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dr|z3d re wall i2p, Leopold, yes, I think you may find it worth enabling javascript.
dr|z3d (if you missed my earlier response)
dr|z3d ask RN if you want a second opinion :)
mareki2p Hi original, if I connect to i2pd via the I2CP protocol, and when I ask for bandwidth limits, the router answers me with limit of 48 kB/s. Is this expected? How do I change this configuration?
dr|z3d is that your upload/share limit?
dr|z3d more teapots, cumlord :)
cumlord oh is the wall screaming again? yass
dr|z3d is it loading ok for you?
dr|z3d I mean, no delay while images load?
cumlord ha it did at first, now its stuck
dr|z3d are you hammering the space bar?
cumlord not super desperately like
dr|z3d delay is 5s before next image.
cumlord there it goes i switched tunnels mightve angered it
dr|z3d which means each image is, as long as you don't nudge the sequence, displayed for 15s.
cumlord i hadn't seen it since you did that
dr|z3d assuming you're not aggressively nudging, you should be good.
cumlord this is like a cool live background now
dr|z3d glad you like it. I think it's a better way to present 10K images.
dr|z3d you can hit escape to pause, and then space will then just cycle to the next image until you hit escape again.
dr|z3d anyways, assuming your tunnel's functional, hopefully the images should load instantly. 3 get pre-cached for every 1 loaded.
cumlord for sure, that just a lot of images making it a kind of slide show just looks nice
cumlord seems pretty smooth on my end
dr|z3d should take a while to exhaust the supply :)
dr|z3d excellent.
dr|z3d every now and again you may want to ctrl+shift+r so the image index gets refreshed with new images.
dr|z3d that won't disturb you sequence because it's random.
cumlord figured there had to be some sort of limit there, teapots have arrived
dr|z3d In this dystopian sci-fi parody, we find a morbidly obese Donald Trump piloting a morbidly obese Mech suit while floating in front of a massive, flaming moon-like body. The scene is set in a desolate, eerie landscape where gigantic cheese sandwiches are being devoured by monstrous apes, their feral eyes scanning the horizon with palpable hunger. The Mech suit's sharp angles and glowing red eyes contrast with the
dr|z3d grotesque giant burgers floating in the air. The painter, known only as "Sardonic Visionary," combines a grotesque yet humorous style reminiscent of a twisted carnival, emphasizing absurdity and satire.
mareki2p Hi all, I have yet another question about I2CP. My application connects to I2CP server (the router), does handshake consisting of get date/set date, creates new session, answers to lease set request by creating lease set. And now it sits and listens. Then I open I2P capable web browser and navigate to my b32 destination. My application receives new message, it decompresses it. And now my question: I can see rou
mareki2p ghly 1 kB of binary data, then the classic HTTP request. What is that 1 kB of binary data? I assume it is destination of the other party (the web browser or its router). But where is this documented? I'm too dumb to find it in the documentation.
zzz mareki2p, congratulations on getting that far, I'm not sure anybody else ever has
zzz unfortunately there's another whole protocol layer you have to implement before you to can make connections to/from other destinations
orignal it returns router's bandwidth. 48Kbs is L
orignal 1KB is tunnel message size
zzz no, it's streaming SYN. He's never heard of streaming
orignal why is it 1K rather than 0.5K?
orignal identity is 391 bytes
orignal ha ha, Trump has imposed sactions against SA. Have ypu guy heard it?
orignal for racism and discrimination against whites
zzz yeah I assume he just rounded up, dest+sig+streaming headers is more like 500
orignal White Lives Matter
orignal well, when I hear 1K I always think about tunnel message
zzz that's quite a sequre
zzz segue
orignal never heard this word ))
orignal so what he is trying to do? Implmenet "own I2P"?
orignal time to write a FAQ for people like this exmplaining that I2P is not a signe protocol it's a stack of protocols
orignal and list out what need to be done
orignal becasuse almost every fucking week someone annoys we his idea to implement "own I2P"
orignal the worst is that people don't want to listen
mareki2p Oh, fuk me sideways. So I need to implement TCP-like protocol on top of I2CP accept message / send message? I heard of streaming, I do know the difference between IP, UDP and TCP, sliding windows, MTUs and such. I just tought that there would be more sutff provided out-of-the box.
