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uop23ip seems not ok installer jar corrupt
RN maybe I2P+ uses pack200 by default... not sure there uop23ip
RN wait, I thought you were making an updater not an installer
RN or you just building both?
uop23ip both, updater builds, installer has pack200 error
RN you might need to install something to make the pack200
RN on Canon the target for a pack200 version updater is still there, but Canon currently does not support pack200 anymore
RN so a pack200 updater would only be for I2P+
RN or try build targets without the 200 if Plus has them
dr|z3d you can't build the installer with pack200.
RN yeah, I was wondering if they meant to say that
dr|z3d and you need to install a non-pack200 version first if you're sidegrading from i2p.
dr|z3d (or copy an existing pack200.jar file to i2p/lib)
RN oh, so if I copied the pack200.jar from Plus into a Canon's /lib would I be able to use an I2P+ updater with pack200 to convert the Canon to a cannon?
RN I think I just rephrased what you said. LOL
dr|z3d yeah, in essence, to the first question.
dr|z3d if you attempt to update from i2p to i2p+ with a pack200 build and without the pack200.jar, when it attempts to decompress the update it fails mid-process.
RN I've not looked at the build targets for Plus but I'm guessing they wille be prety similar?
uop23ip confused here dr|z3d, i am on java17,arm,linux what ant option i should use for building a fresh i2pplus installer?
dr|z3d ant installer
dr|z3d that will give you i2pinstall.exe which you can then launch with java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe
dr|z3d if you launch that with the gui, you can choose the install location, I recommend creating an i2p user and installing to /home/i2p/i2p/ but that's up to you.
dr|z3d if you want to install it via terminal (headless), then run: java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe -console
dr|z3d but bear in mind that if you don't specify an install path with -console, it'll install to the directory it's run from, so either specify one (no-trailing /) or run it from wherever you want it installed to.
dr|z3d if you're building an update on arm, don't specify ant updater200 as your target, it'll be slow.
dr|z3d just use 'ant updater' or 'ant updaterCompact'
dr|z3d the only time you'll normally want a pack200 update target is if you're building for others.
dr|z3d (since the pack200 updates are around 50% of the size of a normal update)
uop23ip did a a ant distclean and ant installer. failed with same error:
uop23ip [izpack] Writing 2 Packs into installer
uop23ip build_i2pplus/I2P.Plus/build.xml:2061: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/jar/Pack200
dr|z3d how did you pull the source?
dr|z3d I'm not sure I trust gitlab anymore. they keep sending spam, but they won't send a login confirmation to the same address.
dr|z3d and then this weekend they blocked me from pushing to my own repo.
dr|z3d see if cloning from gives you anything better.
dr|z3d if that fails, then you might need to build with an earlier version of java.
dr|z3d you shouldn't need to, but I can't think of anything else. should "just build".
uop23ip i read that 11 still has pack200. curious is that that it builds pack200 with buildPack200, but can't use it
dr|z3d pack200 was removed in java14.
RN ahhhh
uop23ip the dot in pathname is gone, that's good
RN I wasn't remembering if it was java or some tool's dependency that was the last straw before Canon tabled pack200
RN so it was a java thing Plus lack of percieved need for the smaller file size
RN but you brought it back for Plus
RN and if I recall correctly, without extensive modification from upstream
dr|z3d someone had done most of the work and ripped the pack200 lib out of java.
RN sounds familiar
RN yeah
RN but I go back to what you said earlier.... 'only really matters if you are sharing it wit others' and add (or deploying it on many remote machines)
uop23ip nope failed. give up for today. maybe i can copy the pack200.jar where it expects it java/util/jar/Pack200. but no clue where this is. thanks so far
RN I'd just stick to the non-200 option without a compelling reason, uop23ip
uop23ip or install 11
dr|z3d he's trying to build the installer, RN.
RN i mean full size file vs 1/2 in context not really that big
dr|z3d 8MB vs 16MB.
uop23ip i used ant installer, RN
RN oh
RN but you were getting pak 200 errors?
RN ok. good. I'm not imagining things. lol.
RN wonder what git is seeing in env that makes it try to use p200
dr|z3d the source files should all be present in apps/pack200/
RN so in theory, it should just build pack200 and never have thrown an error at all
dr|z3d heyhey, y2kboy23, been a while o/
y2kboy23 dr|z3d hello. I know it's been a LONG time
RN you're kidding
dr|z3d all good over there, y2kboy23?
RN did your haircut used to include the 23?
y2kboy23 dr|z3d yea, getting better. just lots of personal stuff going on.
dr|z3d good to hear, the getting better part at least :)
y2kboy23 yep. I struggled with the new dockerfile updates that were made recently. There's a line from upstream that's missing.
dr|z3d oh? there was someone here suggesting all manner of modifications, I was hoping you'd be around. and here you are. dolphinandcat is our new docker user.
dr|z3d if you've got some fixes, would be happy to merge them.
y2kboy23 I gotta figure that whole part out again. Think I forgot most of it.
dr|z3d 'dolphinandcat' sort of claimed it was working, but I wasn't entirely convinced by his methods.
dr|z3d sketchy is how I'd put it.
dr|z3d he was also the person agitating for a bunch of "fixes".
y2kboy23 yea, the script is missing the executable permission and that files tarts the whole thing so yea..
dr|z3d ah, so it just needs a chmod +x and we're good it sounds like?
dr|z3d I think java21 was also proposed.
dr|z3d or maybe 22, I forget. maybe just java default.
y2kboy23 Basically. Alpine should have most of those packages. 17 is LTS and working fine. Maybe I try one of these days to upgrade.
uop23ip does gets used by ant?
dr|z3d it does. if you want to modify that, create an override file. the build.prop file should guide you.
RN also nice to put the thing in build properties
RN or is that somewhere else?
orignal question about snark
y2kboy23 dr|z3d Gitlab finally added a way to sync commits with upstream
y2kboy23 Also, made a MR for the permission fix
orignal can I specify any paramaters in I2CP options field?
dr|z3d great, y2kboy23, thanks. note that gitlab has totally locked me out of my account.
uop23ip ok, i lied and tried ant tarball. Can i use that,too? Does i have to edit some path in configs?
dr|z3d sends spam, won't send login confirmation. can no longer push to it.
dr|z3d you'll have to experiment with it, uop23ip, and let us know. mesh might have a clue.
dr|z3d might be just a question of extract and run. not sure.
RN uop23ip, yep, alligns with my building experiences... some targets are not monitored if they still work, probably just a hope that someone will suggest updates to them if they are still relevant
RN but install and upadateer (the plain ones) should always work
RN -e
RN when they don't it is more often something in your setup, at least till the first success
RN dr|z3d, do you have suggestions on minimum, reccomended, reccomended if distributing, and highest known successful, java versions for building I2P+?
RN *** emphasises build vs run ***
dr|z3d should build on any version of java from 8 up.
RN ok, so no reccomended or suggested
RN I think Canon also says min 8 but last I recall 8 was also for distrubuted
dr|z3d if you want to build distributions for others, java8 covers every possible angle.
RN yeah
RN I seem to be fishing for the right word
RN but that's why I now make sure I use 8 to build mine
RN even if I don't have but a handful of known users
dr|z3d ok, I've just tried on java23, same issue as uop23ip
RN are you building javadocs by default dr?
RN or is that a 'mostly RN is the only one that talks about javadocs' kinda thing?
dr|z3d not for skank updates, no.
dr|z3d it appears that izpack doesn't want to play nice with pack200, at least for later versions of java.
dr|z3d actually, uop23ip, the tarball should probably be fine, it should create a new profile dir when you first run i2prouter which will set everything up, or it'll use an existing .i2p dir.
dr|z3d izpack is definitely the issue, haven't seen that before. building with a less recent java will likely fix the issue for now.
RN which version did uop23ip say whtye were using?
uop23ip used the update
uop23ip on pi3 i tried to get the cpu recognized to get the native bigilib with
uop23ip private static String resolveCPUType() {return JBIGI_OPTIMIZATION_ARM_ARMV7;}
uop23ip cpu is now armv7 to before unrecognized, but it didn't trigger it to load the right armv7 lib. seems not so easy as i thought. afk now.
RN I meant which version of java are u using to build?
RN I recall you talking about cpuid issues
StormyCloud Is postman tracker rss working for anyone or am I just tarded?
dolphinandcat StormyCloud i can confirm that you're tarded, are you using "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/?view=RSS&mapset=95919"?
dolphinandcat postman rss seems to work
StormyCloud I can also confirm I am tarded, might just have been down yesterday. Thank you for confirming my mental handicap
dolphinandcat funniest interaction i've had in quite a while
dolphinandcat StormyCloud or maybe it was just the ratelimit thing?
dolphinandcat you can't access rss twice quickly
StormyCloud Maybe I was getting xml errors but it seems to work now so all good
RN RN's rule #1 - did you try at least 3 times?
RN ;)
RN thanks for your service StormyCloud
StormyCloud I did LOL but thank you for your kind words RN
RN :)
orignal RIP flibusta
dolphinandcat RN: wdym "service"? what did he do
dolphinandcat btw dr|z3d
dolphinandcat what about my pr?
dolphinandcat also stormycloud your outproxy be ded
dolphinandcat Unable to connect
dolphinandcat Tinyproxy was unable to connect to the remote web server.
dr|z3d y2kboy23 turned up yesterday, he validated the current docker file after fixing a minor issue.
dolphinandcat or i used it wrong
dr|z3d have you reviewed the current revision?
dolphinandcat was the also modified? cause this is where the issue was
dolphinandcat i just updated some things in tyhe dockerfile
dolphinandcat to make it compatible with arm
dolphinandcat and make it use a newer openjdk
dolphinandcat is what had the issue
dolphinandcat lemme have a look at it
dolphinandcat aaaand it has not been fixed
dr|z3d is there a default-openjdk package or similar for alpine?
dr|z3d > RUN chmod +x /
dolphinandcat lemme check, that's worth switching to
dr|z3d is the fix.
dolphinandcat this is not the fix
dr|z3d apparently it works for y2kboy23. what do you think is missing?
dolphinandcat define "works"
dr|z3d permits him to deploy a docker installation. aka works.
dolphinandcat well yea it starts up, but was he then able to access the router console n stuff?
dolphinandcat test this current config
dolphinandcat and see if it works
dr|z3d you mean the file I just linked to?
dolphinandcat it has y2k's patch in it
dolphinandcat i'll uhh see if it runs
dr|z3d sure, let me know if it doesn't work for you.
dolphinandcat what's y2k's irc? he's not online rn i think?
dr|z3d when he's online, you'll see him here.
dolphinandcat dr|z3d i just confirmed that he didn't fix it, my fix works. uhh before you merge ima do a quick optimization on the dockerfile to make it run a bit faster
dolphinandcat s/run a bit/build a bit
RN y2k vs dollcat: tickets available at htp://i2peek-a-boo.i2p
dolphinandcat ok i am now ready dr|z3d you can merge the pr
RN fine print: plexiglass blood splatter shields sold separately
dolphinandcat one second
dr|z3d let me know when it's all tested and confirmed working. also, weren't you going to look for default-jdk or whatever so we always have the latest supported java?
dolphinandcat dr|z3d it is done in theory but i will test it rq just in case
dolphinandcat alpine has no default openjdk
dolphinandcat i had to specify version
dolphinandcat or i am blind
dr|z3d you should also check that the compilation is working with java17. someone was reporting that it wasn't yesterday.
dolphinandcat it seems to all work fine, lemme do a rebuild with all the trimming disabled to see if there are any errors
dr|z3d ok, thanks. I'll be back in a bit, and will check scrollback for your comments/report.
RN battle of the century! y2 says dc did it wrong, and dc says y2 got it wrong. who will be victorious?
RN y2k vs dollcat: tickets available at htp://i2peek-a-boo.i2p
dolphinandcat also dr|z3d can you do github merge pls?
dolphinandcat instead of manual
dolphinandcat dr|z3d ok i ran it, the only error was in the optional getGitRev used for the version number, because git wasn't in the apk add, ig i'll add it
dolphinandcat dr|z3d aaaaaand that's it
dolphinandcat it is ready for merge
dolphinandcat pls do github merge not manual :)
dolphinandcat if you don't mind
dolphinandcat one smol typo
dolphinandcat in a comment
dolphinandcat what's that?>
dolphinandcat btw dr|z3d in the docker compose example file, should i have named the service i2p or i2pplus? iirc softforks aren't supposed to change the name to make merging back easier, but then again you have changed a couple of things from i2p to i2pplus
RN a couple? try thousands of lines
dolphinandcat anyway, so i should rename it to i2pplus?
dolphinandcat or is i2p good?
RN dolphinandcat, that's a promotional poster for the deathmatch between y2kboy and dolphincat
dolphinandcat btw i won
dolphinandcat y2k didn't properly test the broken docker and thought it worked
RN not yet, haven't heard y2k say you did it right
dolphinandcat i tried y2k's solution and it threw a broken i2p instance
dolphinandcat i tried mine, it all worked fine
RN you say he did it wrong, he says you did it wrong. only way to settle it is an mtv style celebrety deathmatch.
dolphinandcat RN do you have docker installed?
RN nope
dolphinandcat install docker, try both and we'll see who's right
RN not interested
RN even if I did, I would probably end up saying both didn't work
dolphinandcat mine is fullproof
dolphinandcat all you do is
dolphinandcat git clone
dolphinandcat and docker compose up -d
dolphinandcat to run it
dolphinandcat ain't no way it won't work
snex why am i git cloning if its docker
RN let me try that on bsd or windows
snex dont you have it up on dockerhub
dolphinandcat cause i didn't set up a github workflow to automatically publish to dockerhub
dolphinandcat so snex no it's not on the hub
dolphinandcat i need the api key to geti2p and a repository geti2p/i2pplus for that
dolphinandcat i may set that up later
RN didn't work on ipad
RN Siri says no.
dolphinandcat docker doesn't work on ipad
RN well then it is broken
RN point made
RN :)
RN did you at least grin at the poster?
dolphinandcat also yea idk abt bsd it may not work or it might work who knows i don't have my mac ready to use also in bsd you use jails you ain't supposed to use docker. and in windows it just runs wsl linux so it's the same as linux. actually does docker even support bsd
dolphinandcat yea docker supports bsd but nobody uses it, i'll try to make it work on bsd if it doesn't work as is(it prob doesn'
snex you shouldnt need to do anything to make it work. thats the whole point of docker
snex so that some bsd lewser can run normal apps
dolphinandcat docker shares the kernel
dolphinandcat you can't use something compiled for linux on a bsd kernel
dolphinandcat if you download i2p linux prebuilt executable on bsd it won't work either
dolphinandcat obviously
dolphinandcat *if you download linux openjdk and try to run it on bsd it won't work
dolphinandcat you need to base the image off of a bsd and install bsd openjdk
RN hmmm.... microsoft says no
RN this windows laptop doesn't have wsl
RN you can if you set up linux compatibility ━━▶ dolphinandcat> you can't use something compiled for linux on a bsd kernel
dolphinandcat you don't use docker on bsd
dolphinandcat bsd has its own thing
dolphinandcat called jails
RN like I said at the start, I don't docker
dolphinandcat RN docker is cool you should start dockering
RN but it no can haz BSD
dolphinandcat how to use
dolphinandcat bsd jails?
RN ct ud wt ye ae sg
RN to my as to me se of it
RN this is IRC not SMS stop being a lazy typist
snex of course bsd users would prefer jails. buncha commies
uop23ip Is the native libjbigi really better?: ModPowCT test Native is WORSE by a factor of 1.053 -- BOO!. dr|z3d
uop23ip If the second run shows better performance, please use the jbigi that you have compiled so that I2P will work better!
uop23ip it is the second
RN lol. says the fan of commie foss
uop23ip at least router is not define as slow anymore :)
uop23ip Interresting on the v7 it tries to load the armv7, then v6, v5 (probable bc the return i changed to armv7). But they do not load i think bc "not valid for env" they are not 64 and i am on arm64, i think. At the end i built a new static native, which worked after copying to /lib, on both pis.
RN did that result run faster?
uop23ip you mean in general or the tests?
uop23ip which stats have i to look at to see performance changes? in docs it says: crypto.elGamal.decrypt and crypto.elGamal.encrypt in stats
uop23ip ModPowCT test is worse, other 2 are better
uop23ip Native is BETTER by a factor of 1.387 -- YAY! first test
uop23ip third ModInverse test: Native is BETTER by a factor of 9.455 -- YAY!
RN yay!
uop23ip it seems in general, that the not working cpuid, can't figure out arm and pick the right jbigilib. bc on v8 should work on arm64 as a lib for it is in jbigi.jar. didn't test the modified return on v8 to see how/if resolvecpu goes wrong.
uop23ip so maybe building own native could be necessary for arm users for now, if this is really a performance booster