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zzz anybody know anything about matrix?
snex zzz: what are you looking to know? i run one but havent dove into the code at all
zzz how can I get from i2p to the monero-dev matrix or irc server?
snex not sure you can. theyre on
snex i can relay stuff there for you
snex or see if i can get one of them to join here
orignal * [[matrix]] (m-tva5zd@7dee7ammpnbleapxloynvkrv5smudh7turtendxealuthsnhfphq.b32.i2p): [matrix]
orignal * [[matrix]] #ua #ru #ilita #foss-ru #en #minetest #yggdrasil_flood #gostcoin_ru #minecraft #i2pd_ru #shitposter
orignal * [[matrix]] irc.ilita.i2p :Ilita UnrealIRCd
orignal this one?
orignal we have a bridge to matrix at ilita
zzz trying to get to #monero-dev channel listed here
zzz I guess I could go thru the socks outproxy
zzz how would I do it thru ilita?
orignal idk, need to ask skunk
orignal he runs this matric bridge
snex pretty sure youd have to get the bridge to join the room, and they might not necessarily like that
zzz not sure if matrix would make it easier or harder )))
orignal I can ask him
orignal will tell you
zzz there's also matrix-im.i2p/_matrix/static not sure what that does
zzz I know nothing...
snex is there anyone in particular youre looking to talk to?
zzz we're working on a community funding proposal for and want to look for devs that could do it
zzz already talking to one guy on twitter but want to spread the word
dr|z3d matrix should work over http
dr|z3d or maybe I'm thinking of discord.
snex matrix uses http
dr|z3d if you look at that page you linked, zzz, you'll see irc servers listed which bridge to the matrix server.
dr|z3d users on matrix are usually indicated with a [m] suffix.
zzz I guess the easiest way would be to socks out to
dr|z3d or use the webchat ui over http.
snex this funding proposal stuff is silly imo. they should raise funds via monero lotteries
zzz you familiar with this monero stuff?
zzz I'm just trying to get them to unfuck their i2p support
snex a little
snex not enough to be the dev youre looking for
zzz whats the difference between bounties and CCS? There's an I2P bounty that has gone nowhere but this twitter guy says use CCS
snex ccs is like this whole system where they vote on where to apply funds. bounties i believe anybody can set up
zzz ok so CCS gets money directly from the monero project, plus others contribute also? but bounties is user-funded only?
snex [09:52] <@zzz> ok so CCS gets money directly from the monero project, plus others contribute also? but bounties is user-funded only?
snex [09:52] <+snex> i believe thats correct
snex [09:53] <+snex> do you know how much is in the i2p bounty?
zzz I don't know who might donate
zzz but the going rate seems to be about 150 XMR for 3 months of work, which is my best guess
zzz the existing bounty is up to 22.2 XMR
zzz so for now I'm setting this to 127.8 XMR.
zzz I don't know if that's enough to get somebody to do it or not
zzz seems like most CCS are submitted by the guy that wants to do the work
dr|z3d do they need incentivizing to fix their i2p support? surely it's in their interest to sort it, not so much ours?
zzz this one is the opposite - we'll tell you how to do it, now go find somebody
zzz it's been over 10 years, first kovri and then i2p-zero
zzz so they need a kick in the ass somehow
snex im sure its in their interest but they have lots of priorities going on. the seraphis/jamtis shit is going to be a HUGE change
dr|z3d the problem with throwing monero at them is that when the monero dries up, so does the interest in maintaining whatever work has been done.
zzz the thing is they're a privacy coin, so it's kinda bad they are so borked about i2p
dr|z3d well, exactly. their problem. they should fix without being offered financials.
zzz I assume if this proposal gets implemented the result will be users and devs that will become i2p users too and keep the pressure on to keep it from breaking
snex i dont think theres a whole lot of people in the world that even know both codebases enough
zzz sure but if we put up a well written CCS then their users will fund it
zzz sure but at some level it's just copypasta what bitcoin did. you don't need to know anything about i2p codebase
dr|z3d ok, that sounds reasonable. write up a proposal, let them fund it.
dr|z3d that is, assuming they want to fix their crap.
zzz they're stuck because they're trying to bundle or manage i2pd in that bounty.
zzz I'm giving them the way forward ... switch to SAM, steal bitcoin code, give up on i2p-zero and give up on bundling/managing
dr|z3d if they want a fully fledged implmentation, one way would be to do an java i2p plugin.
zzz nooooo
zzz just copy bitcoin and libtorrent. done and done.
dr|z3d ok, so just use SAM is what you're saying, and then they run their own monero whatever via that.
zzz we don't want monero inside the java router. we don't want routers inside monero, they can't handle that.
zzz right. just switch from i2p-zero, dual-socks-tunnel in/out, custom scripts, unmaintained, to std. sam
zzz I give up on socks out to libera
dr|z3d tried the webui yet?
zzz guess thats the next to try
dr|z3d I had libera routing over tor before, but you may need to register your nick first, can't remember, I think they inherited freenode's tor stuff.
zzz ok I'm in on via outproxy
dr|z3d huzzah
orignal are they still trying to bundle i2pd? lol
orignal tell them to use SAM
orignal I told Spagni 10 years ago
snex im not sure how involved he is anymore
dr|z3d fluffycookies
orignal and forged invoices
not_bob I like fluffycookies.
snex some government says invoices were forged, therefore they musta been
snex i heard that guy jaywalked a couple times too
not_bob Crap, that's a crime!
zzz yes they are still trying
zzz I'm doing what I can to turn the ship
zzz there's one guy still trying anyway
zzz most of the rest are like, idk, isn't i2pd fine? (two socks tunnels) even though all their docs point to i2p-zero
zzz exactly nobody said, wow, ofc sam is the right way, even though eyedeekay has given them at least 5 sam talks in 5 years at their conferences
snex its weird how little overlap there is between monero and i2p
not_bob_afk You would think the two would easily go hand in hand.
zzz the guy trying to do the embedding and claim the measly 22.2 XMR bounty seems to be one of two ppl who know anything about i2p. The other guy is the one who gave up on it before him.
zzz and neither one has apparently ever talked to us
not_bob_afk I'd like to think that this gorup is pretty approchable.
snex its hard enough just to find this place
not_bob_afk I've got this palce on the contact page of my page.
not_bob_afk I can't seem to type today.
zzz my sense is that the core devs don't care and these fringe guys are hacking at it poorly and slowly for the promise of peanuts
snex so lets build a lottery and promise them riches
zzz nobody seems to recognize that bundling would commit them to maintenance in perpetuity that they clearly don't have the resources for
snex gambling will save the world
zzz perhaps
not_bob_afk Yeah, a bundle is a bad idea.
zzz need some core dev to care enough to endorse our proposal, rather than let these guys thrash and then ignore/trash their PRs
zzz which is where things are at now
snex is there a C library for SAM
snex answered my own question already