IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d hello Gid_
Gid_ I'm trying to add trackers to a torrent, but it doesn't work
Gid_ I'm using I2P+ 2.4.0-2+
snex you have to stop the torrent first
Gid_ yeah, it is stopped
dr|z3d how are you trying to add trackers?
dr|z3d on the torrent info page, edit torrent section?
Gid_ in the torrent detail page
dr|z3d ok, so can you explain what you're doing, and what's not working in a bit more detail?
Gid_ where there is a section with some trackers and dot to select primary, and checkbox to add trackers
Gid_ I select a checkbox, and check the checkboxes to add that trachers
dr|z3d so you're trying to add pre-existing trackers that already exist in on the snark config page?
Gid_ I mean "I select a dot" for primary
Gid_ that is a torrent that comes from clearweb, I want to add postman's tracker
Gid_ I allready done that before, but with vanilla I2P
dr|z3d and what happens when you attempt to add postman as the primary tracker?
dr|z3d oh, I see.
Gid_ when I push save changes button, nothing happens
Gid_ the extended window collapse but nothing more
dr|z3d something does happen, at least here. I see an http 405 error - method not allowed.
Gid_ I didn't see that in the console
dr|z3d it's not in the console, I see it when I attempt to modify the tracker.
dr|z3d or rather, it is in the console, that's the page that's displayed, but the text may be invisible unless you highlight it.
dr|z3d I'll look into it, not seen that before.
Gid_ ok thanks
dr|z3d thanks for reporting, sorry for the inconvenience.
dr|z3d what version of Java are you running?
dr|z3d I ask because it appears zzz found some breakage and fixed it with Java21 (and probably later) in snark recently, I haven't pulled that commit yet, could be the fix: git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/commit/6bb6210f70e09491e336d067adbf9f4b76192a35
dr|z3d Gid_?
Gid_ whre do I ound this information?
Gid_ I remember having seen that somewhere in I2P
Gid_ but can't remember
Gid_ give me a bit time
Gid_ OpenJDK Runtime Environment 17.0.10
dr|z3d that info's on the /info page, but it sounds like you found it.
dr|z3d anyways, I'm testing zzz's patch, give me a moment or 2.
dr|z3d ok, so you have a different issue.
dr|z3d what you need to do is add postman before you attempt to configure him as primary. add first, then configure as primary once saved. then save a second time.
dr|z3d that is, assuming you already have a primary tracker configured, and maybe even if not. try that, let me know if that works.
Gid_ not working
Gid_ and no, there is no primary tracker yet
dr|z3d if you just tick the add tracker box, leave primary unchecked.. ?
dr|z3d there may still be clearnet trackers present but hidden in the actual torrent.
dr|z3d or rather, the torrent may contain clearnet trackers, but snark won't display them in the edit torrent section.
dr|z3d anyways, it works for me, tick add, save, then set to primary, save. wasn't working before zzz's patch, but I'm on java ~21.
Gid_ I see a tracker on the top of the window, but nothing is checked in the bottom
dr|z3d so posman's tracker now appears at the top of the page?
Gid_ no, only the original clearweb tracker
Gid_ which do not figure in the bottom
dr|z3d right, at the top you're show the existing trackers, clearnet included, but you can't edit those, they are ignored by snark. maybe that's the issue, maybe they should be removed completely by snark. but keeping them intact means you can cross-seed the torrent.
dr|z3d I'll have to test with some clearnet torrents which I don't currently have around, but we'll get a fix soon enough.
Gid_ I just tried with another torrent, and it did not act the same
dr|z3d make sure you have unsigned developements enabled on /configupdate if you want the fix as soon as it's available, and set update policy to notify only so you can choose to update when you wish.
Gid_ it seems to work with another torrent
dr|z3d clearnet only?
dr|z3d if so, could just be a dodgy torrent. dunno.
dr|z3d there are online torrent editors you can use as a fallback, upload torrent, edit torrent, download torrent.
Gid_ no the other one is already a crossseeded torrent clearweb+i2p
dr|z3d hmm, ok, well I need to do some local testing here.
Gid_ I have to go
Gid_ see you later
Gid_ bye
dr|z3d aight laters. was going to suggest uploading the torrent to cake and then pm'ing me the link, but maybe next time.
dr|z3d *the torrent file
Gid_ (not gone yet :-D)
Gid_ torrent downloaded from the official website
Gid_ dr|z3d, only one hour to download it
Gid_ and one try
dr|z3d ok, thanks, let's have a look at that.
dr|z3d yeah, that's not good.
dr|z3d please upload again and this time don't limit it to 1 view/download.
Gid_ dr|z3d, you get the link? I have been disconnected
Gid_ I am disconnected quite often since I have switched on I2P+
dr|z3d please upload again and this time not 1 view only.
dr|z3d could be your irc client timeout.
dr|z3d check /help/faq in the console regarding irc client timeouts and possible fix.
dr|z3d so you've sent me a torrent that has postman's tracker already there.
RN dunno why my bouncer keeps dropping this channel
Gid_ I put the timeout to 320 as suggested (it was 60)
RN aloha y'all
dr|z3d oh, wait.
Gid_ what? you tell me postman is already in it?
Gid_ RN, hi
dr|z3d no, my bad.
dr|z3d I see the issue, will look into it. it looks like it barfs when it finds udp trackers present, or maybe clearnet trackers, or both.
RN backpedaling from speaking too quick? Doctor, you sound like RN!
dr|z3d what up RN
RN not much. just noticed my bouncer has been dropping this channel... thought it was a bit too quiet.
Gid_ ok, I have enabled the dev update, so tell me when I can test it
RN I supposed I should also use the other bounce I have set up as a backup. LOL
dr|z3d that update won't fix your issue, nor will the update I'm about to upload, but it will fix the issue with buttons on the details page for java >=21 users.
dr|z3d your fix will require a couple of days, probably.
Gid_ no problem
dr|z3d ok, new update just uploaded, you can at least grab that if you wish.
dr|z3d hit check for updates on /configupdate and then download from the sidebar, assuming you're on notify only.
dr|z3d it has snex's work-in-progress torrent create file exclusion filters and various other stuff since release.
zzz StormyCloud, we have SAM
zzz dr|z3d, thx for testing the snark fix
zzz not sure what the other guys problem was
dr|z3d good job on the fix zzz, "method not allowed" must have been the criminality you were referring to in java 21.
zzz yupp. Extremely rare for JRE to change behavior. Couldn't find anything about it in release notes or bugs
zzz but the javadocs didn't make any promises really, so I guess it's on us
zzz I don't usually run 21, surprised somebody else didn't find it first
dr|z3d Not front and center, the torrent details page, fortunately Gid had a separate issue that overlapped.
dr|z3d as for Gid's issue, I don't currently purge the UDP trackers from the torrent when loaded, which I suspect is the problem with editing.