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zlatinb zzz: I'm having serious problems fetching zzz.i2p despite having a successful dbStore of leaseset in the logs
zlatinb Leases: #1
zlatinb [Lease:
zlatinb End Date: Dec 23, 2021, 11:45 PM
zlatinb Gateway: [Hash: fSYNpvQVLb-BA23mRaYYIvhC-jDBUDkjnGp18x1Vlis=]
zlatinb which router isn't in the /netdb
zlatinb another attempt, again one lease. Are you running zzz.i2p with a single tunnel?
RN also having issues loading several sites including zzz, dr's comes up though, and not sure where to look for leasesets in logs
zlatinb RN: add the following to the logger.config file:
zlatinb then in about 30 seconds the router will start logging the leaseset requests
zlatinb whenever a successful leaseset gets fetched, there will be a multi-line entry starting with "Handling dbStore of leaseset"
zlatinb it will contain the number of leases and the actual leases
zlatinb for reference, the zzz.i2p b32 is lhbd7ojcaiofbfku7ixh47qj537g572zmhdc4oilvugzxdpdghua.b32.i2p
zzz that's going to be an overwhelming amount of logging. Much easier to just look on the leasesets tab on /netdb in the console
orignal I don't see EfRZwfOuyrNQMnnTcSogZ8NKeAP-q~zaqD9lJAb-DVs= on my floodfills
zzz oh well
orignal can you descritbe what you see?
orignal duplicates? different adddresess?
zzz I'm still seeing an enormous number of i2pd routers with no network ID and/or localhost addresses, most are .51 or .52
zzz I think EfRZ had almost all addresses ::1
orignal no network id means bad i2pd fork
orignal because i2pd always adds netid
orignal local address basically means Tor
orignal some "very smart" guys do it
orignal intead using SOCKs proxy
orignal they forward traffic trougr iptables
zzz found it in the logs. 2 SSU (one with introducers, one without, both port 0) and 10 NTCP2 (caps 4, no host)
zzz all the NTCP2 ones were the same
orignal I don't think it's real i2pd
orignal also not sure what is better
orignal to publish or not publish local address
zzz I was being nice and just banning them for a little bit, but maybe I should go back and ban them until restart
zzz or maybe based on version
zzz what version did you fix it? a couple of years ago I think
orignal spring 2021
orignal for me it's not a problem
orignal I just ignore extra addresses
orignal and local
zzz sure but I can't ignore no network ID
orignal as I said
orignal netid was always there from day one
orignal i2pd never published without netid
orignal it can be zero
orignal also I think I check netid for RouterInfo to see if it matches ours
orignal and if not I drop it
orignal also I'm thnking to redo addresses
orignal always have 5 slots for each RI
orignal each can be filled of empty
zzz yeah I can't support ygg unless I redo addresses also
orignal it's not about ygg
orignal 4 addresses in your case
orignal also back to ygg
orignal you don't need to support ygg in transports but why you can't pick ygg-only router for a tunnel?
orignal e.g. tunnel A-B-C, B is ygg-only
orignal and A and C also support ygg but also have ipv4
zzz because my address code is such a huge mess
orignal how do you check compatibility?
orignal like if A and connect to B
zzz do I have a v4/v6 IP address, and is the IP in the peer's RI a valid public IP
orignal then it's easy
orignal when you check ipv6 check if both are in ygg range
orignal in general I think to make it more genreic
orignal e.g. address my belong to ranges we don't support yet
zzz the problem is that deep in the code, each transport can only publish one v4 and one v6 address. That's why it's not easy
zzz it would be a big refactor
orignal so you have 4 fixed slots?
orignal in your code
zzz sort of like that. Really 2 per transport
orignal in my opinion you should start refactoring it
orignal because it's possible to have multiple ipv6 addresses anyway
zzz sure. it's been a mess ever since we added ipv6
zlatinb If you hate IDEs, wait till you see this: