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dr|z3d uop23ip: it appears the way to get around the pack200/izpack issue is to run the ant preppkg-linux-only target.
dr|z3d at least, that's what they're doing in docker.
dr|z3d right on cue, y2kboy!
dr|z3d dolphinandcat suggested your docker fixes weren't working for him. here's his fixes, if you can test and confirm they work for you, please do. thanks! git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/commit/2b0a2130849e6d9e38f8b9d748cc354c4f86b88d
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I just did a clean git clone off github and build the image and am running it right now
dr|z3d when you say just, y2kboy23? like within the last 10m?
y2kboy23 Last 2 hours
dr|z3d also, gitlab is defunct until I find a method to contact them and get it fixed. so github for now will carry the latest.
y2kboy23 I'll do a pull and re-build.
dr|z3d thanks, appreciated.
y2kboy23 ack Github
dr|z3d in the file, we have JAVA17OPTS=...
y2kboy23 error. says openjdk21 does not exist
dr|z3d well this is all very confusing. :|
dr|z3d he claims it builds fine.
dr|z3d FROM alpine:latest AS builder should have it, no?
y2kboy23 let me look. mines trying to grab a 3.16 version of alpine
y2kboy23 or, at least trying to grab the package from that version of alpine
dr|z3d strange. one of these days I'll try and build a docker image myself.
dr|z3d maybe I need to update the LABEL with the github repo.
y2kboy23 I'm trying it again
dr|z3d done.
y2kboy23 build successful. let me see if it runs.
dr|z3d progress! :)
y2kboy23 Seems to be working for me.
y2kboy23 java21 working as well
dr|z3d great, thanks for testing. so all is good?
y2kboy23 seems to be for me.
dr|z3d and the terminal text is ok? not too wordy?
dr|z3d we've also got JAVA17OPTS= in .. does that need changing to JAVA21OPTS?
y2kboy23 terminal text is fine. the JAVA17OPS were legacy from upstream. ended up not being needed.
y2kboy23 pretty sure they're not currently being used
dr|z3d so that line can be removed, or it might be needed in some contexts?
dr|z3d I guess we can just leave it there if it's not negatively impacting anything.
dr|z3d anyways, thanks again for testing.
y2kboy23 you can remove. last line of the doesn't even reference them
dr|z3d ok, I'll nuke em. what about this comment? # Old java options
dr|z3d why are they old?
dr|z3d are they needed? if so, they're probably not old, are they? :)
y2kboy23 yea, old is not the correct here
dr|z3d ok, and they're required it would seem?
dr|z3d So I'll change that to # Required Java options
y2kboy23 yessir. they're references in the java command
dr|z3d ok, great, thanks.
dr|z3d a couple of other minor things.. the optional variables, perhaps we should add those at the top of the file and comment them out?
dr|z3d I'm thinking of $IP_ADDR and $JVM_XMX
y2kboy23 I think the $jvm_xmx can be established as a docker environment variable. if not, then the script adds in a value
dr|z3d ok, what about this?
dr|z3d # Set default JVM heap size if JVM_XMX is not defined
dr|z3d JVM_XMX="${JVM_XMX:-512m}" # Use 512m as default if JVM_XMX is not set
y2kboy23 yea, the file discusses those two variables
y2kboy23 that probably needs some updates done too
dr|z3d ok, probably don't need that, the variable's being set in the if statement, so I'll leave it.
y2kboy23 the if statements checking if the user has setup that variable. if not, then it defaults the value.
dr|z3d yeah, it's fine.
dr|z3d # Manually configure an ip address to use here if required by uncommenting below
dr|z3d #IP_ADDR=
dr|z3d if [ -z $JVM_XMX ]; then
dr|z3d echo " *** Using the default 512MB JVM heap limit..."
dr|z3d echo " *** To configure a different maximum value, change the JVM_XMX"
dr|z3d echo " *** variable value in (for example JVM_XMX=256m)"
dr|z3d JVM_XMX=512m
dr|z3d > ok, some tweaks and mods to the script, y2kboy23:
dr|z3d > more comments to explain what the sections do, some error handling.
dr|z3d and probably borkage. nevermind, I'm doing a build to check it all works.
dr|z3d ok, looks like I've got it working.
dr|z3d terminal output should be a bit more consistent and slightly more informative now.
y2kboy23 Look good to me. dr|z3d
dr|z3d thanks for the review, y2kboy23
RN oh darn
RN *** is dissapoint that there was no battle between y2kboy23 and dolpincat ***
RN but glad docker is good
RN ;)