mareki2p No, I'm not implementing own I2P, I'm implementing an application. This application communicates via I2P by means of I2CP.
orignal dude, for I2CP client you would need half of I2P router code
orignal guess why people prefer SAM?
orignal again, for I2CP you need pletly of router's code
mareki2p Yes, SAM is waaaay much easier.
orignal for I2CP you need to implement
orignal 1. signatures
orignal 2. leasesets
orignal 3. streaming
orignal and only after you can start implmenting I2CP protocol itself
orignal that's another challenge
orignal maybe I will implement I2CP client using libi2pd once zzz implements tunnel switch flag ))
mareki2p I already have ElGamal key generation, DSA key generation, DSA signing, SHA2-256 hashing, Base64, Base32. Lease sets (hopefuly, I'm not sure correctly).
zzz here's your protocol stack picture i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/protocol
mareki2p The signing is not constant-time, but it works correctly.
orignal and... you will not be able to connect most of eepiste
orignal because they don't support ELG anymore
orignal LeaseSet or LeaseSet2?
orignal seriously ELG is dead
orignal forget about it
mareki2p LeaseSet and VariableLeaseSet
orignal like it doesn't exists
zzz he's doing fine orignal, he's doing the easiest stuff first, even if it's older flavors, nothing wrong with that
orignal what king of LeaseSet do you generate?
zzz let's support people trying to do things
orignal zzz, what's a point to implement Elg if most of eeepsites don't support it at all
zzz to get started
orignal to get start with ElGamal?
orignal then I pass
mareki2p To connect two instances of my application, on two different computers and routers. Later I can use OpenSSL for other crypto.
orignal people shouldn't waste thier time
zzz why not? who cares? if ElG is eaiser than Ed for him, thats fine
mareki2p Doing simple wget like application with SAM was million times easier.
orignal why not? because such projects have zero contribution to I2P
zzz he just accomplished something nobody's done in 20 years - a working I2CP client-side implementation. Not a waste
orignal what was the streaming code for this?
zzz there is none, as he just discovered
orignal then why do you cliam it "working"?
zzz that would be part 2 ))
zzz the I2CP layer is working. That's his claim, not mine
orignal then what did he accomplish?
zzz he accomplished part 1
orignal mareki2p can we see a LeaseSet published by your implemntation?
orignal give us your b32
orignal ok. thats fine. Let is see
orignal I can claimed I have reached Mars
orignal or can do it 5 times per night like in the old joke
zzz let's be happy for people that do something new, not shit on them and give them a list of 99 things they haven't done yet
orignal I remeber there was anotehr guy who was trying to convert i2pd code to C ))
orignal couple mnths ago
orignal another one is annoying you at i2p-dev
orignal but that one is hopeless, because he learns nothing
zzz sure, some people are hopeless, some people actually make progress, I try to be nice to all of them, until they get too annoying
orignal I'm happy what people are trying to do something useful with progress
orignal but usually they only fuck brain
mareki2p My address is 7siopelq3qe7oez46jjis7cmomjtxrqnob4a3t6vl3pkeuzczwva.b32.i2p but if you connect to it, my program crashes (stops in debugger, because now I need to implement the streaming and I didn't do it yet).
orignal I can't judge about mareki2p . That's why I would like to see his achivements
zzz mareki2p, yes, to answer your question, streaming is the TCP-like protocol layer, you need that for connections (i.e. sockets)
orignal mareki2p I'm not going to connect, just waht to LeaseSet lookup
orignal let's try
zzz you could try doing datagrams which is much easier than streaming, which would be fine for some toy demo, but ultimately not too useful
orignal Yes I see this LS
orignal Elg and LeaseSet1
orignal at least it's accepted by floodfills
mareki2p Yes, I figured, basically UDP programming, I need to do all the reliability/retransimt/packet loss/duplicate/damaged packets myself.
orignal good progress
orignal but agian nobody uses own I2CP bexause streaming is harderst part
mareki2p I know it is working, because I have two computers, one with I2P Java, other with I2Pd C++ implementations. They can see each others.
orignal but now I know too ))
mareki2p I also figured my app disappers from the I2Pd status web GUI after a while (page local destinations). So I "invented" a NOP message between my app and the router: ask for bandwith info (-:
zzz if you had your app on both sides you could send datagrams back and forth and make a chat program. we have some demo code somewhere that does that
orignal if it disappears it means that you I2CP session socket giot closed
orignal find our why
mareki2p Yes, my first try was to use the message status and message payload messages. But I hit problem with what I know now is TCP SYN equivalent.
