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zlatinb use case for JNA in the router
zlatinb aand github is fubared
eyedeekay zlatinb do you mean the sync script?
eyedeekay gitlab->gitlab sync?
zlatinb no, github itself was broken for a while
zlatinb wasn't accepting pushes from gitlab or comments via the website
zlatinb it's ok now
eyedeekay OK yeah I missed that, was worried the sync script had broken again
eyedeekay But I checked, it seems to be running successfully still
zlatinb speaking of JNA...
zlatinb how is the windows easy install bundle auto-update?
eyedeekay It looks like it needs it to elevate privileges and install to %ProgramFiles%
eyedeekay So I've got to work out how to use it to do that
eyedeekay But I also want to give it the power to install to unprivileged locations and know when it needs privs to update and when not
eyedeekay So I think it needs to be at least that smart
eyedeekay So that's what I'm working on figuring out the subtleties of
eyedeekay So I see you elevate every time if I understand correctly?
zlatinb well yes just in case
zlatinb actually
zlatinb you can't not elevate because the nsis descritpros says RequestPrivilege admin
zlatinb (or something of that sort)
zlatinb descriptor*
eyedeekay Well I could do what I do in other places which is set an environment variable and have NSIS read it and execute something conditionally
zlatinb RequestExecutionLevel admin
zlatinb I don't think that's gonna work, this goes in the nsis header and can't be executed conditionally
eyedeekay Yeah looks like you're right
eyedeekay Problem seems to be that the exe gets marked with the minimum execution level and can't be set conditionally, but lower required exe levels can be launched as higher
eyedeekay So to do what I want, I would actually have to mark the execution level lower, detect the required execution level from Java and launch the installer with that execution level, and pass the /D equal to the installdir from Java
eyedeekay But that would also require me to change the default directory for installs performed below admin execution level
zlatinb you would have to build a separate installer for non-privileged installs I think
zlatinb the value gets written in some kind of static manifest in the installer afaik
eyedeekay But if I can do the Java equivalent of "right click->run as administrator" I might be able to get away with one installer
eyedeekay I'll just have to try it
zlatinb well, what you could do is try with ProcessBuilder and if that bars for elevation then elevate
R4SAS zlatinb: someone asks me how to start NTCP2 only testnet
zlatinb docker or LXC?
R4SAS with i2pd's only
R4SAS doesnt matter for me
R4SAS can you give both links
zlatinb 1 sec
zlatinb the link is old but the general approach is the same
R4SAS ok, thanks
zlatinb he needs different packages for i2pd
R4SAS resent your link
zlatinb then in i2pd.conf:
zlatinb reseed.urls=
zlatinb floodfill=true
zlatinb address4=
zlatinb nat=false
zlatinb ifname=eth0
zlatinb ifname4=eth0
zlatinb loglevel=debug
zlatinb then he needs to build custom i2pd
R4SAS if he connect here, he'll ask you
zlatinb orignal knows what to change, but basically reduce number of floodfilss in libi2pd/NetDb.hpp and allow ip ranges in util.cpp