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eche|on eyedeekay: debian changelog has 2 false date entries which is why I could not built, 20th july and 7th august.
eche|on cut july to jul and august to aug made it built
eche|on running 2.6.1-2-1 now
zzz thanks eche|on
zzz what version of debian are you building on?
zzz wondering why you hit the problem and eyedeekay didn't
zzz reproduced here with 'ant debian'
zzz ofc we don't do release builds on debian at all; we use launchpad, and even there we build on Focal and copy it forward
zzz ^^^ eyedeekay ^^^
dr|z3d would be good if 'ant debian' actually worked without having to install undocumented packages. last time I tried it was a real pain.
eyedeekay I do all my deb builds on Debian
eyedeekay Or launchpad rather
eyedeekay I don't use ant debian
eyedeekay I will start using it, not sure what is meant by undocumented packages though, last time I made it work I had to comment out the quilt line
eyedeekay in debian/rules
zzz the issue isn't 'ant debian' - it's that newer debian enforces a 3-letter month.
zzz but our release process builds on ubuntu focal which is pretty old
zzz so please fix the monts
eyedeekay Ack I'll do that today
eyedeekay Thanks for explaining it
zzz ant debian does roughly what you+launchpad do for the release; no it doesn't check if you have everything you need, but it's pretty obvious if you don't, or look in debian/control to see
dr|z3d quilt is undocumented, or was last time I checked.
dr|z3d haven't messed with Debian builds for a year or 2.