IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
darius omg polynomial bullshit worked see below
darius the very new "else" {
darius coEff=maxPeersField^2-4*maxPeersField-16
darius effMax=CEIL(maxPeersField-coEff/(bandwidth + maxPeersField))
darius } // don't ask for a proof :D
orignal when do you guys are going to start the release?
dr|z3d I follow the canon schedule.
darius i back, if that curve i made doen't make sense pls ask its basically for establishing an effectiveMaximum of i2psnark peers based on the desiredMaxPeers and the bandwidth allotted i'm not a mathematics expert or anything so if you see a way to improve the function go right ahead, but yeah i think i reduced it down as much as it could be.
RN darius, who are you talking to?
darius i think zzz handles i2psnark
darius but yeah, its an open comment, i made a calc spreadsheet if anyone wants to tinker with the desiredMaxPeers and bandwidth and see what the effectiveMaxPeers is.
RN you'd get his attention better by posting on git
zzz no, here is fine ))
zzz this is all madness. we're not reducing the minimum d/l to 3.5 KBps, that's dialup speed, there's no way to make it work well at that rate
zzz bittorrent is tit for tat and you're not going to keep a d/l slot very long when you're that slow
zzz there may be some tweaks we can make on the margins but there's no magic fix to not having enough bandwidth
zzz at 3.5 KBps you're talking a month to d/l a video
darius 4kbps is what i suggest. it works well and matches a lot of peoples background rate, i'm not suggesting people use it all the time but when you just want a steady stream of low bandwidth it seems to work really well.. but it just had a hiccup when trying to connect to too many peers.
darius hence the function
darius not everyone is d/ling videos and movies, old games are tiny, books are tiny, artwork and designs, podcasts etc, there's a lot of small good stuff over torrent
zzz i2psnark.maxConnections in i2psnark.config may help, default 24
zzz what do you propose to set it to for your dialup rate?
darius if (desiredMaxPeers<8) {effMaxPeers=desiredMaxPeers}
darius else {
darius coEff=desiredMaxPeers^2-4*desiredMaxPeers-16
darius effMaxPeers=CEILING(desiredMaxPeers-coEff/(bandwidth + desiredMaxPeers))
darius / spreadsheet spits out (effMaxPeers=8)
zzz pseudocode doesn't help me; tell me what you're setting your bw and max peers to and give me test results
darius i have 8 peers right now and its working great. initially there were 15 peers and that baulked. none worked.
zzz whats your bw setting
darius 20. after another torrent downloaded is when it had the 15 or so peers, I had to stop all the torrents when it baulked and restart and then it worked fine ever since hovering at 7 - 8 peers.
zzz 20 down? up? both?
darius oh hang on 20 (Total uploader limit) there is no downloader limit??
zzz I've asked 3 times, what are your bandwidth limits that you have for your 8-peers max test
zzz the max peers setting is i2psnark.config only, as stated above
darius I already said a couple days ago I changed it to 4kbps
darius ah ok
T3s|4 darius: what you have set on
darius 300 in, 600 out lately
darius i just checked my i2psnark.config.d/i2psnark.config and there is only and no downloaders
darius there is no "" is what i mean
T3s|4 darius: do you actually mean 30,000 / 60,000 KBps In / Out?
dr|z3d Word of the day (dedicated to darius): throstle - A machine for spinning wool, cotton, etc., from the rove, consisting of a set of drawing rollers with bobbins and flyers, and differing from the mule in having the twisting apparatus stationary and the processes continuous; -- so called because it makes a singing noise.
T3s|4 lols :D
dr|z3d <zzz> i2psnark.maxConnections in i2psnark.config may help, default 24
darius look all i'll say is its worthwhile having a way to derive an "effective" maximum that is derived from a user defined max and bandwidth. sue me, lol
darius i must go