IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal addresshelper works with i2pd
dr|z3d do you present a conflict error if the address is already in your addressbook?
dr|z3d also, how's your max percentage per router code looking? :)
dr|z3d *** pokes orignal ***
orignal are you kidding me?
orignal I have plenty of other things to do
orignal if I remeber I alays replace to newer one
orignal but never to DSA
dr|z3d so you don't confirm before replace?
orignal or maybe I do
orignal don't remeber
dr|z3d user blindly clicks a link not noticing it's an addresshelper, and *poof* they've now got a bogus address for foo.i2p.
orignal not it's not like this
orignal when it tries to add an address from browser it always asks
orignal regardless if new or old
dr|z3d ok, that's good. you should also be checking that the address isn't already present in the addressbook if it's different, but I suspecr you're already doing that.
dr|z3d that wasn't best expressed, what I mean is, if there's a conflict with an existing address, some sort of obvious warning should be displayed to the user in the browser.
RN orignal, I have 333.i2p in my address book. (for example) then that naughty dr|z3d provides an address helper that clamis to be for 333.i2p but is another site. when I use the bad address helper, does the "ask" page make it clear that there is a problem? or could a user too easily click to accept the new one not knowing they are replacing the correct info?
RN *** winks at the good doctor ***
RN or, do you keep the old info in address book, but take them to the new destination without modifying address book?
dr|z3d *** winks back ***
RN picked you to play the part of the black hat mostly because you were the last person who spoke. hope you don't mind. ;)
dr|z3d you're just asking orignal what I asked him before, for which no satisfactory answer was forthcoming :)
j6 doing somesite.i2p?whatever addresshelper, and replacing like one of the last characters didn't do anything, for me, granted, it'd prolly just become invalid, but that's the only test I did, heh
j6 I'd also expect socks vs http might affect whether there's an error or not
j6 since with socks, you'd first have to figure out whether or not it's a http request to begin with
RN yes, I rephrased the unanswered question, hoping between the two he can translate the meaning of the question
RN interesting j6. did you see if anything showed up in logs about the bogus address?
j6 idk, I should sleep atm, lol
j6 you can yell at me to remember checking later
RN rest well j6
orignal I need to check
orignal if it's in addressbook alreday and differendt adddress it will be rejected
RN and the user is presented a notice, or just taken to the one already in the address book?
orignal error meesage
RN sounds good to me
orignal or asks if you want to update
orignal depending on referer, etc.
orignal there is long code about it
RN this is more of a curiosity question: if I was on reg.i2p in my browser. then in the address bar I paste a helper link. does it consider reg.i2p to the the referrer?
RN *to be
orignal all shit is here
orignal and was no wtitten by me
dr|z3d put it on a t-shirt, orignal
dr|z3d "all shit is here"
dr|z3d russian typeface optional.
orignal one dude asked me today how we call people from Caucasus))
dr|z3d big fat caucs?
orignal I told him
orignal no, "churka"
orignal literraly meaning wooden log
dr|z3d oh, churka.
dr|z3d amusing.
orignal has the same meaning as n-word
orignal this Brazilian guy knew something ))))
dr|z3d that t-shirt design's got potential, no?
dr|z3d I forget the rainbow antlers, sorry.
orignal see guys
orignal none of your understands spoken Russian
dr|z3d probably for the best.
orignal othewise you would learn a lot of new things in places where you live
orignal that there are people that think much different
dr|z3d sadly I'm not fluent in Mongolian, either.
orignal you can hear Russian everywhere
orignal unlike mongolian
orignal even in place where you live
orignal you just don't know it's Russian
dr|z3d I can tell it's Russian, always.
dr|z3d spoken russian always smells of vodka and potatoes.
orignal you cann't understand what people say each other
dr|z3d *** pokes orignal in the ribskies. ***
orignal imagine the beauty
orignal you tell some really astohining thing to people around
orignal but the can't understand
orignal and it's not atonishing for people who are able to understand
orignal because they think the same
dr|z3d let me make you a nice avatar of that pic.
Anomaly this Anomaly^ guy needs to calm down
Irc2PGuest29427 is i2p under attack? almost nothing is working from me lately, http/s are all shot, i got two succuessful requests in the last 2 hours
Irc2PGuest29427 2 out of 40, tried resetting the tunnels tried multiple times multiple sites
RN well that is anomalous
Anomaly RN, why whats going on ?
RN those letters, I haveen't seen them typed in that order for a long time, used to be someone's nick
RN and nobody on I2P ever just types some chaaracters instead of saying something lucid and intelligable
RN ;)
Anomaly oh lol
RN gotcha
RN we did used to have someone with a nick starting asdf some time ago
Anomaly yea i just type random stuff like that, because im trying to figure stuff out and was making sure i was connected to the channel, so i typed that
Anomaly yea thats cool, i never knew
RN maybe they lurk about with a new name or maybe they're just gone
RN and "i never knew" is exactly what they would say when I blow their cover
RN it IS you
RN <3 <3
Anomaly lol wtf
Anomaly no i am not asdf i promise.
RN hmmm...
RN didn't trick you into typing the full nick by muscle memory
RN I'll have to try a new tactic
RN am I actually typing this?
RN I am supposed to be ruminating in my skull
snex It’s him I have proof
Anomaly i suppose
Anomaly whats going on
RN hehe
Anomaly snex are you saying i am the nick "asdf"?
RN careful with snex. he is probably pulling your leg half the time if not more.
snex I have proof but RN won’t let me share it because it’s pii
RN that is right, I ask that you don't do that in #torrents, I'm sure the dr would ask the same here
RN don't believe him Anomaly he doesn't know who you are
Anomaly yea i know he doesnt know who i am.
RN he doesn't even know the full nick name I was talking about
Anomaly man some of the torrents i find on postman
RN oh? interesting stuff? or batshit crazy?
Anomaly like i saw this one torrent which spoke about government documents.
snex Every single episode of the canary in the cage podcast
Anomaly and thats stuff i wouldnt dare download.
RN and he is advertising again. LOL
RN at least snax has good timing
RN ;)
snex I saw the wishlist for that but I did not see it fulfilled
Anomaly i feel like some of the cool kids now that im using znc.
RN if that torrent is actually there, and is not real or contains malware you can report it on the tracker
RN yeah, I noticed
RN it shows in your /whois
Anomaly oh under real name?
RN yep
Anomaly yea lol
RN couple other places if you don't change some of the default settings
snex Pls don’t report it until i get home and have a chance to get the magnet
Anomaly shiiii, if you really want me to send you a link to it i can dm you.
RN part message comes to mind but I am sure there are a few places when you dig in the settings for znc a bit
Anomaly but like i said i dont dare download it
RN snex is immune to persecution, he (publicly discoses his real name and that he) lives in las vegas usa
RN it is not doxing if he publicly shares this info with us
snex I’m not even sure I have hd space available lol
RN what of your claims you never do anything illegal
snex It’s not illegal for me to download that we already went over this
RN I thought it was esatblished that in neveada possessing pii for more than five people is enough to get you in deep legal troubles
Anomaly what is pii ?
RN personal ideintifyable information
snex It can establish probable cause but I have rebuttal evidence
RN like birthdate, name, tax id number, other identifying information that is not normally public
snex Even name birthday combo counts as pii
RN all you have is an online chat with some cracpots on a darknet
snex I have a history of being an honorable citizen who never does illegal things
snex I am an Eagle Scout
RN likely story mister rick santos
dr|z3d if you're onto snex, RN, tell him to fix that abomination of a website of his :)
snex You have my name. It’s public info. Troop 406 Chicago. 1999
snex My website is great
RN oh, you are from the windy city... damn that explains a lot
dr|z3d your website makes myspace look sophisticated, snex :)
snex u jelly
snex I wanted to make it type the letters out but there’s no way to do it with css only
dr|z3d there is, but it's not pretty.
snex There is for single blocks but not what I have
dr|z3d but then, given your dubious aesthetics, maybe not pretty is absolutely fine.
snex I don’t want yet another bootstrap tailwind garbage site
dr|z3d RN will give you a hand, she knows things.
snex I don’t want a different design
snex Design my knife pages
dr|z3d your knife images look like they've been mangled by excessive jpeg compression and then inexplicably converted back to png.
snex Aka taken on an iPhone 8
dr|z3d you must have different compression settings on your phone you can use, or a RAW output you can then compress to webp, surely?
dr|z3d they're obviously works of art, those knives, they deserve better :)
snex It creates those stupid heic files
snex I should hire a pro with real film lol
dr|z3d just reducing the level of compression should be enough.
dr|z3d or increasing the quality setting, whatever your iPhone allows.
dr|z3d but you're right, they could do with their own section, thumbnail navigation and the like.
snex iPhones are trash they don’t let me do that fancy stuff
snex Especially older ones
dr|z3d I don't disbelieve you.
dr|z3d you'd probably get better pictures off a current sub $100 dollar android phone.
RN you're not supposed to clean the camera lens with sandpaper, even if it is an iphone
RN you definately should hire a photographer
RN or at least ask a friend with an android
RN or someone paid to say they are your friend.
RN ;)
snex The only photographer friend I have is back in Chicago
RN so send him your knives
RN s/knives/blades/
RN don't want to miss any hatchets or swords or other variations on bladed weapons
snex Yeah let me just ship 20k of hardware in the government mail system what could go wrong
RN exactly
RN you can trust your usa post
RN just make sure to declare the contents properly
RN and then after trusting them, buy their extra insurance (in case they fuck up) that is super affordable
snex Some of these are not legal to ship across state lines
RN also, your photographer friend, I would wager smokes a litte pot, so throw one of those famous vegas dispensary pre-rolls in to motivate him
snex Also illegal to ship. And he does not
RN being the artsy type, he probably tokes even if he didn't tell you.
snex No he’s pretty conservative
RN hmmm... I am starting to suspect he is an invisible friend from childhood... a photographer who doesn't toke? that's illegal in the usa.
snex I met him at the payday loan company I worked at
RN is this the part where I say "Bazinga!"
RN oh, so you were a borderline legal loan shark's agent?
RN now I say it
snex I was a software engineer
snex I still am but I used to be too
RN a software engineer supporting a buisness that is financially abusive by design...
snex No it lends money to people who need it and have no other alternatives
RN yeap just what a predator would say
RN you drink the company cool-aide
RN not to be confused with our presently absent new user coolaid
snex You have no info about payday loans at all. Probably just believed John Oliver about them
RN he did a bit on the topic?
snex Yes it’s awful and full of misinformation
snex Like all his bits
RN he's part parody, not 100% factual, but fun to watch if you think critically about what he says
snex Let’s say you are a total stranger and want to borrow $200 from me. You’ll pay me back in 2 weeks. How much is reasonable to charge you?
RN usually I'd say follow the guidelines that banks have to...
RN so something close to the wall journal interst rate
snex I’m not a bank
snex You don’t have deposits here. This is not customer money. It’s MY money
RN even if you were a credit union, I wouldn't borrow from you
snex How much would YOU charge a total stranger?
RN I would not loan to a stranger
snex So you’d tell him to go fuck himself but somehow you’re the good guy?
RN assuming I had any money to loan, I'd set the rate based on what I figure is fair, and being I know the person well enough to lend them money, I'd go under the interest rate of regulated institutions
snex You don’t know them
snex It’s just some dude
RN then, as I said, I wouldn't loan to them
snex Right so you don’t care if he gets evicted
snex So let’s not pretend you’re the good guy
RN I might give a little not expecting it back, but I would not loan any significant amout to anyone I don't know
snex He needs $200 to pay the rent
RN he is a stranger to me, I have no obligation to help him and no quilt about it
snex He will pay you back in 2 weeks
RN again assuming I was finanically liquid enough to lend someone money
snex Ok so why are you criticizing people who DO help him?
