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tennis2 Aye aye peers, slightly disappointed snarkdisk dev here. Appear to have made a mistake in an 'if statement' so some zenity dialogs to help the user recover from a bad disk removal are not showing up. At least it DID warn when the disk became unavailable.
tennis2 The 'if statement' that isn't working is this one:
tennis2 elif [ val=$(echo "$gioMountFeedback" | grep "Failed to activate device: File exists") ]; then
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 thought it'd work because I have an identical statement above that tests for a different issue and that worked, ie.:
tennis2 elif [ val=$(echo "$gioMountFeedback" | grep "No volume for given ID") ]; then
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 Anyway the dialog box that suggests to run `sudo lsof | grep "$(sudo dmsetup ls | grep $PARTITION_UUID | sed 's/.*(//' | sed 's/)//' )"` to see the open processes that are supposedly stopping the volume from re-mounting isn't working at this time anyway.
tennis2 Even the instruction to try a different port doesn't seem to work.
tennis2 s/port/USB port/
tennis2 To be clear the above command in the zenity dialog doesn't do the trick on its own anyway
tennis2 Ie. Close all the open files on the disk, manually and then trying to re-mount isnt working, even in conjunction with trying a different USB port.
tennis2 s/Close/Closing/
tennis2 BTW to block Akamai and Oracle I did find a torrent called DigitalFeudalismCounterAction_0.2.0. I've not been able to get it yet but looking forward to getting it and testing it out to see if it has any impact, like I said though, if govt is detecting i2p page loads and blocking them at a local level, it wouldn't surprise, in my country ISPs are just resellers of govt internet plans. Its capitalism theater.
tennis2 I'm just need to ask, if you get a "File exists" error when tring to re-mount a volume, what do you do to quickly get back up and running?
dr|z3d just rm the alias and recreate it.
dr|z3d or you could try remount,force
tennis2 gio mount -f -d /dev/sdxX # still results in "Failed to activate device: File exists", but maybe I will suggest the method that uses cryptsetup etc. I'd have to look over my notes
tennis2 Not sure what you mean by "rm the alias"
tennis2 the /dev/sdxX ?
tennis2 umount -f /dev/sdxX # complains not mounted
tennis2 umount --lazy /dev/sdxX # lazy= detach the filesystem now, clean up things later (but still complains not mounted)
snex the most notable info in snarkFoot would be your own destination which i cant seem to find anywhere else
snex i dont see a reason to ever conditionally hide it. just keep the ui consistent
snex knowing DHT peer count would also be useful
dr|z3d yup, on second thoughts, bug. > 0 or >= 1 should be there.
weko <zzz> so do it then, you don't need my permission
weko hm you don't worry about same problem in java i2p?
zzz maybe, but I suggest you try to convince the i2pd team before you try to convince me