IRCaBot 2.1.0
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cumlord Ah was on a phone earlier so couldn’t see, forgot I had looked idk’s plugin before looks very well done
dr|z3d sup Anomaly
dr|z3d it's minimal effort and not wordpress, cumlord.
dr|z3d not difficult to customize the layout/theme, either.
Anomaly oh hello dr|z3d
Anomaly thanks to my vps i have a high performance i2prouter running 24/7
cumlord dr|z3d you’re talking my language. I’m very lazy and despise Wordpress
dr|z3d I suspected as much, cumlord :)
dr|z3d (on both counts)
cumlord Very nice Anomaly how’s the transit look?
Anomaly 1922/8000
cumlord I’d like to get my toolbox out there so I’ll be setting something up.
Anomaly well sometimes it fluctuates one time my share ratio was around 40 i believe and currently its 30
Anomaly and transferred 31.28G/29.53G
Anomaly from these numbers that i provided does it sound like i have a high performance router?
Anomaly lol wdym
dr|z3d cumlord has a multiplexing snark toolbox.
Anomaly yea my share ratio is now 37
Anomaly well i consider 37 to be good because when i hover it, it says a number greater than 1.00 is a positive contribution.
dr|z3d you're hosting 37* the number of tunnels you're using.
Anomaly oh nice
cumlord How long it take to do 31g? It seems like it’s doing pretty good
Anomaly eh well currently my router has been running for 20hrs
cumlord It’s kinda a general toolbox for mass torrent creation and automation
cumlord I feel like that’s pretty good for 20 hrs
darius if you have a lightning fast connection to ur home its possible to have incredible contributions to the network from home. no vps needed. have seen it. but if you have only 200kb eg. reserved for sharing traffic then u seem to get thrown to the side like a piece of rubbish, at leasst in java i2p, i do not like this, there are many people with lower provisions for data use, i believe that if i set my shared
darius bandwidth at a lower rate, say 200, i should be paired at a higher likelihood with others who might have a lower rate. i dont care for this vps/vpn culture at all. i find it academic at worst, spook level shit
darius just mey 2 cents
darius maybe that is why my connection to i2p lately is so bad, maybe i2p is only for ppl who ssh into a vps/vpn these days, lol
darius phone? laptop? wifi only? too bad
darius before a week ago i was using i2p fine at lower bandwidth, did something happen?
dr|z3d darius, sometimes less words convey more meaning.
darius my client makes it difficult to proof read
Anomaly well part of the main purpose for why i am using a vps is because i consider it to be a good learning experience, and for running my eepsite 24/7 which also means keeping my router running 24/7.
Anomaly because theres no use having an i2prouter thats turned off because my computer is off because i cant keep it up 24/7
dr|z3d just think about what you want to say and say it succinctly. we don't want another spaghetti tsunami.
darius anomaly, exactly academic
darius if u dont have a lot of frens running i2p whats the big deal if site not availabl 60/60/24/7
darius build in a system that periodically breaks your connection, create some availablity variance
darius then its not a big deal if site goes down sometimes
darius if u hv many frens on network, get them to help u via multihoming
darius vps/vpns are dumb imo
darius they solve nothing and create MORE problems
dr|z3d borderline trolling.
darius correct dr|z3d, i could have said vpn/vps culture generally, not just on i2p
darius governmt push vps/vpn today, i find it in mainstream crap a lot
darius like A LOT
darius saying goes "u can never get enough of what you don't need" vps is an example, money sinks for no gain
dr|z3d don't conflate the two things. both have their purposes, but they're entirely different propositions.
darius MINIMAL gain, academic purpose ook
dr|z3d you may not find the need for a vps, but in countries with censored content where vps' are still accessible, they're quite handy.
dr|z3d as for vps', without those most of the webservers on the internets wouldn't exist.
dr|z3d again, you might not have a personal requirement, doesn't make them useless.
darius there are not "private" lol, the govt has access, lol
dr|z3d there is no "the govt"
darius bad actors then
dr|z3d if I'm in Russia and I use a vps hosted in the US, the Russian govt doesn't have access unless they've "hacked in".
RN keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer (as they used to say in the cold war days)
darius if u think these "vps" perveyors, and by ur statement about paraphrasing "most of the internet being on them", i assume u mean amazon, cloudflare, google mega corps, if u think they are more trustworthy than govts then theres nothing more to say.
RN use the darknet vps
RN what's the name???
RN all it is is a remote computer... set it up right and it is a handy tool
dr|z3d not owned by amazon, google, microsoft or anyone else.
dr|z3d *anyone else being a corporation
RN yeas! incognet is great!!! I now several people that use their services. Very high reliability.
RN they do such a good job, they had to pause new customers for a while some time back
Anomaly i also use incognet.
Anomaly yea like incognet you can purchase a vps through i2p using bitcoin.
darius incog is one, i would not depend on any one entity too much
RN so, never connect directly to the public IP, use encrypted home if not whole os, and be careful...
RN (at least not to pub ip on your own isp...)
RN incog is one of the best. there's bound to be a few other non-brand ones who take btc of some sort
RN though incog asks for least info on client...
RN in my researching at least
dr|z3d you also get anonymous hostname registration from incognet, not to be sniffed at if you're in the market for a hostname.
darius i would not depend on any one entity too much
darius just pls dont glorify big bandwidthing, its not a goal of i2p, even before a week ago i struggle to share and its not for want of trying, as i said the software should help lower bandwidth participant serve each other at a higher rate than they currently do.
RN you can't make the slowest link in a chain any faster
RN unless you skip the slower ones
RN but then you disserve them
darius exactly! 50kb is not slow!
darius a 200kb sharing person could be sserving 3 people at 50kb easy
darius unless the 100k peopel on i2p are all fake, i'd imagine MANY 7%, would not care if the badwidth is 50kbps
RN well maybe you should write up a cost/benefit ananysis
darius for the other 93% send complaints to their doctor
RN just don't skimp on the "cost" of motivating volunteer coders
RN pfft
darius i2p is not for watching videos, and even tor users would know and that
dr|z3d you don't get to define what i2p is for.
dr|z3d what i2p is for is whatever the users decide it's for.
RN so dariusm make a fork... maybe call it slownet (i2p tailored to low end hardware and connection)
darius 99% know its a volunteer thing and if u want video then u wait for it
RN 99% of what? How many people did you survey for these numbers?
darius my 93% thing was a joke
dr|z3d this entire discussion is a joke :)
dr|z3d albeit a joke that appears to be missing the humor component.
RN dry humor? this thing is dessicated.
darius i would say while a person wants to stream video they should have to click a button for that and the button should automatically switch back to normal background level consumption after 30 minutes
j6 @speed, something that could help a lot is multicasting ;P
j6 you send through multiple nodes at the same time (presumably different bits), at the speed your internet allows, and the other end re-assembles normal traffic, should work for tcp-based stuff just fine, udp based might be a little less reliable
j6 that'd help with speed (encryption overhead will still be there), and shouldn't burden the network much either
darius ie. normal tunnel traffic 28kbytes/sec, click video stream button, and get 280kbps
j6 for that kinda extreme stuff you'd prolly need to do a fork indeed
dr|z3d let us know when you've got a test implementation we can try, j6.
darius i don't understand y the whole network needs to suffer with "vps/vpns" because a few people expct video streaming
dr|z3d darius, same.
dr|z3d feel free to collaborate with mesh, another of the channel's armchair networking experts.
j6 similar stuff
darius the whole network neeeds to discriminate against sane bandwidth sharing because video streaming
dr|z3d anyone can link a document, not anyone has the smarts to code an implementation that can be used on this network.
j6 multipath's technically even part of linux kernel
j6 of course prolly lacking in any other OS's (likely even android's, but idk)
dr|z3d and zzz mentioned multipath tcp only a few days ago.
dr|z3d which is not quite the same thing as multicasting, but whatever.
j6 yeah whatever, I should sleep, tbh
j6 I know they're technically different, but both would be good
j6 e.g. using ethernet+cellular net (perhaps via tether, perhaps modem builtin to laptop/phone), and then disconnecting the cellular, would also be good
j6 *** sadly ain't nowhere near good enough coder to touch such performance-sensitive and low-level code tho ***
j6 apparently also somewhat doable on windows
dr|z3d it's all "doable", it just doesn't get done by itself. it requires coding.
j6 yeah....kinda the bane of nearly all open source projects
j6 have just a tiny handful of people actually doing the work...
darius is there a way in java canon to preference lower bandwidth routers?
j6 ^ that could be interesting feature, tbh, to be able to select preference towards lower or higher bandwidth, defaulting to neutral
j6 *** doesn't know much about i2p internals to begin with ***
cumlord i didn't know people were this into edging
darius i'd like to slide X and P to %30 of my routers, and
darius O and N 30%
dr|z3d but you can exclude bandwidth tiers from your local tunnels.
darius L and M 30% ... so 33% each
darius <dr|z3d> ok how?
dr|z3d From the I2P+ help section: router.excludePeerCaps={netDBcaps}
dr|z3d This setting determines which peer capabilities will not be used to build your router's tunnels. e.g. router.excludePeerCaps=LMN
darius i'm going to exclude the opposite, router.excludePeerCaps=OPX
darius java canon?
dr|z3d no restart required, view /tunnels to see it in action.
dr|z3d obviously any tunnels using excluded tiers will need to expire.
dr|z3d works in both.
darius up until now i was limiting the bandwidth in individual applications to 28kb, or thereabouts
darius this will be much easier
dr|z3d you migth want to try: router.excludePeerCaps=DEGKOPX
dr|z3d or even: router.excludePeerCaps=DEGKOPXU
darius lol no
darius ok so in the "router.config" file, adding line router.excludePeerCaps=OPX
dr|z3d that excludes routers that have any congestion flag set, and all unreachable routers.
darius oh ok, i thought u weere joking and selecting all routers, lol
dr|z3d it also excludes K routers which isn't technically necessary but won't hurt.
darius are any of those documented in the i2p java ui?
darius i trust u but im just thinking bout others
dr|z3d you tell me, you're running it.
dr|z3d if you're asking if canon i2p has a page dedicated to advanced config settings, or a help section with various pages detailing the router's operation etc, the answer is no.
darius i have since FOREVER wanted an option like this.
darius i have wasted years trying to get my system to respect smol web principles and its packages into three letters
not_bob The only issue with setting your own router to only connect to "fast" peers is that it doens't matter. The next hop is likely to be slow again.
not_bob If enough people do it, then it would help. But, otherwose it will not.
dr|z3d not quite correct, but close.
not_bob *** waves his had *yeah* ***
not_bob Oversimplifcation, yes.
dr|z3d all hops in *your* tunnels will respect the config, but the destination's tunnels may slow you down.
not_bob Thank you.
RN would be interesting if those options could be set per tunnel
not_bob *** nods. ***
dr|z3d of course, if you're running + on a fast connection, and the destination is also running +, you're already ahead. :)
not_bob I am content with the speeds I get.
RN you're a special case not_bob
not_bob I care more about latency than maximum bandwidth. Back to each person haveing a unique use case.
RN most of us don't do the nomadic thing
not_bob Hah, yes.
not_bob Shitty internet everywhere for me!
not_bob Sometimes it's good.
RN well, your site is pretty zippy regardless
not_bob RN: My site is not hosted in my van :)
RN *** giggles knowingly ***
darius i personally dont consider what im doing "advanced", not at all, i just wanted my setup to respect smol web pricipals i think over the next days I'll work on a proposal for i2p
darius it will feature router.excludePeerCaps=OPX and possibly those other letters you mentiond, dr|z3d>
dr|z3d see how it works for you first, darius
darius theres a bit of prep involved yes
dr|z3d no prep required, just in the field testing.
darius if anyone else wants to try smol web principles pls dont be scared, we can try together, obv :)
darius it will be good to chat mongst ourselves about wat we experience
RN so will that be in the channel #darius or #smol-i2p?
cumlord #smol-i2p has a nice ring to it
darius smol web principles are jjust healthy web priniciples, or non-addicted web principles its a bad way to classify wat ppl like me do, really...yea i kno ppl addicted to various web services on the internet, they are not healthy, mayb jus healthy-i2p, lol
darius helthi2p
darius healthi2p
darius seeing sites i've never gotten to load b4 now, btw, inital tests are positive
dr|z3d not necessarily related.
RN *** locates darius's tunnels and lowers the reliability coefficient ***
cumlord like a minimalist type of thing?