RN because they hammer you if you miss that two week deadline
snex Define “hammer”
RN s/you/him/
snex We do not send out men with hammers to hit you with hammers
snex We call you on the phone
RN charge ammounts that escalate in a way to make it nearly impossible for someone who made the loan with the loan shark to ever pay back
RN fees and inteest build up fast and they are not very forgiving
snex Then if you don’t pay for 60 days we sell the debt for pennies on the dollar
snex There is no interest on a payday loan…
snex See you have no idea how this works lol
RN and selling the debt in the way you do, screws up their credit repot thing, and hands it over to people that are less forgiving of hardship
Irc2PGuest58966 snex: calculating repayment risk is literally one of the hardest problems in the world
Irc2PGuest58966 which is why payday loans and checkcashers simply choose ridiculous interest rates and fees
snex We can’t screw up their credit. IT’s already screwed. That’s why they’re getting payday loans
RN no, but the people you sell the bad dept to for pennies on the dollar, they chare exhobitant fees and interest, and you know it
snex Define “ridiculous”
snex I don’t see you doing it for less
Irc2PGuest58966 haha how fitting that snex is a vulture that feeds on the poor and downtrodden
not_bob_afk @orignal: none of your understands spoken Russian - неправда
snex It’s not my problem what debt collectors do with the debt
RN because mesh and I have a sense of morality
snex But no they don’t do that
snex Because they bought it so cheap they’ll let you pay back way less
snex Lol morality
snex Morality is always the calling card of the socialist
snex And then they line you up against the wall
Irc2PGuest58966 not just us
not_bob_afk *** has no room to talk there :( ***
RN so proclaims the irrefutable source called snex
Irc2PGuest58966 in most states these days my understanding is that payday loans are illegal
RN it must be true
snex No they are not
Irc2PGuest58966 it's only the most retarded and corrupt red states that still allow em
snex They are illegal in like 15
RN I conceede to your grandiose and misrepresented statements
snex And guess where people in THOSE states get loans
snex From the actual mafia
snex Who actually does send men with hammers
snex Well some socialists
snex Well done*
RN can you cite references for these claims?
snex They’re legal in basically all blue states rofl
snex Stop just making shit up if you want to engage in this discuss
snex Discussion
RN hold your breath long enough, snax, and you will become your own blue state
RN *** couldn't resist that opening. LOL ***
Irc2PGuest58966 I think they're illegal in more than 15 states
RN the race is on, who will provide a quality source for their numbers?
Irc2PGuest58966 last time I looked into this there were relatively few states where payday loans where such loans weren't either outright banned or a legal minefield
snex I haven’t worked there in like 10 years so I’m sure it’s changed since then but not by much
Irc2PGuest58966 though one great thing about fucking over the most poor and vulnerable (women) is that they can't afford to sue you when they realize you fucked them
snex We had business in a large majority of states
RN *** starts wandering back to wathching the new beavis and butthead.. and then sees more popcorn fodder ***
snex You’re retarded if you think a mutual agreement on a loan is “fucking somebody over” meanwhile you sit there and help nobody
snex You’re the one fucking them over
snex You claim you could lend to them for less but you don’t
RN but the collecors dont stick to the orignal mutual agreement
snex Yes they do
RN and they cause other harm
Irc2PGuest58966 yeah a "mutual agreement" with people whose children are literally starving or trying to fight off homeless
snex You sign a contract wtf
snex All the terms are up front
Irc2PGuest58966 don't be retarded snex, we're not all as utterly retarded as you
snex Did payday lenders put them in that spot? No. So stfu
snex You’re the only one here being retarded
RN but you sold the debt, so you can't guarantee that the debt collector who buys it or the third down the line the purchases it will stick to anything
snex Literally only one entity is helping those people pay bills and you criticize it
Irc2PGuest58966 though you're right I guess: according to the loans are "technically legal" in quite a few states. the USA has unsurprisingly gone backwards on this
snex Go help yourself
snex RN: That’s not how contracts work…
RN contracts are not as transferable as you seem to think
RN nor as binding
Irc2PGuest58966 such loans should be illegal though, no doubt. I mean I'm a trader and I have no problem fucking all the people over but even I wouldn't touch with payday loans
snex Yes they are. If the original contract says so. Which it does
RN only when you are working with the original contractee
snex “I’m a trader” = “I’m a degenerate gambling addict”
snex Nobody cares what you think, socialist
snex Socialism destroys societies
RN just sell it acros state lines where it no longer applies and voila, free to collect the debt more abusively then the original terms
snex That’s not how it works
snex Go read one of the contracts
RN and that is not even adressing people who don't understand contacts and the lender fails to disclose things properly
snex ROFL word?
snex Wtf?
snex Bruh stop treating people like children
snex We do not lend to children
RN you read it for me, you are the one trying to prove you are right
snex I have read them
snex I had to write the code around them
snex You still haven’t told me what YOU would charge
RN so cite sections and how they keep debt collectors several down the repurchased debt line are held to any contract from the origianal lender
snex I love how socialists never answer that question
RN I told you.
snex Just go read it it’s free online
RN I would not lend to a stranger.
snex No you didn’t
snex Right. You’d let them get evicted
snex You’re the bad guy
snex So get off your moral high horse
RN and someone I do know would be on a sliding scale based on my trust with them
RN I can't save everyone from getting evicted and am not going to try
snex I don’t care about people you do know. A stranger needs your help and you left him in the dirt
snex You’re the bad guy
RN I choose to only lend to people I know
snex Then you’re the bad guy
snex Stop arguing with peoplewho DO take that risk
snex You have no grounds to criticize
RN no. I can't help everyone who needs it. I can only help myself, and if something is left over, maybe someone I know.
Irc2PGuest58966 normal people just pay taxes to help women and their starving children
RN I have no guilt about not being able to help everyone who needs it.
Irc2PGuest58966 only the most evil fucks see such people and say "I know I'll loan them $200 at 400%APR"
snex “I don’t like how you helped that stranger but I will do jack shit for him” is retarded
RN I am often denied help when I need it.
snex “I don’t like how you helped that stranger even though I told him to kick rocks” piss off socialist
RN and that is not what I said. you paraphrased it wrong.
snex When you help, then you get to criticize
snex Mesh name the price you’d charge
snex You can’t can you?
RN I do help people when I can. I have forgiven more money loaned to people than you would imagine.
snex You never helped a stranger
RN you don't know me, and you are talking about me. therefore you don't know what you are talking about
snex Not with $200
Irc2PGuest58966 snex: like I said, I just pay taxes to a normal government
snex i pAy tAxEs is retarded socialist speak
snex Your taxes murder children
RN so do yours snax
snex Your taxes enrich politicians and their friends
snex Yes and I am against taxes
Irc2PGuest58966 the idea that the best way to help poor people facing homelessness and hunger is to exploit them in a way that is so evil and stupid that it's banned in most of the civilized world, including China
snex This retard favors them
Irc2PGuest58966 says more about you than it does about reality
snex Once again, YOU aren’t helping
snex So fuck off
RN so does you particpating in a system that ultimately leaves people more destitute than when they first came to you 3 or 15 loans ago
snex You don’t get to criticize others who help when YOU won’t lift a finger
snex RN: Assertion without evidence
RN I see Irc2PGuest58966 lifting a finger right now
snex Where’s your study on this?
RN assertion without evidence? yeah that is exactly what snex spews.
snex No it’s what you just did
snex You claimed they are more destitute after payday loans than before
snex Where is your evidence?
RN where's yours? I asked for statistics about how many states it was legal in and you came up with nothing
snex I said it’s illegal in around 15. This is easily verifiable info
snex You made a claim about payday loan users
snex Completely without evidence
RN and there are plenty of studies you can find that show how payday loans eventually if not sooner lead people into a worse planc than where they started
snex No there aren’t
snex There are literally zero studies showing that
RN *** defers snex to google, like he often does when pressed for evidence ***
snex Every time some wacko leftist does a study trying to prove it, they end up proving the opposite
Irc2PGuest58966 there are of course plenty of studies going back more than a century that show payday loans cause far more problems than they solve
RN show me
snex “Show me a lack of studiedly
snex Studies”
Irc2PGuest58966 this is why such loans are banned or heavily regulated in literally every modern country
snex You made the assertion
RN (no I don't live in the "show me state")
snex Burden of proof is on you
RN what assertion?
RN be specific
RN if you even can
RN ;)
snex RN: Right here
snex Prove it
RN no, it isn't "Right Here" it is "Right Now" you see it matches the initials
RN and, I can not see where your finger is pointing when you say "right here" so you have to spell it out
RN *** thinks to self (or at least I'm not allowed to disclose I can see that an more) ***
snex How do you sit here and watch yourself argue like a 7th grader and not feel embarrassed?
Irc2PGuest58966 snex: the only idiot here is you
snex Zero facts or evidence. Just emotion and made up assertions
RN I'm enjoying arguing with a 3rd grader
snex Be quiet socialist gambling addiction
snex Uh huh. Just tell me what price you’d charge
snex Quit being a chickenshit
RN you have presented zero facts and evidence? I have to give you that one. now you are speaking truth.
snex Tell us what price you’d charge the stranger
snex You don’t get to turn him away
RN if I can't turn him away...
RN I would charge him zero
RN but would only loan what I can afford to loose for helping myself
snex So you’d tell him pay back exactly $200 in 2 weeks? Great now there’s a line of them asking the same
RN I don't have 200
snex And 20% of them will just never pay you back
snex Congrats you’re fucking broke
Irc2PGuest58966 but people like you are so dumb and dishonest that you would never do any kind of actual good faith research
RN and if I loan 20 I don't have anything else for anyone who decides to make a queue
snex “Frantically googled and linked the first trash result that came up without reading it or assessing its value” be quiet socialist
RN but there is no realistic sceneario where I would be forced to loan someone I don't know money, so your example is meaningless anyway
snex Great so now you’re broke and you too need a payday loan
snex This is why your “altruistic” nonsense isn’t moral at all
Irc2PGuest58966 snex literally asks for research and then dismisses the research
Irc2PGuest58966 you don't get much more retarded than that
snex Grow up and accept the world doesn’t care about your feelings
Irc2PGuest58966 the guy is literally a flat earther
snex It’s not research
snex Read it
RN no, I didn't jepordize my survival by loaning anything, at best I gave someone a couch to sleep on for a day or two, and/or some food
RN I AM broke, but I don't need a payday loan
Irc2PGuest58966 snex: it's literally from an interview with an expert and includes several links to more studies and laws
snex And other people lend to MILLIONS of others so stop fucking complaining if you won’t do better
Irc2PGuest58966 but you knew that, you're just completely and utterly bad faith
cumlord not the worse idea to spin off a payday loan under a separate ownership structure from rental property and raise rates when highest number of tenets are late, could probably sell off the debt for more reliable returns and just churn a new tenet
snex “Interview with an ‘expert’” like o said not a study and not research
Irc2PGuest58966 snex: and includes several links
snex What the fuck even is an expert you lunatic?
RN ah, so cumloard you are in snex's camp re financial abuse of others
snex Payday loans are just simple math
snex Capitalism creates wealth. Get over it
RN an "expert" is someone who has done some scholing in the matter at hand, and has done more reasearch that you have clicking links on Tor from your mamma's basement
snex I literally worked in the industry for over a decade
snex I’m an expert
RN *** giggles and is simultaneously shocked at self for such language ***
cumlord wonder if you could just put an endocrinologist clinic next to a crispy cream
RN I could claim to have worked in the industry for two decades, that makes me twice the expert you claim to be if not more
snex Speaking of Krispy Kreme they gave free donuts to people who got the COVID vax but it’s all about health and safety
snex You worked in the payday loan industry for 2 decades but don’t know they don’t charge interest?
RN wish I had krispy cream donuts here
RN that is not close to what I said snex
RN I already acknowleged they charge interest and fees
snex You said that interest racks up
snex But it doesn’t. Because there is no interest
RN that is my primary complaint with them is they charge so migh higer than fair market rates
RN add up the fees and call that interest
snex “Fair market rates” is what the market pays
snex If you think you can do better, do it
snex That’s not how it works rofl
snex Interest has a legal definition
RN if you compare the fees to what a traditional loan collects with normal interest calculations, you would think the money from payday lenders is made of gold and wipes your ass for you
snex Payday loans do not charge interest, period
snex If you think you can do better, do it
snex Otherwise stop complaining
RN no, they just hide it in penalties and fees and call it by other names, but it adds up faster than traditional interest
snex Like imagine looking at an industry and thinking to yourself “those guys charge way too much” and not instantly joining the competition and lowering prices
RN call it the price of default instead of interest
snex Why aren’t you starting a payday loan company that charges less?
snex You’ll be rich
RN then maybe you would undertand the price of default on a payday loan is abusively more than a conventional loan
cumlord snex if they're into health and safety maybe they'd be open to just having a clinic inside the shop
RN and, look at qualification
snex Why aren’t you starting a payday loan company that charges less?
