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weko how many RAM java i2p use on linux? Have some ways to optimize? I need minimum consumption for testnet.
weko ping me in answer
not_bob I think the default heap is 256m.
not_bob But, zzz or dr|z3d would be able to give a better answer.
zzz weko, edit wrapper.config, look for maxmemory
weko so 50MB for example is good value for it?
dr|z3d minimum 128M, possibly 192M.
dr|z3d have a look at /configwebapps and /congfigclients weko and disable everything apart from the routerconsole and application tunnels for a super-minimal router.
dr|z3d what you have to bear in mind is that the jvm itself needs around 64M just to start.
dr|z3d also make sure that you stop the router and then start it once you've edited wrapper.config, as a restart from the router UI or i2prouter won't pick up the changes to wrapper.config
zzz should work fine with 50 at low-medium bandwidth weko
dr|z3d actually, I'm trying to remember if 64M is the right value for JVM, maybe that's off mark.
zzz no use guessing weko, just try it, if it doesn't work you will know
dr|z3d iirc, running router.jar from the command line needs 10-12MB of ram allocated, but the JVM will report ~64MB. been a while though.
dr|z3d never got an ack from you on that full text java search engine, zzz, did you take a look at it?
dr|z3d (maybe my messages got lost in the ether)
zzz dr|z3d, no, that topic has fallen completely off my list
dr|z3d looks promising
dr|z3d much more promising that solr/lucence, at least.
dr|z3d *than
dr|z3d typing for shit today. *lucene
snex i like elastic
dr|z3d I think that's substantially heavier than the ftserver project I linked, snex. needs to be lightweight.
snex the code looks lightweight but it looks like its storing your db in a very inefficient and unsafe form
dr|z3d both ftservr and elastic use nosql.
snex ive never even heard of iboxdb
dr|z3d well don't diss it before you've had a look :)
snex i2p on rust needs more love
snex java is the new fortran
dr|z3d not by a long shot.
weko zzz, dr|z3d, not_bob thanks
weko zzz: why SSU2 session termination timeout is 5.5 minutes?
zzz I don't remember
zzz there may be some discussion in prop. 159
orignal zzz what would happen if we send HolePunch through etsablished session?
orignal if we really need to refresh hole punch?
zzz you're trying to keep the firewall open?
weko continue hole punch when no any packets
zzz you're trying to keep the firewall open?
orignal while session if alive
orignal it lasts 5.5 minutes of incativity
orignal while hole punch might end in 30 seconds
zzz spec says:
zzz Use as Ping/Pong
zzz Path Validation and Path Response blocks may be used at any time as Ping/Pong packets. Reception of a Path Validation block does not change any state at the receiver, unless received from a different IP/port.
zzz but we don't do that
zzz we just send padding-only data packet
orignal Path validation messager?
orignal yes we do it too
zzz yes
orignal but padding only data packet changes idle time
orignal we want to avoid it
zzz so only change idle time if there's data in there
weko <orignal> but padding only data packet changes idle time
weko ye and session never ending
orignal we want to send a packet that doesn't change last activity time
orignal zzz ?
orignal really?
zzz then use path validation/response
orignal then how do you handle keep alive with introducer?
orignal I send padding only data packet
zzz same
orignal and you claim you don't count it
orignal for idle
zzz looking...
orignal it means if you are an introducer you should terminate the session
orignal while you are looking
orignal Would you honor FF with G cap?
zzz /**
zzz * When did we last receive a packet from them?
zzz * Set for data, relay, and peer test, but not acks, pings, or termination
zzz void setLastReceiveTime(long when) { _lastReceiveTime = when; }
orignal same in i2pd
orignal and we need to simething that doesn't change last receive time
zzz so only change it for I2NP blocks
orignal then what do you do for introducers?
orignal you need change last activity time
zzz we ping our introducers
zzz padding-only data packet
orignal <zzz> so only change it for I2NP blocks
orignal no I2NP block no change of last receive time. right?
