IRCaBot 2.1.0
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parabo Like, the reasons for not eating pigs are they eat garbage and roll in mud, and they have gay sex when no female is available... seems pretty backwards to me
Ellenor 1800? try 1400
Ellenor or 1500
parabo Well, I am not that into the history yet, worried about interpreting and learning things not in the Qau'ran
parabo my fiance said I need about 1-2 years before I am ready to be a full proper muslim in all ways and that when I become such we can marry, and she is grooming me for her husband in life, usually women grooming men instead of finding one already like they want is unwanted by men and useless, but she's doing the things I want to have done, teching and changing me in ways I also have islamic scholars and muslim
parabo brothers teaching me, except she is far more into and actively constantly working with me
Ellenor yikes boy
parabo It's amazing, totally amazing woman, no flaws and does good deeds as a way of life
Ellenor you're being groomed, red flag
parabo But I am seeking this type of help, because she is making me the way I was already working to become
parabo So her grooming me, is helping become what I want, not trying to change me in ways I don't want to change
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
parabo if I pay you to make a Linux I2P messenger and I2P router full capacity not i2p android level, and IRC client integrated which I can do the work for, and we have a new cipher and key exchange and signing algorithm I will put in once you have the thing usable... needs QT5 based or QT4 is doable but less reasonable, and needs to be stable. I would be paying you a fair amount because I would be profiting from it,
parabo we can discuss flat rate or percentage and details in private if you want but I want i2p+ on my secure Linux phones and I will 100% audit the transports, cipher implementation, everything related to anonymity or inability to decode... and you can use the ciphers and key exchange and signing algorithms in i2p+ as a bonus.
parabo I would need you to have a place I can send a bunch of testing/dev work phones to do it on, the specific ones it will be included on
parabo But in a preconfigured single package I can easily work with
parabo dude I would do it, but this is production grade intended for use in products for sale and already in use
parabo so money for you if you put my encryption and transport and backend changes, not going to use it like it is
itsjustme Oh if we could get that on fdroid. Amazing
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted on your heartbeat comment, but I my end I only a static heart on the far left column - and only when 'Seeding' is in italics for a specific torrent. No italics for Seeding, no static heart, because it has no active peers. Makes sense?
T3s|4 I only *see a
Ellenor aubergine, dr|z3d ?
Ellenor what's the difference
Ellenor "descriptive status tags"
Ellenor I do not know what you speak of but they sound important for visually impaired access
Ellenor *** headtilts ***
Ellenor I'm sure Lightning will look into it when he's toying with i2p+.
Ellenor all you need to know is that I know him and he's on an assignment right now.
Ellenor order, itself, is the problem.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: alright, I'm grabbing a torrent with 40+ seeders atm. When I expand the seeders list, I see the animated horizontal lines from inactive seeders, but all of my hearts are purple and static for both active and inactive seeders - and I've got a few active seeders pushing 50+ Kbps to me.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: no problem here with the removal of the descriptive status tags, especially if that would make maintenance easier on your end :D
dr|z3d T3s|4: try a ctrl+sift+r ?
dr|z3d re tags, not about maintenance, more about reducing UI clutter.
dr|z3d oh, and the animated heart will be display in the peer view rows, not far left.
dr|z3d you need to expand the peer view.
Ellenor muhammad: wb
dr|z3d that's where you'll also see the variable shades for speeds.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I just saw briefly flashing quick double heart beats - but the friggin torrent just completed - and yes, hearts not on the left - good stuff!
dr|z3d T3s|4: aha, you got there :)
parabo hey dr|z3d
parabo I heard you like Dick's
dr|z3d *** smiles ***
dr|z3d parabo: bed time!
parabo No, web development time
parabo and time to be less angry
dr|z3d that'll last about 5 minutes before you get bored.
Ellenor maybe
parabo no, it's for my mosque and they badly need a secure stable website with hosting of things that get taken down from youtube, and I am making a mini CMS interface so the brothers who can't make websites or can't even edit text in them, can control the content
Ellenor censorship resistance?
parabo It's actual web dev, I am using HTML, CSS, js, and mysql, with php-cgi and such
parabo Apparently youtube likes to take down informational lectures about islam and talks by scholars and the imam about islam
Ellenor mysql?
parabo and they don't know fuck all about security so almost weekly the site gets compromised and it runs on Windows, and is shit
Ellenor get postgres
Ellenor teach them unix eh
parabo But I know mysql and django supports it
parabo I am not teaching them, I am doing it myself, I don't know enough to even do this without constant looking at reference sources... but I am making progress and probably gaining useful skills although how much I retain and use again before I lose it completely is questionable
parabo but, I am back to web development after 24 years of hating it because it was my full time job when I was 11-12 and that was back when anyone or company with a website regardless of design and function and integrated smooth nice UX, they were taken seriously... having a website made your business stand out back then for small businesses and didn't require much work because it was pure HTML 2.0 and graphics design
parabo which are so basic compared to even a simple little page today
Ellenor if i ever come up with anything I'll lyk
parabo come up with anything for what?
Ellenor idiot friendly web design stuff i guess
parabo Oh, I mean there is idiot friendly web design but it's not manageable by noobs and idiot proof... they could destroy everything
parabo GoDaddy offers free Web development WYSYWIG for static pages with minimal complexity but robust looking and UX can be done nicely with 0 web dev skills
parabo but I want to make a mini purpose specific CMS, not a static page with crap I can't find a reason to use when I can use content management in it's place, and I mean, I have cherrypy and django and a js video player with https based hosting of videos from the VPS
parabo This is so tedious but I am making progress slowly but not with setbacks
Ellenor (would be interesting to also look into peertube)
parabo I guess
parabo but I want a simple stack with less complex parts that can interact in unpredictable ways leading to potential vulns
dr|z3d you want a video hosting site?
parabo I want a video hosting ability, we won't be hosting many videos... and https can stream the videos just fine, or even just HTML5 can play them if I want to be less professional and nice about the UX
parabo I have a page now, which needs design elements but contains all the content of the original page in a MySQL database and I have still need to make a CMS for modding the database. I also want to move the table sizes and allocation of space or adding areas to put additional info, or take away info... but, I successfully recreated in basic no UX work done form the site they made using Azure cloud WYSIWIG and can't
parabo even work with or secure
parabo okay, I would say... I am done working on the site until I relax
parabo but I made so much progress