IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal of whom?
snex whoever that is
RN I don't think orignal was talking to you snex, he was talking about zzz's tweet
dr|z3d I think snex was replying accordingly, RN, though I might be wrong. maybe he was trolling orignal? :)
snex i mean i DCed in between me saying its a retweet and him saying "of whom?" so its possible there was something in between
snex but it would be pretty impressive if i could troll based on text i missed during a reconnect
dr|z3d wouldn't put it past you, snex :)
dr|z3d when it comes to trolling, orignal is both a ripe fruit and mostly virgin terrain.
dr|z3d someone's got a soft spot for you, orignal
snex in any case that is the tweet that zzz retweeted
dr|z3d Ameno one of your new recruits, orignal?
orignal I haven't see that zzz's retweet although I'm susbribed to him
orignal but it would be nice to see I2P's oficial position
dr|z3d official position is reverse cowgirl.
dr|z3d *** winks at orignal ***
dr|z3d one day I'll get a laugh out of you, orignal, one day... :)
orignal finnaly saw it
dr|z3d the image on cake? :)
dr|z3d *tickle tickle*
orignal tweet
dr|z3d you know he's got a French passport, right?
dr|z3d dual passports, French and UAE.
dr|z3d and apparently it wasn't exactly a secret that the French govt. wanted a word. So why he chose to fly his private jet to Paris is anyone's guess.
Anomaly hello
dr|z3d sup A
Anomaly how r u
dr|z3d not bad, thanks.
Anomaly thats good
orignal also russian
orignal but we are talking about I2P cennsorship and feedom of speech
orignal rather than Durov
zzz oh boy rrd4j guy recently pushed a big refactor and more. 3.10 still nowhere in sight. this might get messy.
orignal what is 3.10?
zzz rrd4j release
orignal what's that?
zzz a dependency of ours to create graphs in our console
snex shouldnt a minor release not affect anything at all?
snex or did java stop obeying version standards?
orignal that's why I prefer to keep minimal number of dependencies
orignal and keep reducing
zzz we bundle it and have local mods, so I'm going to do a trial merge to see how it goes
zzz agreed, we don't have a lot but this is one
snex get them to pull your mods in so you dont have to worry about this
zzz yeah we had the impression 3.10 was coming months ago so we were going to wait until then to submit our mods, but now he's doing big refactors and no release in sight
zzz so maybe
orignal you have bountycastle or somthing like this
orignal for crypto
orignal then what do you use? Java built-in only?
zzz yes
zzz plus the noise lib
orignal do you use a lib? why?
orignal not AEAD, HKDF and x25519 sepeartely
zzz for noise? so we didn't have to write it all ourselves, of course
orignal not much to write there
zzz you were here when we both implemented NTCP2, no need to second guess our decisions years later
snex use more dependencies. takes less time to audit updates than to rewrite and maintain things yourself
dr|z3d let's have a look at what rrd4j is doing..
orignal well maybe you have changed somthing since that time
dr|z3d rrd4j refactor probably our fault, zzz. we lit the touch paper with the svg stuff :)
zzz dunno. June 22: "I merged you sample code as a test if you don’t mind. If you are ok, I will release a version 3.10"
dr|z3d yeah, and then he decided mongo needed some work, and it avalanched from there :)
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d on the plus side, we've got an active developer with an active codebase who's receptive to patches. compare and contrast with jrobin where nothing happened forever.
zzz sure. but after he said that I told him 'nothing more from us'. so may be time to check in with him
zzz but first lets see how bad this merge is going to be
zzz looking at it now
dr|z3d yeah, I looked at it. doesn't seem fatal.
zzz think so, but will take some care to not lose our mods in the process
dr|z3d indeed. can we just drop the logarithmic classes altogether? we don't use a logarithmic axis anywhere, and probably won't, will we?
zzz sure, at the cost of more local mods ))
dr|z3d if you can persuade him he wants to include your puker in the codebase, that's one less battle. and maybe he'd be receptive to some of the rendering tweaks now's he's in the thick of a big refactor. dunno.
zzz may be time to put the puker up on my githup
dr|z3d or maybe we'll be fine just patching whatever he spits out, albeit with the extra work that entails.
zzz but he seems to be a classic maintainer, take it or leave it, not so eager for battles or persuasion. me either.
dr|z3d or option 3 is we just freeze the codebase and only patch where absolutely necessary. not like we're missing anything.
dr|z3d yeah, getting puker up on github would be good, at least it's visible then.
dr|z3d option 3 is where we're at with iframresizer.
zzz i fixed it to use h and v for paths so better than ever
dr|z3d yeah, it's a good little library that really does seem like a hand in glove option for rrd4j.
dr|z3d aside, re iframeresizer. we're at the end of the road with the code because version5 is now gpl3, no non-minified script available. developer wants people to pay for it.
dr|z3d (which is fine, it does everything we need)
zzz so now you care about licenses?
dr|z3d snarky.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d it's not about the license, I'm technically in compliance with GPL3, it's about the access to unminified source. But I was talking as much about your compliance.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: not sure what continues to increase the number of Unknowns over time. On my other rig, running the latest 7+. I started with 10; 24 hours later I was at 519, far exceeding by more than 2X+ the next big 3 (US, Russia and Germany) combined
dr|z3d unknown will vary.
dr|z3d remember that when you receive new routerinfos, the geoip lookup doesn't happen immediately.
dr|z3d and for U class routers, if you haven't communicated with them directly in the last few minutes, they'll also be flagless. I consider it fixed.
T3s|4 that's fine, but 'vary' implies up and down randomness. While sometimes I do see a slight decrease in Unknowns, but the larger, dominant trend is a relentless increase
T3s|4 alongside decreases in the Known ^Big 3 country routers
T3s|4 iirc, the US began with 300+ routers and finished with just above 100 in 24 hours. From my POV, human behavior cannot explain that
T3s|4 Similar for Russia and Germany
dr|z3d T3s|4: hidden mode may introduce more variance than normal. not seeing anything like the behavior you're describing on several routers.