimes rough, but friendly
not_bob It's mostly my fault. Just ask my wife.
RN hehe
not_bob Actually, don't. I'm sure she will go on for hours. Nobody needs that.
RN hehehehe
T3s|4 It's mostly my fault. Just ask my ex-wife. ;p
not_bob Oh, I have those too. But, they know to keep quiet.
RN so tisratil7 what got you interested in I2P?
tisratil7 rough? i came back twicw knowing paimon. so if you think Jesus changed everything we believe in, then our society would have been hell lot of different now.
RN rough as in making rude jokes, or being stubborn
tisratil7 i didnt bring in for jokes. i joined Freemasonry...
RN not sure what that means. but we mean no harm.
tisratil7 have you see the pic? Jesus dining table with 3 windows. he never lied to us.
not_bob You can apparently play minecraft over I2P now.
not_bob tisratil7: I have not.
tisratil7 stay out of Qanon.
RN I saw that post not_bob. never tried regular minecraft before so not too sure I'd try it, but it is exciting that there are games other than chess working now.
not_bob Yeah, I didn't try it either. I doubt any of the hardware I have locally would even run it.
RN I remember I used to play md5-rock-paper-scisors with someone here in IRC2P
not_bob hahah
not_bob How does md5 play into it?
not_bob You each upload a file and see who wins?
T3s|4 not_bob: ^sure, mine started with the 'mere' hours of irritating yakking and disproportionate sadness, but that fairly quickly devolved into consecutive days of that childish emotional crap, then into weeks at a needed to end there...
not_bob T3s|4: I get that.
not_bob My current relationship is pretty good.
RN or maybe it was sha
RN how did that go?
RN you typed in the command followed by text 'rock|paper|scisors check_word'
RN then you posted the hashes
RN then you revealed the check_word
RN umm
not_bob But, mostly I've failed with them.
T3s|4 great for you not_bob :D
RN like #sha rock penguin vs #paper flower
RN paper covers rock
not_bob Ever play those barcode kids games?
RN not I
not_bob Where you scan barcodes to make monsters to battle with?
not_bob Total 80s game.
not_bob It didn't get much of a following.
not_bob But, it was mildly amusing.
RN never saw it, sounds interesting
not_bob Somehow it turned whatever barcode into stats.
not_bob And the goal was to find the best monster.
RN I liked this game that was little magnets in plastic bubbles
RN there was a white and black side
not_bob When I was a kid we had those stupid water toys. With the rings.
RN there were movable magnets under the board
not_bob Yeah, I remember those.
RN so when you place your piece it is 50/50 if it will flip color
RN water rings?
not_bob Yeah, you push a button to make a jet of water. And you have to cause the rings to land on little sticks.
not_bob It seemed fun enough when I was five.
RN hehehe
tisratil7 well it was nice to keep up with y'all. I gotta fuck with the dirty Moses.
not_bob tisratil7: Enjoy!
tisratil7 you too be careful out there
RN take care of yourself tisratil7
tisratil7 this is the only anthem we need to stand forrrr.
RN I also need to afk shortly, got a visitor(/booty-call?) expected soon...
RN there we go
not_bob Yep, better.
not_bob Lets see if it breaks anything.
RN heheh
not_bob Well, my scanner still works.
not_bob And I now have 32 gigs of free memory.
not_bob So, that's good.
RN wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
not_bob I think that might be enough.
tisratil7 okay thats good.
RN it the downloadable ram still on postman's tracker?
not_bob No idea, I've never had to download ram. I already have enough.
tisratil7 no not yet. I still have a ram... apparently from magisk. but not here.
tisratil7 I'm sorry if I'm confusing you.
RN I am always confused
RN probably too much smoking weed
not_bob I too spend much of my time confused.
RN confusion is good, it breeds creativity and out of box thinking
not_bob Это моя проблема :(
tisratil7 I'm getting old. don't wanna brag but Im old school. so that's why I can't keep up with new stuff.
RN old school? like dialup days old?
tisratil7 you're right RN. LMFAO.
not_bob Like 300 baud modem old?
not_bob I remember when I had an applecat 300 baud modem, hell yeah!
RN yup, I was there
tisratil7 idk. I just look at it and use it. .
RN then 1200 then 2400
tisratil7 I'm deaf so yeah.
not_bob Then, one day I jumped to 2400.