zzz to call streaming 'basically UDP programming' is a little confusing but correct I guess. streaming ~= TCP, our spec is really short, but it's harder than it looks
orignal then why do you need to send something? Just keep socket open
mareki2p Sorry "basically UDP programming" is exactly the opposite of TCP. I reacted to different message.
zzz ok. as you say, the timers/retransmission/dups/out-of-order stuff is all in the implementation, the streaming spec doesn't cover any of that
orignal btw, zzz, how should we handle this situation proprly with I2CP?
mareki2p No, my app disappeared from the status page. But operating system socket was fine, I issued async read and my app was blocked on waiting on the read to finish.
zzz orignal, explain the situation?
orignal say you cat disconnects your network cable
orignal i2cp socket will remnain open at server side forever
orignal becase no FIN or RST will be received
orignal and no timeouts or hearbeats in the protocol
zzz that would be a double bad day, because I'm allergic to cats ))
zzz eventually it will die when you ask for the next leaseset and never get it back
zzz so the LS request is like a very slow heartbeat, and it does have a timeout
mareki2p First I was thinking sending GetDate again, but I changed my mind as it acts also as "longin" message, so I settled on get bandwith.
orignal so, I shuld rely on LS request
orignal thanks
orignal mareki2p see? you should assume that you receive LS request at least every 10 minutes
zzz yeah I think we may send LS request one or two more times but eventually we will give up and close it
orignal if you don't your connection is dead
orignal huh? why do you need to resend LS through TCP?
mareki2p Router sends these messages more often than once in 10 minutes. Java does send only lease set requests, while i2pd sends only variable lease set requsts.
zzz we have some I2CP queues that can overflow, very unlikely
zzz but it could get dropped before it gets to TCP
orignal ofc it's more often but at least once in 10 minutes
zzz mareki2p, what version are you sending in the GetDate message?
mareki2p empty string
zzz that's why you get an old-style leaseset request
zzz variable LS request requires client 0.9.7 or higher
zzz I guess i2pd dropped support for the old LS request?
zzz we're still supporting both for backward compatibility
mareki2p I get variable requests from i2pd. But both are almost exatly the same, only difference is that the expiry date is the same for all tunnels one, and could be different for each tunnel in other. No big deal.
zzz right.
zzz refer to the version chart in the i2cp spec. If you send an empty string for your version, java router will not send you anything in the chart newer than 0.6.5
zzz which means we're backward compatible to Decempber 2008
zzz if you want to test newer stuff, you have to claim to be newer
mareki2p I'm reading the streaming docs. I'm not implementing this sutff anytime soon. I will resort for UDP-like communication for my app.
orignal I never had it
orignal always new
zzz ok, before your time. I'll add a note to the spec
zzz let me see if I ever send it to newer clients...
orignal and remeber i2cp was added to i2pd much later
zzz yup
zzz yeah I'll never send it if client is 0.9.7 or newer. I'll update the spec to say it's deprecated
zzz spec updated
zzz I do feel bad for mareki2p, thought you were done, realize you're only halfway, happens to all of us ))
mareki2p Yes, I thought I could finally transfer some data. But I think I could implement streaming having jsut single packet in-flight. Just like in old internet before windowing was invented.
zzz sure, baby steps, get the protocol working and worry about all the windowing/retransmission stuff later
zzz basically that would be datagrams-over-streaming
zzz that may be a better plan as it's at least putting you on a path to real streaming. datagrams is like a side quest
orignal well my first implemnetion of streams send only one request
orignal to flibusta.i2p
orignal and get a book back
RN_ a romance novel, or an encyclopedia?
orignal I don't remeber which one
orignal maybe Pelevin
orignal flibusta is main book piracy site
RN_ right
RN_ at first I thought you were saying "got a book back" as in you got a lot of packets
orignal so plentry of books to read, but if you know Russian ))
RN_ *** reads that as "filibust is main book liberation site" ***
orignal I request an url with book file
orignal and got it back
orignal the funny thing is that I knew that guy online even before i2p was created
orignal const int I2CP_LEASESET_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 10; // in seconds
orignal zzz, is it right?
