IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN dr|z3d, I see the success % now, but not the cpu. Do I have to turn it on in configui for that feature?
dr|z3d RN: if you customized your sidebar, then you'll need to manually add cpu bar, or reset sidebar, on /configsidebar
NULL Anyone available to help me get a reseed server up and running/which ports to get tunneled to access it through ssh as doing 44500: as the address keeps making the rest of my ssh connections drop
NULL Since I am on Ubuntu and installed through the i2p+ installer do I also need the regular i2p installed for the reseed to work?
NULL Forgot to say I followed the binary package route
dr|z3d I use a tweaked version of the minimal reseeder, NULL, with nginx and fail2ban.
NULL Is that publicly available, cause if so I would love to give it a shot to finally get one up and running
NULL Thank you
NULL dr|z3d, got this error at the ./bin/ section: go: cannot find main module, but found Gopkg.lock in /home/i2preseed/src/i2p-tools
NULL to create a module there, run:
NULL go mod init
dr|z3d read the assocated doc, NULL. I'm not going to troubleshoot it for you, sorry.
dr|z3d there's a step-by-step guide on that page I linked, and in the README.
NULL That is what I am referencing and following along with and got that error, hence I asked
NULL Was trying for the docker version, just going with the other route now
dr|z3d I never did bother with docker. the instructions at the bottom of the page is what I use/wrote.
NULL That is the one I am going with now as I don't have a ton of docker experience
dr|z3d should work, the instructions were lacking when I installed it, which is why I amended them.
NULL What is the system service to call to start that version? tried reseed and reseedserver
dr|z3d you need to roll your own.
NULL ahhh gotcha thank you
dr|z3d [Unit]
dr|z3d Description=I2P Reseed Server
dr|z3d [Service]
dr|z3d Type=simple
dr|z3d WorkingDirectory=/root/reseeder
dr|z3d ExecStart=reseedserver reseed --netdb /home/i2p/.i2p/netDb/ --signer rambler@mail.i2p --trustProxy --numSu3 60
dr|z3d Restart=on-failure
dr|z3d [Install]
dr|z3d modify to suit.
dr|z3d rambler!
dr|z3d NULL, meet rambler..
dr|z3d all good?
dr|z3d NULL's in the market for a secure, high performance vps. obviously I mentioned you :)
rambler Yeah, not too bad.
rambler Right on. Yeah, got stock in both locations right now :)
dr|z3d speaking of performance, network came under attack this weekend.
dr|z3d yeah, 10K+ floodfills with fake ips.
rambler I'm going to hop on I2PChat, one sec
dr|z3d aight. I'm there.
rambler Interesting. Thought one of the more recent updates was supposed to harden against just that.
dr|z3d not this specific attack, no. that was to harden excessive part tunnel requests.
rambler But hell, that may have been the cause of the issues I was having and why I disconnected from I2P for a bit.
rambler Tried a couple of my routers, both up to date, and couldn't connect to I2PChat / IRC.
dr|z3d more than likely. I've added some temporary mitigations in the latest build, recommend you get on that soonest.
rambler Then just got distracted with other stuff and didn't really try to figure it out, lol
dr|z3d tunnel build success was in the crapper, 10K+ floodfills with fake ips all not responding to lookups..
T3s|4 dr|z3d: perhaps ^that explains why I was seeing success rates as low as 10% of late
T3s|4 I just grabbed 07:37...restarting
NULL dr|z3d, getting failed with result exit-code still, made sure to modify the necessary parts of the service file
NULL rambler, loving the service so far!
rambler NULL, happy to see that. :)
NULL Guess I don't have the proper working directory dr|z3d, idk I am going to mess with it a bit more and then just say screw it to reseeding for now if I can't get the thing to work, still haven't figured out what ports I would need to forward properly to even view that the reseeder was working so this endeavor may be paused if it continues to frusterate
dr|z3d yeah, busy right now, NULL, sorry. maybe later.
NULL You're all good, will continue on my own messing with it as the instructions make sense but the exit code leaves me with little to go on
NULL Pretty sure I have it going just not way to confirm. Got the docker method up and running which produced 6 total files /i2p-config/reseed/ folder, two of which are .crt files, ssh'd 8443 and when I go to the link the page loads up a small 404 error
NULL no way*
dr|z3d_ check the user agent it expects, wget something or other. you need to send that or it won't give you reseed files.
dr|z3d_ or maybe that's handled on the nginx/fail2ban end, don't recall.
NULL I get the same error trying to access directly on the server itself as well
dr|z3d yeah, y2kboy23, it's numerical with no regard to the unit just now.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: if you want to try your hand at devising a custom sort, have a look at this: