IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob dr|z3d: Yes, several gigs of ram for perl program.
not_bob dr|z3d: Totally works though.
dr|z3d to do what, not_bob?
not_bob Create graphs of everything.
not_bob It reads in all the data files at once.
not_bob Into a really large array.
dr|z3d oh dear, oh dear *chuckle*
not_bob Then I can process it.
not_bob What's oh dear?
not_bob I have tons of ram.
not_bob No harm.
not_bob Right now it can give a report of how many sites existed on any given day as far back as I have records.
not_bob My next step is to add in a bit to show what encryption methods were used at the time.
dr|z3d is the wrong answer. the intention was always to make this available publicly at some point, but a 2GB perl lib dependency.. no, just no.
not_bob It's pretty cool to watch the numbers climb.
dr|z3d I mean, sure, you want to do something that's a side-companion app.
not_bob This will be awesome when I get it do though.
not_bob All I really have to do at this point is do the encryption detection and the graphs.
dr|z3d gitlab. fixed yet?
not_bob The hard part is done.
not_bob No, it hates me.
dr|z3d it doesn't hate you. you're screwed up your local config as we discussed.
not_bob I don't know how.
dr|z3d did you try the config file I sent you previously?
not_bob I have not, total honesty. I have it written down though.
not_bob I don't have a .git
dr|z3d oh. so you do know how, at least you have some stuff to try, before you declare you've done everything you can :)
not_bob I never said I had tried everything.
dr|z3d can you pull the repo at least? to someone new or temproary?
not_bob I can do a checkout if I hose the folder.
dr|z3d "gitlab hates me" is exactly where we were last time we spoke.
dr|z3d if you can pull the repo we're mostly there.
dr|z3d because for the pull it needs to be aware of your configured ssh key.
dr|z3d don't hose anything.
dr|z3d just cd to somewhere unrelated to your workspace.
dr|z3d and then git clone defconurl.git
not_bob Yeah, I can clone it.
dr|z3d ok, so it doesn't hate you and is aware of your key.
dr|z3d now, try adding the new class/lang files in the NEW workspace. and then do a git add **/*.class **/*.lang
dr|z3d and then try a git push origin notbob
dr|z3d let's see if you can push ok.
not_bob I think it worked that time.
not_bob I pushed lang/class files.
dr|z3d on a totally unrelated note, the sidebar refresh/freeze error in I2P+ should be fixed now. no more browser lockups when you walk away from the console and leave it in a background tab.
dr|z3d error/annoyance/bug
dr|z3d great. so you're not half as fucked as you thought you were :)
not_bob Good.
dr|z3d now, in the existing workspace, try a git diff |grep +++
dr|z3d ie, the workspace where you've been working.
dr|z3d that should list all the changed files you haven't committed to your local repo yet.
not_bob I'm not sure what you mean.
not_bob That's likely not going to work.
dr|z3d why not?
not_bob I did a rm -rf to my ~/gitlab/defcon
not_bob Any changes that I've made have been to my local running copies.
dr|z3d so, let's try this.. in the new workspace you just created.
dr|z3d git checkout -b notbob_dev
dr|z3d that will create a new branch with the existing files.
dr|z3d you can then copy all the local files you've been working on there.
not_bob There are going to be a lot of changes.
dr|z3d that's why it's a new branch.
dr|z3d so the existing branch remains intact in case you/we need it later.
not_bob My plans have been to update my files to include the various improvements, and my improvements then push.
dr|z3d well we're doing that now, albeit not quite in the way you intended, but we're making sure you have gitlab access and can push at will.
not_bob term99 made some major changes to that I haven't had time to look at.
dr|z3d there are some huge changes term99's made all over.
not_bob He has shared the code with me and I've only looked at it enough to know that it's a lot of changes.
dr|z3d so getting your code pushed is the first step in getting things synced again.
dr|z3d remember, if there are new files in the new workspace that don't exist in repo per se, you need to git add them before you commit.
not_bob I see is in there.
not_bob Right
not_bob I'm pretty sure I sent that to him a while back.
dr|z3d and if there are related files, best to commit those in one commit, and then others in a different commit, so it's easier for you/us to follow the commit history and pull specific changes.
not_bob I'm a little confused how the branch thing helps get the code in sync.
dr|z3d we can merge from that branch to master if necessary, or merge to notbob branch first once code's been looked at. this way keeps it separate until the changes are understood. ultimately it may all be merged into notbob amd then you can delete the branch.
dr|z3d when all the code's available, both yours and term99's, I'll be looking at another new branch that merges the code.
dr|z3d and then when everyone's happy we can flatten it down to a single branch and then work off that.
not_bob I just tried to add a new file and can't find it.
not_bob Anyway, it's been a long day. I've made some progress and need to be off to pass out.
dr|z3d so, in short, your new notbob_dev branch is just the first step in what will likely be quite a complex process. but at least with the code up there, we can all review, clone, branch, propose, discuss etc. on your local hard drive, not so much.
not_bob On my local hard drive?
dr|z3d did you copy it to the new workspace?
not_bob Sorry, that threw me.
not_bob I know what you mean now.
dr|z3d several strategies to locate it.. if you know the name, you can just git add **/name*.* or whatever.
dr|z3d or you can run a git clean -n to see what new uncommitted files are in your workspace.
dr|z3d hard to review code that only exists in your local workspace, not on git..
not_bob did a git add ; git commit
dr|z3d did it work?
not_bob git clean reports nothing.
not_bob When I try to git add it says "nothing to commit"
dr|z3d git add -a to add everything, assuming you only copied files you want added to your workspace.
not_bob I just copied one file.
not_bob To test.
dr|z3d git add -a
dr|z3d if it doesn't find it, you didn't add it to the correct workspace.
not_bob That just brings up help.
not_bob git add -a
not_bob error: unknown switch `a'
dr|z3d sorry, git add *
dr|z3d but if 'git clean -n' reports nothing, then you don't have any files to add in your workspace.
not_bob Now it just says everything is up to date.
dr|z3d so you've added some class and lang files and pushed those..
dr|z3d so we know it works.
not_bob Anyway, I'll mess with it more later, but I need to pass out.
dr|z3d just copy the changed files across one at a time, git commit -a, and then git push.. per file.
dr|z3d sure, well you're not hated by gitlab is the main thing.
dr|z3d so no more lame excuses! :)
not_bob I know that, I don't really mean that it really hates me. Just that I have issues with it.
dr|z3d hopefully we just fixed them.
dr|z3d until new ones occur.
dr|z3d ok, not_bob_afk, your last 2 commits (lang+class files) now on master.
parabo hey guys
parabo itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d, asalaam alykum warmatullah wabaraktu
dr|z3d salam, parabo
parabo 'aziz?
dr|z3d if this is a test, mark me absent :)
parabo dr|z3d,
dr|z3d let's stick to English, parabo
parabo learn Arabic and Mandarin... in 25 or 20 years... one of them will replace english as the language everyone uses for international communication
dr|z3d save your arabic for the mosque.
RN aloha parabo
parabo They don't really use arabic at the mosque
parabo no one speaks it, they all speak urdu and farsi, and only use traditional muslim sayings in Arabic, butchering the pronounciation
parabo I speak Arabic because I am working on becoming an Islamic scholar, and reforming Islam for the first time in over 2.5 centuries
parabo I learned it to interpret and read into Qua'ran, but now I use it daily in my Islamic Studies Major, which I'm taking via online course from Cairo's smaller lesser known university
parabo When I told them I was Lalo, they gave me free tuition and asked if I was coming back to fix their country again
parabo Apparently in Egypt the name Lalo still has merit
parabo That name is a female elven name Prefix of my female elf character from LOTR MMORPG, Lalorian
parabo And somehow this fake mystical elf, took over Egypt, and didn't even want power... just gave them that fucking democracy I've come to hate so much
parabo Most people, don't deserve freedom, or most accorded rights in Western countries
parabo They can't be trusted with their own decisions... Covid proved that to me
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo hey itsjustme
itsjustme parabo: you trying to convert me?
parabo No, I'm sharing wisdom
parabo Most Islamic stuff isn't holy/religious in nature.
parabo Islam is about more values and morals, how to behave and be a good person. The beliefs and faith, are second to being a good person
parabo Take the lessons of values and actions, from the lectures, the faith, that's not as important, even in the eyes of God
itsjustme My wisdom is avoid facebook :>
parabo 85% of the quaran, is how to live your life, not about anything religious
parabo there is maybe 15% that is religion, and it's mostly similar and sharing aspects with all abrahamic religions
itsjustme I've not read it tbh. I've not read that much from the bible either but I know that there is a lot of shitty things in it