IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d probably incidental, zzz, but haven't seen this one before:
dr|z3d ERROR [… Reader 250] …PMessageProducer: [xxxxxxxx] Tunnel XXXX (CLOSED) ➜ cannot create LeaseSet, session closed
dr|z3d java.lang.Exception
dr|z3d at net.i2p.client.impl.I2CPMessageProducer.createLeaseSet(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.client.impl.RequestLeaseSetMessageHandler.signLeaseSet(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.client.impl.RequestVariableLeaseSetMessageHandler.handleMessage(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl.messageReceived(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.internal.QueuedI2CPMessageReader$QueuedI2CPMessageReaderRunner.run2(
dr|z3d at$
dr|z3d at java.base/
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d Looks like a close-on-idle tunnel is requesting a new LS before closing?
uop23ip Why the magnetic links generated by snark do not include the alternative trackers?
dr|z3d you shouldn't need them with snark.
dr|z3d primary tracker should be suffient. the rest of the trackers will normally be discoverable via dht or opentrackers.
uop23ip is this the case for other non-dht i2ptorrent cients, too?
dr|z3d probably. I think most of the non-snark trackers are supplied with a default list of opentrackers.
uop23ip ok, thanks
dr|z3d orignal: transport costs? 3 for NTCP, 8 for SSU?
dr|z3d ok, so new stuff about to land in the latest dev + update.
dr|z3d ETA 2m.
dr|z3d Firstly, country flags all over the console should be working properly again, so your unknown count on /netdb should be fairly low once the netdb has initialized.
dr|z3d Also, if you're using the dark console theme, when you view router information for a router or collection of routers, it will indicate if the router is likely to be running a java i2p variant (I2P or I2P+)
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d available on the console /dev/ update path. :)
dr|z3d missing theme support for java i2p routers landing in around 5m or so.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - initially on 7+ I thought you had cracked the netdb Unknown 'issue'. Started with 15, but the Unknowns steadily grew to now over 400, leading all other countries. BTW: the map is looking good :D
dr|z3d did you click on the unknown flag to see what's being classified as unknown, T3s|4?
dr|z3d [ ] yes [ ] no (Tick one box only)
dr|z3d If we've communicated with the router recently, we have the ip address for router -> router communication. If we haven't, we check the router's routerinfo for an ip. If neither of those methods yield an ip, usually because the router in question is unreachable, then we can't determine a country.
dr|z3d And since we don't store unreachable routerinfos to disk, the number of unknown routers will only grow in size the longer your router is up, to a point.
dr|z3d prior to the fix, we were relying solely on the method that determines an ip address based on a recent direct connection.
dr|z3d sidenote: the fact that the number of unknown routers without a country is visible is because we have an unknown entry on the /netdb country table, something that's not present in canon.
dr|z3d The "acid test" to verify the fix is working as intended is to view /tunnels once the netdb has initialized.. you should see very few (if any) flagless routers there.
T3s|4 thanks...yeah dr|z3d I clicked on it, and they look like normal routers except for the missing country thing...I will try the acid test after next restart
dr|z3d normal routers with the "U" flag, mostly. or should be.
dr|z3d there are a small proportion of routers with identifiable ip addresses that fall into a dark zone and aren't classified by the geoip db.
dr|z3d there are also a few that, for whatever reason, don't have a published ip address at all, usually a transient issue.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I have not restarted 7+ yet, but now Unknowns are above 570. Looking at them, I see a few caps=U, but more than 90% are cap=R
T3s|4 *caps=R
zzz drz yes if it happened only once at tunnel close it's probably a harmless race; if you see it more often suggest you investigate further
T3s|4 dr|z3d: on /tunnels, I see ~30% of all routers are flagless, but flagless routers dominate on Endpoint, Gateway is second worst, and Participants is best
T3s|4 under Participants, I see no flagless routers
dr|z3d a "yes" would have been sufficient, but thanks orignal :)
dr|z3d zzz: only ever seen it once, figured it was probably harmless.
dr|z3d T3s|4: let me know if flagless persists when you're running the latest. thanks.
dr|z3d T3s|4: you can also get some visibility on how the GeoIP lookups are performing by adding the following to /configlogging: net.i2p.router.transport.GeoIP=INFO
T3s|4 dr|z3d: changes baked in, and restarted: latest relevant log entry: INFO […eoIP Lookup] ….transport.GeoIP: Finished processing 1192 GeoIP RouterInfo lookups ➜ Found: 1192 (Time taken: 114ms). Unknowns started at 10, now at 21, but I'll keep an eye on it
T3s|4 after an hour, I'm up to 128 Unknowns, but under /tunnels I see no unflagged routers, assuming the ones preceded by 'local' do not count as unflagged
dr|z3d check the unknowns, they should mostly be unreachable.
dr|z3d no unflagged routers on /tunnels means you're good.
dr|z3d (as mentioned previously)
dr|z3d I don't know if running your router in hidden mode changes things, but it might.
orignal it's for future
orignal guy, are you going to say something about the situation with Durov?
dr|z3d it's a bit desperate on the part of the French.
orignal like "I2P is always a censorship free project"
dr|z3d he'll have good lawyers.
orignal or like "run your project in I2P and pigs will not identofy you"
snex people have been saying telegram is shit for years and nobody listens
dr|z3d that'll work, orignal, that will make sure we stay under the radar.
snex people only ever learn the hard way
orignal people are running from telegram to other platform without censorship
orignal I2P PR team should make a statement
snex is there a PR team?
orignal that asshole who placed Inlcusion section
dr|z3d zzz: orignal suggests you promote I2P on twiiter. wording something like, "Use I2P, the pigs can't catch you" or similar. Right, original?
orignal is he not a PR team?
orignal let me copy my statement from ygg channel
snex i will definitely bring up the telegram situation on the next canary in the cage podcast
dr|z3d zzz: you might want to hashtag the #fbi while you're at it.
orignal one guy asked
orignal ЭА прикиньте ситуацию: поднимаешь джаббер сервак, не следишь за юзерами. А потом летишь во Францию и садишься на 25 лет..Э
orignal my answer
orignal "а прикинь ситуацию. поднимаешь джаббер сервак в i2p и не следишь за юзерами они там наркотрговлю, цп и убийства обсуждают. а ты летишь куда угодно ибо где сервак и чей он никто не знает"
orignal yes, right
orignal dr|z3d do you need a translation?
dr|z3d sure, orignal,
dr|z3d gist will do.
orignal guy is concerned if runs an non-moderated jabber server
orignal he can be arrested say in France
orignal my answer "run it in I2P"
orignal "and pigs will not find the server location and link to you as an owner"
dr|z3d jabber is a bit different, doesn't have the same userbase, and doesn't have public forums, or does it. in any event, any excuse to promote i2p is no bad thing.
orignal ok, he means hypotetical siatuation
orignal where bad guys discuss their stuff on his server
orignal and he gets prosectued for support of their activity
dr|z3d he couldn't moderate it even if he wanted to, could he?
orignal that's exactly Durov's situation
dr|z3d well, yes, and no.
orignal ok, not jabber, irc
dr|z3d apparently he was contacted by the French on various occasions and asked to take down or otherwise moderate some of the publicly visible illegal exchanges there. he ignored them, apparently.
orignal rule #1 : never talk to pigs
dr|z3d they're hitting him with drugs, pedos and whatever else they can summon up.
orignal did you know this?
dr|z3d there may be a political motive, they may be looking to get some of the private russian military communications. who knows?
orignal if I2P is going to stay silent about the situation it's fine
orignal while bunch of people have new interest to i2p
dr|z3d unfortunately following some swashbuckling rules may get you kudos with your friends, but it may also have the unfortunate side effect of putting you in legal jeopardy.
dr|z3d I suspect someone will say something about the situation, given time.
dr|z3d A good blog post about the benefits of anonymity without being unduly provocative.
orignal infortunately today's I2P PR can only support LGBT
orignal but not freedom of speech
orignal my activity is in telegram
snex putting your peepee in a man's butt is also freedom
orignal on various channels
orignal no, LBGT support is globalists narrative
snex hairy man ass is not global
snex just ask cumlord
orignal dr|z3d btw people are asking how to come to MY irc ))
orignal full of racism and homophobia
snex homophobia is gay
orignal homophobia is against gays
snex why do you care where people put their peepees tho
orignal it this sense we support Putin's narrative
snex imo its gay to be thinking about that kinda stuff
orignal I don't care
orignal as long as they are in closet
orignal and don't annoy me
orignal but they do
orignal and they come after children
snex but if a guy talks about fucking lots of women thats not in the closet
orignal no it's natural
orignal I'm against 52 genders, etc.
snex natural is fucking anything with a tight warm hole
snex look at monkeys
orignal agains if fagots didn't anooy everywhere I wouldn't care
snex straight guys talking about all the women they fuck is annoying
orignal any I can place a bet that I2P will say nothing
orignal about situation with Durov
zzz I RT'ed something about Durov 1st thing this morning
snex should have taken the bet first
snex i basically never see your tweets. i think x is hiding you
cumlord Shaving can be a pain in the ass, sometimes you just gotta embrace the hair snex
snex Gayyyyyy
orignal haven't seen our tween
snex It’s a retweet