RN most people come to payday loans becuase their unable to secure a regular loan
Anomaly im reading about you guys talking about payday loans, and i have no idea what that is lol
snex Why aren’t you starting a payday loan company that charges less?
RN I don't want the headache of starting a payday loan or dealing with all the regulations, and I would not sleep well at $DAYPART if I was financialy abusing people like they do
snex A payday loan is a short term loan generally paid back on one’s payday. Aka cash advance
Anomaly oh i see
Anomaly yea id imagine it was a form of loan
Anomaly ok, thank you snex.
RN the reson they can't secure a regular loan is they can't afford to pay it back, or at least can't prove to big-bank that they can
Anomaly yea like they have to look at your credit score before they determine if your approved for a loan or not.
cumlord that default rates gotta be high though
RN and, the payday loans killed their credit score, so the banks just don't want to lend to them
snex Default rates are like 20%
snex Payday loans literally don’t even report to credit ratings agencies
snex Why do you talk shit you clearly know nothing Scott
snex About
snex Holy fuck I’m going to murder this iPhone keyboard
RN but the debt collectors they sell their bad debt to do report to credit agencies
RN and they know this going in
snex No they don’t
RN but the clients usually don't
snex Like you do really think anybody gives a fuck about your already-150 credit score? No
RN if you have a "collection" it shows on your "credit repot" at least in usa
snex Not payday loan collections
RN so, yes they do
snex No they don’t
RN not when they are held by the payday lender, but after sale/write off, you bet your sweet patuti they do
snex No they don’t
RN I dealt with usa clients and evaluated their experian and the ther two
snex Do you even understand the point of a credit score?
RN I'm not making this up
snex Dead beats can’t get penalized. Their score is already shit
RN I understand its purpose, but not your twisted interperation of what you think its point is
snex There is literally NOTHING a payday loan company or a small time debt collector can do to these people
snex Other than flag their name for “do not lend”
RN where do you think that flag lives?
snex And we sure as fuck aren’t going to report this to some agency so our competitors know too rofl
RN on their credit report
snex In OUR database
snex No it fucking doesn’t
RN but what happens when you write them off?
snex No credit report ever says you welched on a payday loan
RN the debt purchasers do report to credit if you don't satisfy them in time
snex Dude use your brain for 5 seconds
snex Why would we tell our competitors about dead beat customers?
RN and if you are familiar with enough debt collectors, you can identify which ones usually come from payday loan originators
snex Why would debt collectors do it?
RN tell me, why do the threaten it so often while trying to collect?
RN because they actually do it
snex It literally doesn’t benefit us to do it
snex Use your brain
RN have you ever seen a credit report other that your own? and I don't mean the test-data ones used to test your code
snex These people have no credit already. It can’t get worse
snex You’re not getting it
snex We literally don’t talk to those agencies
snex (Actually we do because they have other products)
RN so, you said earlier that you used to work for a loan-shar... er.. .um.. payday loan company, but you keep saying "we" you still work for them.
snex But we don’t care about credit scores
snex No I don’t
snex Stop trying to change the subject
RN note the use of the word "We"
snex Not relevant
RN not the first time you've made that slip.
snex It’s not a “slip”
snex It’s how English works
RN sure, and you're not an obstinate jerk
snex And it’s you trying to change the subject
RN I say that with respect and alll
RN knowing you are a big boy and won't flinch over an inslut
cumlord default rates gotta go down if not reported, i'd probably not report ever i didn't have to
RN oh, sorry, did I steal your modus operandi and try to derail the subject?
