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StormyCloud murica' time
dr|z3d both versions identical, uop23ip, save for the pack200 compression used on the /dev/ update.
dr|z3d orignal: do you profile floodfills?
StormyCloud Its not nice to profile things doc
dr|z3d you profile other routers to determine performance, reliability etc. it's fundamental to how the network works.
orignal not yet
dr|z3d sounds like you should
orignal but my question is
StormyCloud We are all the same and should be treated as equal *laughs*
dr|z3d determine uptime, don't trust ffs that keep on disappearing.
orignal what we should do with monkeys who declare theselves as floodfills and keep start and stop it
dr|z3d malicious, you think, or incompetent?
orignal an idiot
orignal monkeys believe that if they set to X and floodfill it works faster
dr|z3d up to you how you respond to that.. ignore the router, block the router, ban it..
orignal I should
orignal my question is why I2P attacts so many idiots now
dr|z3d today's idiot it tomorrow's expert, or maybe tomorrow's accomplished idiot.
orignal anyway Trump rocks
dr|z3d I never knew Trump played the guitar.
orignal usualyy an idiot remains idiot for good
orignal he suspended aid to SA
orignal showed n..ers what they are
orignal I wish I live in US
dr|z3d Oh, yeah, superb. Let's just let AIDS flourish over there. And then be surprised when it starts being exported all over the world again, creating a new pandemic.
orignal he clearly higlighten the elephant in the rooms
orignal everybody ignored for 30 years
dr|z3d Trump IS the elephant in the roon. Or the gorilla.
orignal somebody here even then that there no place of an eepsite about this in I2P
orignal that white are being discriminated and it's racism
orignal that's what was told in "white cross of africa" few years ago
orignal and this movies has been deleted from youtube
orignal and Trump said it loudly and clearly
orignal sactions again SA because racism against whites
orignal have you heard what main SA monkey said today? "We will kill boers"
orignal and all fauna applauded him
dr|z3d changing the subject, snex is reporting an issue in + standalone with pagination. are you seeing that?
orignal ha ha
orignal what are you talking about?
dr|z3d have you built the latest snark?
orignal not yet
orignal the story is
orignal too cold and plenty of snow here
orignal I have to take boxes from balcony
dr|z3d oh, yeah, right, you have to venture outside and put your coat and gloves on to grab the latest snark build. :)
orignal so my snark is not running now
orignal it's on one of that boxes
dr|z3d boxes? on the balcony, outside?
orignal -17 next week
orignal you didn't know? ))
dr|z3d running?
dr|z3d great for overclocking.
orignal well this photo is too old
orignal but conceptually it's the same
dr|z3d that's your balcony?
orignal termperature is not a big issue but snow is
dr|z3d boxes running?
orignal always
dr|z3d so why do you have to go outside to deploy a snark update?
orignal with GPU miners when it's too cold outside
orignal you missed something
orignal boxes are not there today
orignal they are inside and off
orignal because cold and snow
orignal e.g my personal "datacenter" is on balcony
orignal usually works 24/7 with execptions like today
dr|z3d interesting setup.
orignal everybody has fun from me
orignal espectially about old cases
dr|z3d you mean everyone makes fun of you?
dr|z3d who cares what the case looks like.
orignal nobody
dr|z3d probably your main box is bright pink.
orignal btw, in Russia I could be prosecuted for this photo
orignal know why?
dr|z3d because of the color of the umbrella.
orignal my main box is transparent cube
orignal exactly
orignal Russian pigs don't care if it's ikea and swedish
dr|z3d transparent cube? plexiglass or plastic?
orignal not sure
orignal definitly not glass
dr|z3d you got an LLM running yet?
orignal and not going to
dr|z3d useless.
orignal I consider it as a biigest scam in history
orignal one of that boxes is NAS
orignal and it's running indoor now
dr|z3d all you need is the gpu.
orignal all of them have gpu
orignal RX580 and GTX1060
dr|z3d a decent, discrete gpu, not integrated.
orignal are you kidding?
dr|z3d yeah, the 1060.
orignal and RX580 also not bad
dr|z3d 580, AMD? I forget.
orignal but again 10 centimeters of snow
orignal yes, AMD
dr|z3d that's a few generations old by now.
dr|z3d how much VRAM? 2GB?
orignal few years ago I used to mine ethereum
orignal 6 and 8
orignal 6 on 1060 and 8 on 580
dr|z3d well, on the AMD card you'd probably need to wrestle with it a bit to get ROCM working, Nvidia is better supported for older cards.
orignal however these card can still mine vanity b32 address
dr|z3d what sort of speed for, say, a 10 letter vanity?
dr|z3d weeks?
orignal kkk.i2p took a day for R4SAS
orignal to mine that 10 chars
orignal on 1060
dr|z3d not tried on anything faster, then?
orignal just no demand
dr|z3d why don't you put the source out there?
dr|z3d you could also have fun running it on google collab on something with a bit more grunt.
orignal of miner?
dr|z3d vanity address, not miner. you wouldn't get very far running a miner on google.
dr|z3d does that have gpu support, or that's the cpu variant?
orignal source code of vanity miner for amd
orignal it's amd's
orignal not goindg to put on github because too many monkeys around
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d fair enough.
orignal that would anooy with dumb questions
dr|z3d does that leverage ROCM?
orignal it's just opencl
dr|z3d ah, then probably not, though maybe indirectly.
dr|z3d ROCM/HIP is the new shiny with AMD.
orignal not familiar
orignal I have old RX580
orignal I doubt that RX580m supprts ROCM
dr|z3d you made a noise about zluda a while back, are you still following that?
