IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d shiver_: re caching, in theory if your browser is set to delete all data (including cached files) on shutdown/startup, then you shouldn't have js cached.
dr|z3d never realized you had that configured.
dr|z3d shiver_: try setting your sidebar refresh interval at 5s, see if that helps at all. not too slow, but a couple of seconds slower than default.
dr|z3d also, new feature about to land in i2p+, will need to be enabled with a config. reverse dns lookups for peers listed on /tunnelsparticipatingsummary
dr|z3d ok, reverse dns lookups for peers on transit count by peer and tunnel count by peer pages is now live in the latest /dev/ build.
dr|z3d things to be aware of: not enabled by default, you will need to add the line: routerconsole.enableReverseLookups=true to your router.config file.
dr|z3d also, the lookups will be performed via whatever your OS configured DNS is.
dr|z3d and there's no caching on the java end, so you may wish to increase the minimum TTL on your DNS server to 60s or more to avoid repeat lookups.
dr|z3d the config will take effect more or less immediately, no router restart required.
NULL_AFK very nice dr|z3d
dr|z3d you got it enabled, NULL?
NULL where do I find it again in the console? I have the line added to the router.config
dr|z3d try /tunnelsparticipatingsummary
NULL Appears to be working properly, also any reason why graphs worked awesome in the 2.1.0-4 build but now states this error in the 2.1.0-5 version: Either the router hasn't initalized (just realized also missing an I) yet, or graph generation is not supported with this JVM or OS
dr|z3d dunno, check it's not just a startup issue. and also, check /logs for hints. sometimes a restart fixes.
NULL Thats what I am about to try as logs don't have anything
NULL Also where would I go to give the console more than 256mb of ram?
dr|z3d wrapper.config in app dir.
NULL Thank you
dr|z3d I2P+ defaults are 128 min heap, 512 max. configure to suit.
NULL 512 it is
dr|z3d restart won't work, you need to stop and then start the router for wrapper.config changes.
NULL Waiting for the newest dev build to finish downloading and then I will do that
NULL brb
dr|z3d latest i2p+ build now adds rdns hostnames to routerinfo tables in the netdb, and does automated lookups of all RIs every 10m (when RIs are automatically refreshed).
dr|z3d but only if you manually enable it. :)
dr|z3d with a local caching DNS server and >= 10m min TTL, pages should load relatively fast.
XANA yo dr|z3d you there?
dr|z3d always. what's fresh?
XANA so I checked out my node today and see that i't like 8/8 MBPs
dr|z3d updated recently?
XANA 2.1.0-4+
dr|z3d ok, you probably have the b/w improvements there, some of them at least.
XANA it's also saying that yesterday was new update
XANA though build success dropped to 30%
XANA and funny sucess drops match increased bandwitch peaks
XANA dr|z3d, on the good side eppsites load fast :)
dr|z3d sure, you'll get today's update if you click on download, though you might want to wait, new update coming soon.
dr|z3d wouldn't worry about build success, 30% is fine, and it's very variable.
dr|z3d it's only measuring the last 10m builds.
dr|z3d question is, are you happy with 8MB/s ?
dr|z3d if it's not already graphing TunnelBuildSuccessAvg and CpuLoad, now's a good time to add those.
dr|z3d then you can get a good idea of the correlation between b/w and build success, though I wouldn't read too much into it, could be buggy routers causing build failures.
XANA could they be the I2Pd routers responsible for the spikes?
dr|z3d could be, some buggy routers out there making a huge number of requests.
XANA xd now dropped to 1 MBps
dr|z3d yup, net's been like that lately. huge spikes. at least you know your router can handle them :)
dr|z3d_ ok, latest /dev/ build uploaded.
dr|z3d reverse lookups for tunnels count pages and netdb now implemented.
dr|z3d you'll need to opt-in, disabled by default.
dr|z3d dns lookups are performed by your OS-configured DNS server.
dr|z3d if you're running your own, min TTL of 60s or more recommended to limit repeat lookups.
dr|z3d enable with the config line: routerconsole.enableReverseLookups=true in your router.config file .. no restart required. you can see them enabled on and elsewhere.
XANA reverse lookups?
RN are there any potential risks for the user? i.e. a bunch of DNS requests?