snex Traditional banks use credit agencies because they HAVE to by law
snex It doesn’t benefit them to warn other banks about bad customers
cumlord they can be their own little ponzi schemes
snex It’s actually your socialist do-goodery that makes banks “ruin” people’s credit
snex In a free market you could move from one bank to the next scamming them all
RN sure a lending decision is supposed to be based only on credit report info, but lending is just one small part of most financial institustions, other departments don't have the same rules
snex A lending decision should be made on whatever the lender feels like
snex It’s not your money
RN so if fraud detection department finds info lending is not supposed to see, they might shut down a potential loan
RN and that comment makes clear you don't understand financial institutions in your own country as well as you think
RN I know your banking system and its rules better than you do
snex Uhh no
RN that is of course by design
snex It means I understand why socialism is bad and capitalism is good
snex No you don’t lol
RN they don't publicise their processes or they would advertise to bad actors how to game their system
snex It’s pretty damn obvious how to game the system most of the time. Which is why they begged the government to have mandatory credit agencies
RN socialism vs captitalism is not relevent. they both had influence on the laws as they stand today but neither is fully in control
snex Side benefit small banks can’t afford the service so they go broke
snex I bet you didn’t know that when filling out an online form, if you use proper capitalization you get a higher score
RN how is that a benefit, you just failed to help the people starting that community finanical instituation
snex It was in fact my direct boss who discovered this
RN duh
snex We were the first to use it. Then everybody else caught on
RN but usa mostly doesn't know that
RN you were not the first to use it
snex Yes we were
RN people with proper thinking and capitalization were
RN and some in the know who didn't tell you
snex The drugs are melting your brain
RN naw, haven't used any
snex I’m going to bed
snex Ban socialism
RN thank godess
RN no thanks
RN not a socialist, but since you dislike it...
RN is she sleeping yet?
darius hi dr|z3d, is there a way to force i2p java canon to use more variation in the tunnels, i seem to have really bad tunnels lately, that are blocking 98%
darius question goes out to all
darius tried many things as explained earlier
orignal zzz, what's your ack request interval for ratchets? 60 secs?
zzz hmm. we were talking about it the other day but forgot where I was looking
zzz yes, 60 sec
orignal thanks
orignal don't you think it's too long?
orignal basically you can't recognize that a tunnel is dead before 60 secs
zzz longer than that with ack timeout. It's never fast to find out a tunnel is dead. With tunnel tests it's probably 3-5 minutes
zzz seems like you'd have to send a LOT of traffic to find out fast
not_bob I2P does use a lot of bandwidth. I've go one router that pushes 6 gigs a day.
orignal you need to find if your OB and remote lease pair isdead
orignal only 6,
dr|z3d 1TB/day isn't abnormal.
orignal Transit: 127.07 GiB (1307.51 KiB/s)
orignal Uptime: 21 hours, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
orignal zzz yes that's my point
orignal heavy traffic but tunnel participant can't handle it
orignal we need to recognize asap
zzz well if it's not 'dead', just dropping _some_ packets because of bw limits, that's harder. and it could be other guy's tunnels, not yours
zzz but it's easy math. define what % drops are acceptable, or how many consecutive drops to declare dead, and how fast you want to find out, and calculate how much overhead that is
orignal for us it's "dead"
orignal and we need to switch to another one
orignal no reply, we switch tunnels
orignal we don't care why
zzz but drops are normal, that's how congestion is signalled. you'd have to say 'here's the minimum bw I expect on this tunnel, if it's dropping below that minimum we should switch, but if it's over the minimum that's fine'
orignal we prefer to switch to another tunnel instead
orignal I would set it to like 35 sec
orignal that's what I'm going to do
zzz you'd have to calculate/remember max-bw-before-dropping on a per-tunnel basis, then converge to the "best" one
zzz try it if you like, but I think a simple switch-after-one-drop may not work well
zzz perhaps the tunnel build bw params prop. 168 would help for your scenario
orignal I'm going to put 33 secs
orignal not one drop, not
orignal after few
orignal I send ack request every 33 secs if no other requests
orignal and if no response try again every 8
cumlord sort of got the multi snark load balancer thing working if anyone is interested in such a thing i could rip it out from my little box of tools cake.i2p/file/ijWEODmxam_38dC5ZEQDRuq1VGJCAh04RLvEB93iZ_vYjY7FVoFw/SNARKED.jpeg
dr|z3d interesting, cumlord. about time you had a blog where you document this stuff..
dr|z3d if you want something point-and-click on the setup front, try idk's railroad plugin. see righttoprivacy.i2p for a demo of implementation.
cumlord A couple things are on discuss, an early version of my torrent compiler is on there
cumlord Should probably do that though
not_bob_afk That looks awesome.