IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Anomaly dr|z3d: u ever had those spicy korean noodles?
Anomaly i just ate some
Anomaly very spicy
Reinhilde i hope i figure out the unlock exploit
Anomaly i also started skating, like skateboarding
Anomaly yesterday i did a kickflip for the first time, except i was holding onto a rail
Anomaly Reinhilde: what exploit ?
Reinhilde Haswell E5 Xeons have a bug in them, patched by microcode, that lets you unlock the turbo bins to the single-core bin for all cores
Reinhilde if you yank the microcode update, you can do this
Anomaly what can you do with unlocking the turbo bins? like overclocking ?
Anomaly shit you have a xeon cpu?
Anomaly how many cores is it
Reinhilde yes, overclocking all-core turbo to the higher single-core turbo speed
Reinhilde 8, i have an 18 on the way
Anomaly noice
Anomaly yea ive been debating if i build a new desktop computer, ill select a ryzen threadripper
Anomaly that has alot of cores
Anomaly i forgot how many exactly from the ryzen i had my eyes on
Reinhilde AMD isn't supporting sTRX40 anymore, you want WRX80 (Threadripper Pro) which is oem only and vendor locked
Anomaly whats strx40?
Reinhilde it's the ryzen threadripper socket
Anomaly the cpu i looked at was am4
Anomaly i think am4 something like that
Anomaly the socket type
Reinhilde i thought? idk how team red shit worked
Anomaly wdym team red
Reinhilde i like their GPUs, i dunno about their CPUs. team red = AMD
Anomaly lol im vice versa
Anomaly i like their cpus, but for some reason their gpus dont grab my attention
Reinhilde back to my xeon shit, i have a locked down C612 motherboard which doesn't like third party BIOSes
Anomaly i only had 1 cpu that was ryzen, except funny enough it had a bug in it
Reinhilde it's from a Hewlett Packard Z440 workstation
Anomaly u use it for compiling ?
Reinhilde but i have it in a whitebox case
Reinhilde I compile and game.
Reinhilde frei0r problem :(
Anomaly i can relate
Anomaly i feel like i could buy a new computer my computer gets slow from time to time it bothers me
Anomaly like i should have a desktop, and a laptop on the side
Anomaly sometimes when i pull cq shifts, i have to unplug everything and its a major pain in the ass
Anomaly cq shifts, are 24hr shifts
Reinhilde they should be illegal
Anomaly not if your in the army
Anomaly you do them like 2-3 times a month
Anomaly ive done a double shift before
Anomaly i pulled a 48hr cq shift, because someone paid me to
Anomaly i got some sleep in, but your not supposed to
Reinhilde i mean sure
Reinhilde but it still can't be good for operational readiness
Anomaly your off the next day to recover
Anomaly they call it recovery
Anomaly like you work from 6am-6am
Anomaly well i guess technically your off the same day to recover you dont go to work
Anomaly so the worst days to have cq are on the weekends, and the best days to have cq is on monday and thursdays
dr|z3d wait for the new ryzen 8 core, Anomaly. plenty fast, with 3d cache.
dr|z3d threadripper line's being discontinued aside from the super expensive pro variant.
Anomaly when are the new ryzens coming out ?
Anomaly well i dont mind waiting, afterall i do have to save my money for it
dr|z3d also, yeah, korean noodles, very spice.
dr|z3d end of this month for the one I just mentioned, or q3-4 for the next gen.
Anomaly oh wow
Anomaly its basically here then
Anomaly yea i mean it is the 17th
dr|z3d if you can wait, the next gen cpus are worth waiting for.
Anomaly or atleast the 17th in my time of the world
dr|z3d ddr5 support etc.
Anomaly when do those come out ?
Anomaly ooo ddr5
dr|z3d probably a new mobo, so future proofed as well.
dr|z3d *new socket
Anomaly you know what i really hate
Anomaly are the prices of gpus
Anomaly u guys ever heard of a nios ii processor
albat nope
Anomaly its nothing really special
Anomaly like i want to design a cpu, you can design one on an fpga board, and a popular brand altera/terasic purchased by intel released something called the nios ii processor that you can run on your fpga board, and run programs on that processor ofcourse
Anomaly one of the challenges about programming hardware is not just learning how to program in the language, but it requires you have an understanding already of the hardware you want to program
Anomaly you can literally make a vga controller, infact you have to if your programming an fpga board
Anomaly and then handling memory and stuff
Reinhilde why do you have to make a vga controller? why not use rs232, or some kind of parallel interface
Anomaly you can use rs232
Anomaly ive used rs232, like, i was able to output input on the term i was using that was the comm port
Anomaly except as for making sense of that input, i had trouble with, making the receiver
Anomaly i want to know how to output user input onto the 7 seg hex display, and i had some trouble with that
Anomaly im still working on it