zzz sure, if you never had a problem, it's fine. ours is 60s
orignal idk if I had a problem with snark
orignal that's why I'm asking if 10 secs is enough to create and sign LS
orignal maybe I should increase
zzz maybe you're too low and I'm too high
zzz but if it's too low, somebody would complain
zzz sometimes I'll test by just ^Z a client
zzz is there some program like 'nice' that would limit a process to X% of CPU? that would help test "slow" clients
dr|z3d sure there is
zzz out with it... or do we have to ask harry?
dr|z3d apt install cpulimit and then take it from there.
dr|z3d out with it lol.
zzz ooh "nice". thanks
orignal <Vort> решил глянуть ещё разок на RI xWqu
orignal <Vort> думал, может то он запускался просто
orignal <Vort> но нет, фиг там - стало ещё хуже. knownLeaseSets=0
orignal <Vort> кстати, судя по разнообразию cost`ов - это, скорее всего, java
orignal <Vort> при чём, довольно свежая версия - 0.9.64
orignal guys can you take a look?
orignal basically xWqu is XfR
orignal but reports zero LeaseSets
orignal and Vort says it's Java
zzz Addresses:NTCP2: cost: 14 caps: 6 s: C1tldoxT7dkaPOom1DemFrL0PLgKrFLZ6tSXvY1iEyM= v: 2
zzz NTCP2: cost: 3 host: i: UcuAhrqrRMmGkuuzIFM6Vw== port: 22322 s: C1tldoxT7dkaPOom1DemFrL0PLgKrFLZ6tSXvY1iEyM= v: 2
zzz SSU2: cost: 15 caps: 6 i: UmgdJJqA1ys2BI4ic3Bd0b0N-mYx-ofXpR4IjThrc0g= iexp0: 1739123384 iexp1: 1739123745 iexp2: 1739124656 ih0: c2YWj8gVPiY~X71bGPPqUgfDtaiXoBcWe~KAVErvoso= ih1: aMcTUR6ZC0jUKVgFGE9-8BooGvifSVjKGVFhKoAmZQA= ih2: dx5fDmLX0fxJTeexrtf56DpSifP21YWUYQ8imkRQqj0= itag0: 1467654139 itag1: 2819383599 itag2: 793107741 mtu: 1500 s: jLquClWU4EjNZH6cSP9o4Ajt-39RbFzrpSrMGU3wAAw= v: 2
zzz SSU2: cost: 8 caps: BC host: i: UmgdJJqA1ys2BI4ic3Bd0b0N-mYx-ofXpR4IjThrc0g= port: 22322 s: jLquClWU4EjNZH6cSP9o4Ajt-39RbFzrpSrMGU3wAAw= v: 2
zzz Stats:caps = XfR
zzz netId = 2
zzz netdb.knownLeaseSets = 313
zzz netdb.knownRouters = 22104
zzz router.version = 0.9.64
zzz i2pd
orignal thanks
orignal what's the full b32?
orignal sorry b64
orignal maybe he is talking about another one
onon_ xWquIK0w3MgX0NIcF3phY1fP7dcNuKYqUJoUgxbFlTQ=
orignal why does Vort see zero leasesets
orignal another duplicate
zzz Router: xWquIK0w3MgX0NIcF3phY1fP7dcNuKYqUJoUgxbFlTQ=US
zzz Published:12 min ago
zzz actually now 38 minutes ago
zzz when was his published?
orignal we think it keep restarting
orignal a monkey is running FF on a router with low uptime
orignal hence everything at wlm.i2p was true
orignal so guys what should we do with such routers?
uop23ip Hi dr|z3d, plus on dev 2.7.0-24 here. Has 2.8 been released? :) I checked for updates, but still got only an update from 5.2. and a 403 connection reset below update status.
dr|z3d hi uop23ip, yes, 2.8 is out, you should be able to grab it from skank, torrents "coming soon".
dr|z3d connection reset should be read as "try again in a few moments".
uop23ip ofc, but it stayed at 5.2 for some days, pretty sure there have been some updates after. Clicking check for an hour, but no luck. direct download of dev from skank works
dr|z3d ok, downloading manually via eepget or whatever is a good backup plan.
uop23ip didn't find anything in logs other than "Router is out of date, current version is: 2.8.0 -> Update advised!" and critical :) Think i will go with the dev has the latest fix,i assume?