RN more like salvador dali
RN ;)
cumlord that's just surreal
snex if you had a pet ocelot, what would you name it?
darius its more like a village, internet where people work together to make success happen rather than dependence on big fail points.
cumlord blitzkrieg sounds like a suitable name for how i'd expect it to kill me
darius um its a global connected village of non-addicted ppl working independently but each to their own
darius independent but connected
darius big web is dependent and segregated
darius pick your own blitzkrieg adventure, i suppose
RN hey addicts are people too! don't turn your back on the most needy of us.
RN *** is proud to be a nicotine addict because it makes them look cool ***
RN ♫ ♪ All my bad habbits lead to yoooooooou ♪ ♫
darius the addict will simply start thinking about other things between moments of engagement in the addiction, because the non-addicted people will be like, pls wait
RN huh?
RN too much black and wite thinking there I think
darius *will be like, "pls wait"
RN who is pls?
RN plas is on a different irc
RN and what is being waited for?
snex cumlord: im sorry the correct answer is "baboo"
cumlord thwarted again in my attempts to gain entry to the society of classy mustaches
RN *** shaves cumlord ***
RN *** indoctrinates cumlord in the depilitated division with great pomp and circumstance ***
RN *** persists but by the time cumlord pushes RN away there's nothing left but eyelashes, not even a hair on his chinny chin chin ***
Anomaly well this is retarded
RN so... advance it
orignal I'm still wondering why I keep disconnecting here
orignal for example 3 times during this night
orignal zzz "reggae link still working :)"
orignal because it's mine )))
orignal running trunk
orignal this one is more importantto test because 320 Kbs
zzz iirc r4sas set it up for me
orignal yes but on my vps
orignal on the same tunnel with other radios
orignal and we use it a lot for testing
zzz can't get a LS for iaai75
orignal I get it immidiately
orignal seem we really have different list of floodfills
zzz dunno. working now.
orignal need to be investigated
zzz Distance for Aug 16, 2024
zzz HashDistanceDistance from previous
zzz Osd21cZ9HV9q6nClEBHBkJeVgP3NJAaeAIhu5~hUFBY=244.57
zzz OsCOl6pBzhOlBmrQE8TLhkf0QRud5YCAuxYUIBAuQeA=244.68243.00
zzz OpziWVspsahiSD04qxWbhCwyAjmkFq3ANMeCaIxCZxU=246.58246.72
zzz Or7srz3VRWie8pUn-mdrwbyaCy4FjEvxzbo7fSUR0Uk=246.84245.53
zzz OJaTTAwAskhLg7hqI4peWegsigpkQc0UVFFp7cxnF7Q=249.57249.54
zzz OLfaPycoBviKbZovK9Q-jmmtbATFxvgRkor49q1HS-0=249.60245.52
zzz and after those:
zzz OVXubPkXHnJVl3cWIChgk2CzBWCbWgkfEOmY7hP2-~0=249.88248.94
zzz OSJYcsO4aL5LkwFrSETmm~XHxilRgVDUkvbbr09IRHE=249.99246.94
zzz PttLUMAeBiClWK1X8G3VZzzuk9pL0sLi~iBxWJWAZJU=250.51251.00
zzz PnxasqlRPPhsz2TS7M56o7fUKsXvUkWE32HWddkolyg=250.58247.65
dr|z3d what is iaai75? reggae?
dr|z3d well that is very curious.
zzz looks like I don't have profiles for the first 5, I queried OLfa
dr|z3d I've been working with postman on his LS publication issues and twiddling knobs all over.
dr|z3d I'm seeing some improvements on test router, as is he.
dr|z3d still not perfect, there are enough floods that don't seem to reach the floodfills one way or another, not sure of the root cause.
dr|z3d mitigations in play right now include a longer timeout for republish (and other timeout tweaks), hitting 3 random ffs with our LS instead of one, increased priority for netdb flooding..
orignal dr|z3d this one is "spoken Russian" ))
orignal reggie is the link from zzz.i2p
orignal zzz, what's wrong with first 5?
dr|z3d spoken reggie, eh. reggie kray reggae in Russian? :)
orignal svoe radio
orignal they usually talk ))
orignal but iaai75 has bunch of radios
orignal and yes zzz mentioned raggie in Russian
dr|z3d I got radio.r4sas.i2p linked on the + homepage for those that like r4sas's musical tastes.
dr|z3d however, I'm not interested in the music right now, I'm interested in zzz's failure to acquire LS issue.
dr|z3d wondering if it coincides with issues I'm seeing.
zzz orignal, didn't have any profile on the first 5 - new ff, or old version
zzz what are you showing as the closest?
dr|z3d in your latest yellow tunnel patch, zzz, you're treating LS1 and LS2 slightly differently. does that differentiation need to happen in RepublishLeasesetJob?
zzz maybe
orignal I don't print this information
orignal let me check what I have about first 5
orignal voila Osd21 is StormyCloud's
StormyCloud I didnt do it
StormyCloud maybe I did
orignal router.version=^F0.9.63
orignal StormyCloud zzz doesn't like your FF
orignal while i2pd likes it
orignal that seems the problem
orignal caps=^CXfR;^Ffamily=^Kstormycloud;
orignal nothing unusual with this FF
StormyCloud :O well that isnt very nice. zzz is it just one FF or all of our FF routers?
orignal I checked the first from his list
dr|z3d StormyCloud: nothing to worry about at this stage, we're trying to dissect a possible issue that's not specifically related to your routers.
orignal Or7s is router.version=^F0.9.54
orignal that makes sense
orignal dr|z3d I disagree. Since we know the owner of the first router in the list it's much easier to pin the problem
orignal because StormyCloud can check something on his side
dr|z3d not saying he can't help, orignal, what I'm saying right now is that we haven't identified that the issue is specific to StormyCloud's routers.
StormyCloud Bouncing between work and the laptop so if something is needed from my end just lmk. Happy to help in any way
orignal I suspect signature
zzz I have Osd21 on one router but not on the one in question, and lookups for it from that router fail
zzz maybe RI publishing on plus is borked too?
orignal <zzz> looks like I don't have profiles for the first 5, I queried OLfa
orignal then what does it mean?
orignal you didn't lookup at all or lookup didn't return?
orignal never mind
orignal got it
orignal I see Osd21 on my other routres too
orignal is it possible something wrong with family.key?
dr|z3d unlikely.
dr|z3d all stormycloud family routers are indicating a valid key here.
dr|z3d I see you got busy with flux, cumlord, some interesting output there :)
cumlord i was brutally shaved against my will by snex and rn apparently so i wanted to render myself in my weakened state
cumlord ramble.i2p/f/Art/5490/my-uncle is my personal favorite :)
dr|z3d Please capitalize your post titles.
dr|z3d you also probably want to change your background/location/setting prompt description so you've got more variation in the images.
dr|z3d my uncle looks like he should be in a back street in istanbul, for example.
cumlord i was going for a "chose your fighter" situation all in the same universe, overtaken by vicious crabs
dr|z3d ah, then you probably want to present all of those as cards, no?
dr|z3d I like "The Tank", made me chuckle.
dr|z3d butler has 1 't'
dr|z3d buttler may be something slightly different.
dr|z3d also worth noting that, depending on the subject matter and framing, you may want to adjust the proportions/dimensions of the image, the presentation will adjust accordingly.
cumlord yes exactly, shoulda been in some sort of card form
cumlord plausible i had butts on the mind
cumlord cake.i2p/file/pke318HeFO_lq85LPZLAJKGLDkwk0wzBiGq1oM3U8_IFatohpWiz/GAGABEAVER.jpeg the runner up for that one, i love how the buttler just kinda floats over there
cumlord didn't even know i had options for that lmao
dr|z3d something like this....
cumlord This right there
dr|z3d 1024x1536 dimensions.
dr|z3d it didn't quite capture lady gaga, but hey, here's the prompt:
dr|z3d > lady gaga riding a porcupine with a midget butler offering a plate of snacks in a dark alley, framed as a tarot card with the title "The Avenger", photorealistic, volumetric
dr|z3d (maybe because I typoed lady gaga)
cumlord Oh I should have used midget buffer I don’t think it understood what a “baby in a suit” was and gave some horrifying output
dr|z3d oh, I dunno, your butler has a certain character all its own :)
cumlord The end of days trading cards. Didn’t even think to try that like that
zzz pretty sure my failure to fetch the Osd21 RI was an unrelated temporary router snafu, y'all can ignore that report
T3s|4 lols cumlord - I thought your 'baby in a suit' rendition was your latest take on snex :D
T3s|4 dr|z3d: nice prompt - IDK the gaga lady was actually this pretty; last time I saw her she was wearing raw meat as a dress - cake.i2p/file/GuKjiVQGyo_xrw35nI9yfmkOKnwKIwefjJe8RH5PC_Jnw9Zre1Bs/TheAvenger.webp :)
orignal zzz but back to the original quetsion
orignal are you able to listen 320 Kbs without lags?
