IRCaBot 2.1.0
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StormyCloud Outproxy is back up
not_bob StormyCloud: Good to hear! I didn't even kno it ws don.
not_bob s/don/down
dr|z3d RN: you'll be looking up peers you're connected to, or peers in the netdb if you browse there. if using your isp's dns server, they'll see the requests, but then they already see the connections.
dr|z3d if you're using a 3rd party dns server, they see the dns requests. is that a risk? depends on your threat model, but likely you're using secure, privacy-oriented servers anyway.
dr|z3d what you get now is the ability to view/sort your top 50 peer connections by transit request by domain name.
dr|z3d potentially useful if the network is under attack and a bunch of traffic is originating from the same isp/provider.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d Is there a way to force a network ports check again? I've got that ports issue again, but it looks like I'm being relayed as well.
y2kboy23 I think I just got it
dr|z3d you want to prevent SSU peers from forcing a port/firewalled status, or?
y2kboy23 I believe that's what's happening
y2kboy23 I tried changing this i2np.udp.addressSources
y2kboy23 but it's not sticking
dr|z3d I have that issue on one of my routers. I just disabled SSU testing altogether, tell the router I'm not firewalled.
dr|z3d i2np.udp.disablePeerTest=true
dr|z3d may need a router restart.
dr|z3d config option I2P+ only, not available in i2p.
y2kboy23 let me try that. brb
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d for future ref :)
dr|z3d also /msg nickserv help group
dr|z3d any joy, y2kboy?
RN I see, and I read you saying it was opt in only, is that correct dr?
dr|z3d correct, RN
RN does it anything in the background, or only when opened in the browser?
dr|z3d only when pages with hostnames are loaded.
RN thanks for explaining
RN :)
dr|z3d I tried doing background lookups every time the netdb was refreshed (every 10m in I2P+) but figured that was probably overkill.
dr|z3d routerinfos in the netdb routers section will also show hostnames when they've been successfully resolved.
dr|z3d if you missed it, RN, current iteration looks something like this: cake.i2p/file/rbMnRJ6ULz_Voc2exsafvfHQkdAQZxp2AfxKOE7qI_esAVQ8sqiL/rdns.webp
dr|z3d for the transit tunnel count by peer page.
dr|z3d that's a fairly light page both in terms of browser load and dns requests, will only display a max of 50 peers.
dr|z3d sortable columns, auto-refresh every 15s.
RN looking at the image
RN looks nice
RN does a casual user need to look at this or do anything with it?
dr|z3d not sure what you're asking.
RN when would I look at it?
RN or when would I need to check it?
dr|z3d if you're looking at the top transit requests by peer, for example, you might be curious to learn if there are any domains represented that are over represented, indicative of potential abuse.
dr|z3d or if you're reviewing the routerinfo for a peer, knowing the hostname of the peer can be useful.
RN even if I don't fully get why I'd use it, it looks nice
dr|z3d well, with all the network abuse lately, it's good to get some insight into where the abuse is coming from. this can help.
dr|z3d and ip addresses alone are a bit data-poor.. nothing like looking at a bunch of unrelated numbers in a huge table!
RN fair enough
RN been working on anything else interesting lately?
dr|z3d in the console you mean?
RN in general, console or otherwise
dr|z3d well, on the router front, there's more detection for high, sustained cpu load, dunno if that's interesting..
RN it is, saw some of your discussion in other channels
dr|z3d if the jvm is hitting the cpu hard for over a minute, various sub-systems will throttle or scale back.
RN I like that idea
dr|z3d should keep the router more performant overall.
RN you love that word! lol!
RN I don't think I've ever been aware of anyone else saying 'performant'
RN :)
RN good word though. :)
dr|z3d new dev build up, refactored tunnel count by peer page.
dr|z3d if you have reverse lookups enabled, you'll see the domain name for the client there, full hostname on mouseover.
shiver dr|z3d, for me the peers part of the sidebar is not refreshing anymore. i'm on -5 rev 9fab3221 (Build date: 2023-02-01 09:27:50 UTC)
shiver And hello!
dr|z3d which parts aren't refreshing? and hi!
shiver the whole "peers" part
dr|z3d works for me, try a hard refresh?
shiver i did
shiver there is a dev update, i try that.
dr|z3d ok, can you open your firefox developer panel and check if you have any errors in the console section?
dr|z3d give it a few moments, a new update will be available.
dr|z3d dev panel => ctrl+shift+i
dr|z3d check the console tab, if there are javascript errors preventing stuff from working, they'll be listed there.
T3s|4 o/ shiver - there's also this: edba15d3 (Build date: 2023-02-03 07:12:17 UTC) - why don't you snag that and restart? :)
dr|z3d I was suggesting he might want to debug the javascript first, T3s|4 :)
dr|z3d and wait for a new build which is about to land.
shiver can't see any error about java script
T3s|4 sorry dr|z3d - missed that entirely during my own restart ;p
dr|z3d shiver: in the developer panel, console section? no little red icons there in the header?
dr|z3d you might need to click on the Errors tab in that section to view.
dr|z3d otherwise, sure, what T3s|4 said. you can always update again when there's a new build up. it's not coming for a few minutes at least, maybe longer.
shiver something about "Content Security Policy" and the site settings blocked ("media-src")
T3s|4 super lols dr|z3d, as in coming 'soon' ;p
shiver but i didn't change anything
shiver i wait for the update.
dr|z3d oh, media-src. curious. shouldn't be loading media. what page are you seeing that on?
shiver graphs
dr|z3d ok, no media there to speak of, just images.
dr|z3d >> The HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) media-src directive specifies valid sources for loading media using the <audio> and <video> elements.
dr|z3d unless you've got a firefox addon injecting crud onto the page..
dr|z3d in any event probably safe to ignore.
shiver only umatrix but that's disabled for localhost
dr|z3d umatrix works the opposite way, prevents stuff from loading. so I wouldn't worry.
dr|z3d new dev build up.
dr|z3d fixes sorting issue on the /tunnels pages.
dr|z3d (mostly) just noticed another thing that needs a fixup. *sigh*
dr|z3d Blinded message