IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RTP anyone ever have "plugin from file (and url fails) is corrupt" problems trying to install a plugin on i2p+?
dr|z3d RTP: what are you trying to install?
dr|z3d dolphinandcat: you're merged
dr|z3d I ran some tests, made some mods, y2kboy23 also tested, suggested mods. we should be good now.
dolphinandcat dr|z3d thanks, i noticed btw
RTP I've been trying to install blizzard plugin. was hoping to do a video showing ppl it.
dr|z3d RTP: harass eyedeekay :)
dr|z3d maybe something broke.
dr|z3d eyedeekay: you're corrupt!
eyedeekay Yeah I signed the dumb thing with the wrong key
eyedeekay I'm fixing it
eyedeekay OK so the signing keys I used for my ShellService plugins are apparently completely gone
eyedeekay What appears to have happened is that when I was working on my plugin signing tool git.idk.i2p/idk/i2p.plugin.native I mistakenly re-generated and over-wrote my old keys
eyedeekay Every single key on every single backup I still have retained matches the keys I have been using to sign them locally, which do not match the keys we are currently distributing
eyedeekay So, in order to resolve it, I'm going to delete these keys that I generated by mistake, generate new keys, and update my plugin cert in i2p.i2p
eyedeekay Sorry for the inconvenience
eyedeekay going to re-post this in i2p-dev
RTP thank you :)