orignal zluda?
orignal what's that?
dr|z3d no, possibly not, if it's not NAVI, then it probably won't run ROCM.
orignal that's why I don't care
orignal my cards are old
dr|z3d zluda is near native performance of CUDA code on AMD.
orignal never heard about it
orignal and no I didn't produce noice abut it
dr|z3d yeah, you did, you were making a noise about censorship.
orignal right, about LGBT and BLM support by I2P
dr|z3d AMD asked the dev to take down the code, so he did, and then he put it back online and carried on working on it. AMD was funding it, initially, and then got cold feet for whatever reason.
orignal who cares?
dr|z3d you did, apparently.
orignal never
orignal not my business
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
orignal maybe you mixed with Linux
dr|z3d anyways, zluda's interesting, or will be if it every gets out of alpha.
dr|z3d 5 characters, orignal, have you got a vague idea how long that should take?
dr|z3d welcome back, snex
orignal whci 5 caharacters?
dr|z3d 5 characters, you know, generate a dest with 5 characters requested.
dr|z3d like, say, skank*.b32
dr|z3d just curious if you had any approx. timings.
zzz he previously reported it was 1000x faster than CPU; my CPU timihgs with java code are reported at the bottom of here: zzz.i2p/topics/3493
dr|z3d your code running on cpu?
snex 5 character vanity b32 should take seconds
dr|z3d ah, it is.
zzz da, my java vanity generator I never checked in
zzz mine was 1 sec for 4 char up to 38 years for 10 char
dr|z3d I thought 5 characters should be fairly swift with orignal's code, so maybe I wrongly specified the arguments. after a few minutes I abandoned.
dr|z3d 38 years lol
zzz so divide my numbers by 1000 to give you a rough guess
dr|z3d probably a lot less than that, depending on the gpu.
dr|z3d less as in time, not divisor.
zzz but his '1000x' may have just been a wild guess, dunno
dr|z3d you know orignal, he's an artist. it's all broad strokes :)
dr|z3d speaking of art, you checked wall.i2p yet snex?
dr|z3d js required, otherwise you won't see much.
dr|z3d js enabled, it won't take you 38 years to view all the content, but it won't take 10s either :)
dr|z3d (try a few days and you won't be far off)
orignal 5 chars in b32 you can mine even on RPi ))
orignal artist?
orignal look at kkk.i2p and sportloto.i2p
orignal 1000x faster is on old RX580
orignal ofc newer GPUs are much faster
dr|z3d do you remember the arguments offhand? I was trying for 5 characters with /vanityoclminer ./test.dat 0 skank 25
dr|z3d maybe 25 is wrong, but I thought you could specify the string and effort was how hard it hammered your gpu.
orignal I don't remeber params it was many years ago
dr|z3d Usage: ./vanityoclminer filename addr <device #> <intensity 8-25 (default:18)>
orignal but again you don't need GPU for 5 chars
orignal 25 is too much it depends on your gpu
orignal I used 20 of so on RX580
dr|z3d yeah, I figured.. intensity is what then? if I just want an address with 5 chars, why can't I just specify addr as a string? I guess it doesn't work like that.
dr|z3d I don't actually want a vanity address, was just interested to test your opencl code.
orignal what do you mean like a string?
dr|z3d say I want original{randomcharsgohere}.i2p
orignal so you want to generate keys or what?
dr|z3d so how would I request that from your app?
orignal first you need to generate .dat file with keys
dr|z3d I just want to test, run the code, see how long it takes to generate, I dunno, something reasonable and yet taxing enough that it takes a minute or 2.
orignal once you have miner will find nonce in padding
dr|z3d ok, so the miner can't create the keys first?
orignal losev.....b32.i2p took me less then a second
orignal why should it?
orignal it's not miner's task
dr|z3d why not?
orignal because miner only mines ))
orignal it doesn't containt cryptography
orignal *contains
dr|z3d ok, so just give it a random .dat key to play with then?
orignal for keys you need to link with openssl
orignal not any .dat, it must be with EdDSA
orignal say it will not work with DSA
dr|z3d ECIES?
orignal or any other with 32 bytes signing key
orignal RedDSA also works
orignal ECIES is crypto
orignal basically it assumed 96 bytes padding
dr|z3d gotcha.
orignal 96+32 = 128
orignal and nonce is bytes 88-96
dr|z3d so you just ran the code for losev? what arguments did you use?
orignal longest midstate as possible
orignal no for many others
orignal but it must contail base32 char
orignal say it can't contain '1`
orignal I see old keys, mined "support" for one guy
dr|z3d seems like 8 is the minimum length that requires any time.
dr|z3d what's a good Mh/s speed?
dr|z3d zzz estimates around 1.03Mh/s with 6 cpu threads.
orignal I don't remebr
dr|z3d sorry, 1.13Mh/s for 6 cpu threads, length 8.
dr|z3d which should make a gpu run a shit ton faster than that, surely?
dr|z3d odd, cpu is over 100% (1 core), gpu is at 100%, not running as fast as I'd expect.
dr|z3d just experimenting, anyways, was curious how long it might take. was getting 4-5Mh/s when it was running.
orignal shoudl be much more
orignal but have this box down
dr|z3d yeah, you'd think so.
dr|z3d maybe I'll take a look at the code later. not a prioity. it/s more the priority right now :)
orignal again it works on RX580
orignal not sure if it works on other GPUs
dr|z3d well, it appears to be hitting the GPU hard, but at 4-5 Mh/s it doesn't appear to be doing it particularly well.
dr|z3d interesting, it runs faster on the integrated gpu than it does on the discrete gpu.