IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d - Target Release Date: Late July 2024
dr|z3d - Major Changes Deadline: June 15, 2024
dr|z3d Late July, or late June, eyedeekay?
dr|z3d Because ~6 weeks seems like a longer than normal lead-in from major changes deadline to release...
eyedeekay It was intended to be late July for the release, usually it's a month, this time a little longer
dr|z3d ok, thanks for confirming.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - is it either explainable or possible that a 'too high' setting in:, under Bandwidth limit XXX down (ONLY) could have been the reason ALL my new torrent were stalled - and I do mean for days?
dr|z3d are you telling me they're no longer stalled since you adjusted that setting?
T3s|4 exactly
dr|z3d that's one for zzz, he implemented the download throttler.
dr|z3d it sounds counterintuitive, but who knows?
T3s|4 I forget what the original snark default d/l value was, but probably over 30K. In my testing, 1K, 2K, 5K and 15K all work - with no stalls. It's taken me days to pin this down
T3s|4 I'm on a 400 Mbps UP/DOWN line - no VPN
T3s|4 Blinded message
dr|z3d definitely strange, not seen that.
T3s|4 and after many i2p router / system upgrades and restarts - ofc the stalled torrents need to be stopped and deleted before yet another attempt
T3s|4 also unrelated to java --version :D
dr|z3d should need to be deleted, just stopped and restarted.
dr|z3d *shouldn't
T3s|4 I wanted to start from a known clean base
T3s|4 As I mentioned earlier, most of my stalled torrents had d/led less than 100 bytes, with most at 0 bytes after many hours
dr|z3d well, if you've spotted a bug, now's a good time, before the next release.
dr|z3d zzz will be able to tell you more when he's around.
T3s|4 np - thanks
dr|z3d he's running + dev builds, zzz, so he has that patch.
T3s|4 zzz: dr|z3d is correct, but read your link - thanks
T3s|4 iirc, this snark stalled (all only new) torrents issue showed up about a week ago
dr|z3d I'll double check I merged it correctly, but I'm pretty sure I did.
zzz hmm. no ideas. down limit too high shouldnt be an issue
T3s|4 zzz: noted, but after trying many permutations of /confignet and /i2psnark/configure, only decreasing snark's d/l limit allowed new torrents to escape their 'stalled' state and progress normally. Afaict, no other setting change had any impact
zzz ok. obviously all my testing has been focused on how the bw limiter behaved when cranked down; I'll turn the knob the other way and look for any issues