IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
acetone dr|z3d: thanks for answer. I already using latest version of I2PSnark standalone from I2P+ repository. But now I test your zip-archive, maybe it's some newer
acetone dr|z3d: so new version auto-started for download torrents but not started automatically for downloaded torrent which I want to seeding
acetone hmm. Bit not understand. I think torrents not started automatically absolutely. Now I add new torrent from tracker, restarted I2PSnark aaand... All torrents is in stopped state. Need start it manually and new not loaded torrent too. Oh sad. I writing "russian-hackers" tutorial about I2P torrenting and I2PSnark is the best solution for seed-boxing (vps, raspberri etc) but without autostarting torrent seed box is
acetone invalid by design)
acetone dr|z3d: thanks. Today I going to "ddos" zzz with this question)
acetone dr|z3d: oh really?
acetone I not checking it
acetone oh it's fine I think, not critical but bit wrong yep
acetone dr|z3d: writed to zzz on #i2p-dev
acetone dr|z3d: fine fine
acetone dr|z3d: this version of I2PSnark is my first experience with I2PSnark :)
acetone I like it :)
parabo Anyone want to buy a trip to space? must sign away all rights to life and health, and i'd give it a 20% chance you don't survive to come back
Ellenor parabo: Prefer no
parabo Ellenor, what about if I nuke a city, it needs to be within 100km of a coast line... we can watch it happen live, first from the POV missile camera, then from a GPS sat with onboard high res cameras and radio emmission readers
Ellenor is everyone thooper
parabo I am... I dunno
parabo Lol, I got too much attention of libera IRC and glined
parabo apparently... me on 38% THC LED grown OG Kush in large amounts doesn't know when to stop talking
parabo Although... I could just... I dunno take over the network or something... I have access to the network their hosting is based on and direct network access to every VPS hosting server in 3 of their 4 data centers
parabo or... I could... I dunno
parabo I need to nuke something... I mean, if I don't show some force people will be like, oh he lost his edge, or oh he doesn't have nukes he tricked us, but nuking is violent and will be haram and get be negative points in the afterlife
parabo But also... the sub with 4 of them, was on the black market from ex KGB turned organized crime people... so me having it is better than anyone else I can think of having it... at least I have no actual serious plans to use it\
parabo But that submarine and it's aresenal is part of why I left Canada and am considered a rogue operative by CSIS and wanted most NATO countries, and I just fly around the world usually stopping in canada often
parabo I mean... 50 million dollars for a nuclear submarine with 4 warheads ready to fire, it's a really outdated piece of shit and I wouldn't rely on anything it is supposed to do... but before I become Muslim it was one of my main chess pieces in my world domination plans
T3s|4 dr|z3d: is the new hearbeat indicator a black and purple spinning wheel thingy that only spins when Seeding changes to italics?
T3s|4 lols acetone - yup, snark (with 4+) rocks these days, but I very much doubt you would have had the same impression 10 years ago ;p
parabo snark is the best torrent client I have ever used aside from not having clearnet support
parabo Although, transmission-qt is pretty close to it
parabo T3s|4, you should become an asset of mine... I mean, the worst thing that will happen is you will die for my desire to invent and obtain things for the greater good of man, when expecting the dump of my lifes work, when I die, to trigger a battle for who can beat who before world peace eventually settles in after at least a decade or two?
parabo I mean... I stopped pretending to be friends with my assets, now I'm just straight up
parabo You can... have a million dollars if you do something useful... or something else maybe less value money wise but impossible to obtain without me giving it...
parabo I mean... university education in unlimited amounts for life so you can better the world along side me would make you more partner than asset, and you are the opposite of me in so many ways that we can rein each other in
Ellenor i kinda want to see how parabo plans to bring in the caliphate
parabo I want to bring in... my third wife
Ellenor but then, i will have to do suicide, as I cannot live like that
parabo You can live however you want if you commit yourself to my will, and you can relieve yourself of any duties and refuse "orders" if you feel I am being bad or wrong, because fuck knows I'm too insane to always have the right direction on my moral compass needle
parabo But, I do have... a free cloud computing platform that is ready for alpha testing
parabo because I retired 320 cloud GPU servers from the GV100/Skylake era, with 1.5tb RAM ECC each and a 512 petabyte NAS array to store images and repos... I have the bandwidth available if I pay for the rate of traffic it needs, I only need to obtain and learn about managing IP's, and I have started accepting research access proposals from people, which I will eventually read
parabo right now I am... sitting in the sun, watching a cow graze while I chat on my laptop with get this, you won't imagine... IPV6 only 0.1mbit speeds, and unrelable power leading to my laptop not holding charge long enough to use for anything but IRC
Ellenor ISDN in Africa?