RN then 'HIGH SPEED' 56K
not_bob Yesh, 56k.
not_bob v.90 or k.flex?
RN hayes
not_bob They were not created equal.
RN usrobotics
not_bob Ahh, so v.90
RN probably had both types
not_bob Nah, they were not compatable.
tisratil7 okay looks like y'all making new ideas. I'm glad to be here.
RN k.flex rings a bell
not_bob You had to buy the right modem to use with your 56k ISP.
RN hehe
RN bulletin boards
not_bob And the amazing part about 56k is that it would re-train to deal with noise on the line.
not_bob But, it could only retrain down in speed, not up.
not_bob So, the longer you were connected, the slower your connection got.
RN MOM hang up the phone I'm online!
not_bob I would just use some at commands to force 33.6 speeds and never had that problem.
RN could listen in on phone calls
not_bob Party lines!
RN hehehe
not_bob When I was little we had a party line.
RN ugh
not_bob It would do a specific ring if it was for us.
RN yup
not_bob But, if it was someone else's ring, you could still pick it up and listen.
RN like the first ring tones
not_bob That was not a great system.
RN but make sure it stops ringing first in case they didn't pick up
not_bob Hahhaha, yeah ;)
not_bob I have fond memories of those days, but never want to go back.
RN mathew broderic wasn't the only one who made free calls on pay phones
RN I do miss payphones
not_bob Yeah, I had various boxes I made.
not_bob It was nice not having to pay for phone calls.
RN I used to call payphones in certain places to see if anyone would anser
not_bob Sometimes they would.
not_bob When I was younger I had a telco uniform.
RN and it may be tricky, but it is not impossible for a human to emit DTMF tones
not_bob I'd go plug into people's houses and make phone calls.
not_bob Never had any trouble doing it.
not_bob I'd climb a pole now and then to make phone calls.
RN hehehe
RN yup
RN had three or four wireless handsets that I'd find bases to connect to and make calls
RN and scanner to listen to all the nearby "wireless" phones you could pick up
not_bob I would drive around and listen to calls.
not_bob I had a portable scanner that I carried on me as well and an ear piece.
not_bob One time I walked into a resturant, the lady behind the counter was on the phone.
not_bob When she got off the phone I told her "Yeah, I'll take what that woman wants, but without mayo"
not_bob Totally freaked her out.
tisratil7 god bless. LMFAO. save the story when I get back.
not_bob I'm going to take off here shortly myself.
not_bob But, I'm around often enough.
tisratil7 my boy on YouTube. look him up at "jb dirty dis tew much" he gave me lot of respect than tor gave me.
tisratil7 jb dirty Moses. his song is dis tew much.
not_bob Heh, I may use tube.i2p to do that, but not youtube.
not_bob I don't like being tracked.
dr|z3d tube.i2p is currently borked. fix will be rolled out soon (new backend).
not_bob jewtube.i2p works.
not_bob I'm not fond of the name, but the site works.
tisratil7 okay my bad. look him up. jb dirty Moses "dis tew much"
tisratil7 thank you btw
not_bob I shall do that later, no worries.
not_bob Alas, sleep
not_bob Night all!
RN aloha not_bob_afk
NULL dr|z3d if I setup i2p on a vps that can stay running 24/7 with faster network speed than my home network, is it possible to open an ssh tunnel to forward the i2p instance to my local machine? I attempted the standard ssh port forwarding but couldn't quite seem to get it to work
dr|z3d sure, NULL
dr|z3d ssh -L 44488:
dr|z3d then connect to localhost:44488 in your browser.
dr|z3d or if you want to host multiple ports locally, something like ssh -L 44488: -L 4455: -L 7000:
dr|z3d -L localmappedport:
dr|z3d as many times as you like for multiple ports.
NULL Alright thank you I couldn't figure out the proper ports to make it all work locally
dr|z3d check your tunnel manager, see what services you want to map, then map 'em.
dr|z3d for the console, you'd connect to localhost:44488"> localhost:44488 as per the above example, since you'd be connecting the console.
NULL Got that working, now just currently figuring out what all tunnels need to be forwarded
dr|z3d irc, http, console. probably sufficient for starters.
NULL Thats what I am currently going with
NULL Going to test brb
snowflakes Hi everyone.