IRCaBot 2.1.0
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T3s|4 lols dr|z3d - I had grabbed your first XMas build, but now snagging #2, which is about ~15 mins old. Merry Christmas! :D
RN *** pokes head in and looks around ***
itsjustme hey RN :D
ReturningNovice aloha itsjustme
itsjustme :) marry Christmas!
ReturningNovice to you as well!
ReturningNovice ⛄🎄❄🎅🎁☃
ReturningNovice *** notes "easter-egg" is active on RN's eepsite ***
ReturningNovice itsjustme, you well versed in router.stats/graphs ?
dr|z3d merry crystal methmas everyone!
dr|z3d also, itsjustme is clueless. :)
RN ⛄🎄❄🎅🎁☃
RN *** adds extra ❄❄❄ for doctor ***
dr|z3d cute, RN :)
RN best of the season to you the_Doctor
dr|z3d and to you, RN. may your festivities be boozy!
RN yeah, we don't drink so much these days...
RN what with BFF's Kasparoff's syndrome
RN but we will still celebrate
RN (Don't tell BFF, but I'm drinking a beer right now)
dr|z3d Kasparov syndrome? she's developed a chess obsession?
RN I may have mispelt kasparoff???
RN the alcohol abuse instigated memory loss and possible slip into dementia
dr|z3d Gary doesn't have a booze problem, does he?
T3s|4_ Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a brain disorder due to vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency. -
RN yes T3s|4_ that is the one. Over drinking leads to bad diet which leads to vitamine B problems which is exacorbated by further overuse of alcohol
dr|z3d ah :)
RN the full Wernicke-Korsakoff is when the brain damage has gone to the point of dementia classification
RN if I remember correctly, just Korsakoff is when they were headed there but cut off the alcohol long enough for the memory damage to make a partial recovery
dr|z3d I went the whole hog, T3s|4, and completely remove the status label column from the code instead of hiding it in the css. may cause pages to render/scroll slightly faster.
RN but there is still hope for my friend to get back very close to their "normal"
RN chemically and functionally speaking at least
RN but enough about that
T3s|4_ great dr|z3d - and Merry Christmas to you, RN and BFF!
dr|z3d thanks. and likewise!
RN thanks T3s|4_ ! Same to you and yours!
T3s|4_ I appreciate that RN :D
RN Σ:Đ <3 <3
Pajamas i wonder like there is an #ru channel, if theres a #kr channel
Pajamas i would consider it a bad thing if there were
term99 Merry Christmas everyone!
itsjustme Merry Christmas term99!
dr|z3d jangly balls, term99!
itsjustme *** jingles dr|z3d's balls ***
dr|z3d behave yourself, itsjustme :P
itsjustme you know you like it :P
dr|z3d just like you like a hard kick in the balls, eh? :)
itsjustme *** cackles ***
dr|z3d you trying to push my buttons?
itsjustme nah, just being playful :)
itsjustme how was your christmas?
itsjustme hey albat :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, yours?
itsjustme Mine was good :) good food and family :)
itsjustme did you have a get together with family/friends?
dr|z3d christmas is family where permissible, no?