Ellenor can't you unfurl some solar?
parabo Lol, i dunno what it is... but I plugged my WRT Tomato router into this girls internet, and I got a battery that is enough capacity to handle the off and on power for about 12 hours before it needs 8 hours to charge
parabo Well, if I had planned ahead and done this logically... I could
parabo But I just came here to meet a woman I believe in my soulmate, and she has been grooming me since I started learning about islam and joined the online muslim communities, and we were like, okay I think we feel the same... we need to meet and see what real life together as even strangers from online would be like
Ellenor maybe you should dip for a bit
parabo Well, why?
parabo I mean... I am high as fuck and have nothing to do but think of ridiculous stuff I would normally be too busy to think about
parabo also, there's nothing to do
parabo I mean... I am here with her, but she has 4 jobs, 1 womans rights advocate(non profit unpaid), 2 farmer(non profit unpaid that she feeds orphans with) 3 accountant, which she earns enough to live on, and 4 (unpaid and non profit) running an orphanage
parabo She is... amazing
parabo She is my first Muslim sister friend, I only met Brothers in the mosque because the women are in a different room and don't interact with us. It's because of some members countries of origin based cultural issues... I mean islam doesn't say women and men can't socialize and be friends and pray or do anything else together, but these people mostly are not progressive influenced Canadians...
Pajamas koreans are racist
Pajamas passive agressive
T3s|4 Pajamas: most Asians are fiercely nationalistic, because they were indoctrinated that way, since birth. Chill your ass out, and find yourself a well-educated, and hopefully well-traveled, Korean girl(tm) ;-0
Ellenor1 beating.
Pajamas hannah montana linux is the best linux distro
itsjustme dr|z3d: :O
itsjustme I'll look into it in a bit
parabo I am the walrus. Coo Coo Cachoo
parabo I have a problem... how to smuggle my birds into Canada once I come here for a long term visit
parabo because no manditory 90 days full isolation at customs on the destination but Canada to bring them back
parabo I will have to land my Leer in South America somewhere, or Mexico... and then put them into a rented smaller craft that can land at a private pilots hobby airport which in every country in the western world has 2 exits one to walk around customs without them having eyes on you, and another to go to customs. Since I am known at billy bishop airport very well, even if customs stopped me, I would be just verified
parabo as me.
parabo But I left my birds this time
parabo next time I'm coming with the current two wives to stay with my fiance, I just got engaged to a third woman, like 4 hours ago, and now we're moving to her because she has important work to do in her place
parabo She is amazing, not very beautiful in the conventional sense but nothing to turn me off and I like they way she looks respectable and dignified
parabo itsjustme, I'm getting married again!
parabo we are still working out our plan for life because a muslim man of proper following must make promises of all natures of life I can keep
itsjustme That's exciting
albat *** is faping :p ***
parabo lol albat
albat hi parabo :)
parabo become Muslim and you will have a wife very fast
itsjustme Not worth it imo
itsjustme albat: you watching any porn? :P
albat no :p
itsjustme That's a shame
albat your word "exciting' turned me on :p
albat itsjustme, parabo, are you RS users?
albat ooops i thought i was in its room :s
itsjustme I've used it in the past
albat i think leechers love me while i use it :)
parabo No albat
albat why no?
albat oh yes... sorry lol
albat i have the memory of a red fish :p
parabo itsjustme, it's worth it if you think about the fact that humans have a set of cortex nodes in the brain that bring about positive mental and physical health improvements and extend lifespan and quality of life in every measure... so pick any religion if you wish, or just use trancendental meditation which is the only non religious thing that uses that brain
parabo but Islam is pretty amazing, because 1800 years ago they said so many things that only became accepted and proven as real based on science in the past 70-80 years
parabo like the oceans all meet each other, but they do not become one body of water. When Muhammad, blessed be he, said that, no one believed him. now we know it's a combination of pH values and chemistry related partial pressure laws and thermodynamics, and it's very accepted that while they do somewhat drift together in small scales at long timespans, they mainly stay seperate from each other
parabo I choose to eat pork, because pigs are not dirty animals when fed and cared for properly and I know from education that anal sex of a gay nature does not have any impact on anything related to eating their meat