dr|z3d you forgot to set the dimensions, T3s|4
T3s|4 dr|z3d: do mean to focus only on the card? If so, yeah that was 1024x1024 with 26 inference steps. Never been a card fanatic :)
T3s|4 do *you mean
dr|z3d I mean 1024x1536 to get a card instead of a card framed with the background visible.
dr|z3d dimensions dicate framing.
dr|z3d *dictate
T3s|4 gotcha, thanks
dr|z3d better :)
dr|z3d revised prompt to play with: Lady Gaga, wearing steel armored plating, riding a porcupine, holding aloft a mighty intricate sword with a filigree blade in a dark alley, while a chibi modbidly obese midget child butler stands close by, offering a plate of snacks, framed as a tarot card with the title "The Avenger" written in a germanic calligraphic script font, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, volumetric
dr|z3d s/modbidly/morbidly
zzz didn't realize you wanted me to try the 320 kb feed, let's see
cumlord T3s|4 I originally asked for lady Gaga in a meat dress riding a beaver and the results were nightmare fuel
zzz this isn't reggae...
orignal no, but it doesn't matter what's that
orignal it only matters it's 320 Kbs livce radio
orignal if your streaming implemntation can handle it and for like 15 minutes
zzz actually it is reggae when they stop talking
zzz yeah it's fine
orignal maybe. but they talk most of time ))
orignal great. that's what I wanted to know
zzz seems to be changing tagsets also
zzz Ratchet Inbound sessions
zzz From public key: VCJd4rWFoGWEdOq9M2rG...Sets: 4
zzz ID: 1/6484 expires in: 58 sec with 320+56987 tags remaining
zzz ID: 2/6650 expires in: 4 min with 320+56988 tags remaining
zzz ID: 3/6792 expires in: 8 min with 320+56993 tags remaining
zzz ID: 4/6940 expires in: 9 min with 320+62173 tags remaining
zzz but when it stops it doesn't seem to recover
orignal not only tagsets but also tunnels
orignal that's more important
orignal what's the reason of stop?
orignal missing packets? NACKS?
zzz don't know, I don't have any logging on
zzz it stopped at 19:03 elapsed time
orignal most likely paticipating tunnel died
zzz From public key: VCJd4rWFoGWEdOq9M2rG...Sets: 3
zzz ID: 2/6650 expires in: 30 sec with 320+56988 tags remaining
zzz ID: 3/6792 expires in: 4 min with 320+56993 tags remaining
zzz ID: 4/6940 expires in: 7 min with 320+57625 tags remaining
orignal that's what I menitined couple days ago
orignal if a tunnels died we need to switch to another one
orignal many in 30 seconds or so
orignal people also complained about the issue when downloaded long files like 100Mb+
zzz I still have your LS, but not getting anything
orignal yes, it's but on my side
zzz I'm using the firefox embedded player
orignal me too
orignal no stream on my side
orignal it got closed
orignal but you still see it open
zzz and in a different tab I can't get to iaai75 at all
orignal then maybe racthets session died
orignal if it's back after 3-4 minytes
orignal that's what it is
T3s|4 dr|z3d: all good, but I liked '4' the best - thanks for the new prompt!
orignal I see you back
T3s|4 cumlord: I like the term 'nightmare fuel' :)
zzz but why did it die
zzz ok tagsets are expired, lets try again and see how far it gets
zzz died and when I hit reload 'The file you requested could not be found'
zzz then another reload fails
zzz oh wait here it comes back
zzz tagset still alive
orignal because a bug somewhere
orignal file not found it's not i2p issue
orignal it's on the seource
orignal e..g that radio
Afkaid Hi, I read you speaking about radios. Do you know nice music radio b32 URLs?
Afkaid or a webpage listing cool musical radios?
zzz I got this far before it died this time:
zzz From public key: VCJd4rWFoGWEdOq9M2rG...Sets: 3
zzz ID: 2/6650 expires in: 30 sec with 320+56988 tags remaining
zzz ID: 3/6792 expires in: 4 min with 320+56993 tags remaining
zzz ID: 4/6940 expires in: 7 min with 320+57625 tags remaining
zzz whups old paste
zzz this far:
zzz ID: 5/9244 expires in: 118 sec with 320+56918 tags remaining
zzz ID: 6/9380 expires in: 4 min with 323+57004 tags remaining
zzz ID: 7/9477 expires in: 5 min with 320+65193 tags remaining
orignal and what does it mean?
orignal 8 tagets
orignal I think at some point new tagset doesn't come
zzz you're switching tagsets with about 57320 remaining every time.
zzz here it died on tagset 7 after using only about 25
zzz tagsets cannot "die", only expire
zzz there's still plenty of time before expiration to keep using it on a new set of tunnels if you switch
zzz anyway, that's my test report ))
zzz if you want to test tagset switching, hack your code to switch every 500 tags instead of 8000
zzz I still have test code to do that
orignal thanks
orignal will try
orignal or maybe I didn't recieve your new tagset
zzz no, I was still on the first tagset
zzz and remember it doesn't matter when you try to switch to a new one, you can keep using the old one for another 57000 tags if the new one never gets there!
orignal but did you send any new?
zzz don't know, wasn't logging
orignal maybe I do something wrong
orignal I delete old once I get new
orignal need to investigate
zzz you can delete your old outbound tagset but not your new inbound, you may get things out of order, and I can't use the new one until it's acked
orignal maybe that's a issue
orignal needs to take a look anyway
orignal because tonns of Garlic: Flags/static section AEAD verification failed
orignal I simply can't decrypt your msgs at some point
zzz I'm using about 10% of the tags you are, but I switch at 4K and you at 8K, so somewhere around your tagset #4 or #5 I should send a new one, will keep an eye out
orignal plenty of deryption failure
zzz you're on #4
zzz ID: 2/11013 expires in: 3 min with 320+56999 tags remaining
zzz ID: 3/11293 expires in: 9 min with 320+56953 tags remaining
zzz ID: 4/11539 expires in: 9 min with 320+64496 tags remaining
zzz I'm still on #0
zzz ID: 0/10625 acked created: Aug 16, 2024 4:08 PM last used: Aug 16, 2024 4:34 PM expires in: 7 min with 62669 tags remaining
zzz smoothly switched
zzz ID: 1/11911 acked created: Aug 16, 2024 4:43 PM last used: Aug 16, 2024 4:44 PM expires in: 7 min with 65437 tags remaining
darius ok so my inability to reach destinations is cronic again, i think it has more to do with my Participation tunnels, they were high yesterday and so i was able to reach places, the removal of the OPX (>2000) routers wasn't the reason for my success yesterday. I don't know exactly why my participation rate shot up yesterday, i didnt change anything.
orignal then it's something else
darius yeah, some sort of discrimination against my router it was great but as particpation went down my connectivity went down
dr|z3d he's yours, zzz.
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
orignal btw, what's a probabilty of tags duplicates?
darius orignal is that for me?
orignal no, for zzz
orignal do you know if you were not able to decrypt some messages from me?
darius k, also i don't know if this is normal but the b32s fail with 502 Gateway Timeout MUCH FASTER than the i2p addresses, i don't really understand that because i thought the routers treat them the same
darius they fail within a few seconds
darius '.i2p' can take a minute
orignal dr|z3d why did you disconnect?
dr|z3d good question, orignal
darius *504* Gateway Timeout
orignal dr|z3d I'm asking if you initiated disconnect or your connection was dropped?
dr|z3d yeah, I know you are. I'm telling you in a round about way "I don't know, I didn't do it!"
orignal does it happen often if this netwrok?
dr|z3d (I just had to check the router hosting the connection hadn't spontaneously restarted)
orignal you might restart bouncer, etc.
orignal why I keep diconnecting here few times a day?
dr|z3d yeah, right, I understood.
orignal and never at Ilita
orignal that's my question
dr|z3d maybe LS retrieval failure?
dr|z3d LS expires, you attempt to acquire a new one, can't get one for a couple of seconds, and then you can.
dr|z3d I'm speculating of course.
dr|z3d thing is, with a long enough timeout on the irc client, a temp glitch shouldn't cause your connection to drop.
dr|z3d so I don't know is the short answer.
orignal retrieval?
orignal if must though connection
darius something is wrong on the network