orignal I'm Alice and send padding only data block
orignal and your Bob closes the session soon
zzz actually I have a bug, I'm not updating receive time at all (((
orignal yes, that's bad
orignal I update receive time on every data packet regardless what's inside
zzz yeah I think that's probably right
zzz or maybe not
zzz cause you shouldn't update if it's just an ack
orignal then we need to decide what we send as keep-alive
orignal what's wrong with ack?
orignal ack means a reponse to your message'
orignal it can't be unsolicited
zzz we keep track of both last-sent and last-received, idle time calculation is based on the max of those
orignal yes, but ack doesn't make much difference
zzz but we use a longer idle timeout if we offered to introduce. why not do that?
orignal anyway it doesn't solve the problem with introducers
zzz then use path challenge/response
orignal huh? you keep session active for an hour if iTag?
orignal even if no acivity there?
orignal no, I'm asking about keep alive
zzz we have a 20 minute idle timeout if we offered to introduce, yes
orignal and terminate after 20 mintes?
orignal if no activity if with keep-alive
zzz correct
orignal doesn't sound right
orignal how can I make a session last for 1 hour then?
zzz if you're actually using the introducer, any relay block will count as activity
zzz weko, there is no 5.5 minute timeout recommendation in the spec, and that's not what we do
orignal it might come after 20 minutes
orignal that's the problem
orignal then what's your temination timeout now?
zzz does the spec say it's guaranteed for 1 hour?
orignal I copied from SSU1
orignal it should say this
zzz I don't think it was specified in SSU1 either
zzz are you trying to keep your firewall mapping open, or keep the SSU2 connection open?
orignal two different tasks
orignal in case of introducer I'm trying to maintain the seession
zzz we use padding-only packets to keep the firewall open
orignal hmm, I assume we keep session alive this way
zzz there is no way to force the session to stay open. there's no minimum idle time in the spec
orignal 1 hour was somewhere
orignal it's not my invention
zzz I could set my idle time to 10 seconds in theory. But if I sent you an itag, I set it to 20 minutes
orignal we do it deifefrently however
orignal if no activity still same 5.5 minutes
zzz and after 1 hour do you stop pinging?
orignal yes, we don't use it as introducer anymore
orignal ofc if some data goes through it will stay alive
orignal if not, termination after 5.5 minutes as usual
zzz our minimum timeout right now is 165 seconds
zzz anyway, we count path challenge/response as activity, and that's what the spec says to use for ping/pong, so use that if you want
zzz re: fG routers, we don't care about congestion caps for floodfills
orignal great
orignal we have this idea
orignal becuase floodfills seem malfunctioning due to excessive transit
zzz maybe I'll change to path challenge also for pings. I'll think about it
zzz malfunctioning how?
orignal too much traffic
orignal people think becase too much transit
zzz and they publish G?
orignal they want to set "no transit"
orignal but it will publish G
orignal my FF is almost always E or D now
zzz better to fix the malfunction ))
orignal at 80 Mbs cap
orignal no it's not fixable mulfunction
orignal some people want to run a floodfill but without excessive transit
zzz then set the limit to 1000 or 100, don't set it to 0
orignal they have a problem with network
orignal O is minimal for FF in i2pd
orignal and some people don't want even O
orignal e.g transit with 256 cap
zzz I mean zero, not capital O
orignal I know what you mean
zzz set transit limit to 1000, not zero
orignal if you set to 100 it will publish L
orignal even 256 is too much for them
zzz why? bandwidth != tunnel count
orignal are you talking about bandwidth or count?
dr|z3d so you want some sort of load balancer for floodfills.. either turn floodfill off if G, or reduce the max # of transit tunnels.
zzz count
orignal yes it's another option
orignal but somethimes a single tunnel produces 10 mbs
orignal that's the problem
zzz don't accept tunnel if you don't have available bandwidth
orignal simply speaking count means almost nothing now
orignal right that's what happene
orignal they always at O cap
zzz do you calculate average bandwidth per tunnel?
orignal no demand for it
orignal I calculate overall bandwidth
orignal Transit Tunnels: 42196
orignal voila
orignal how do you like it?
zzz that's how you know if you can accept one more tunnel. If (current bw + avgpertunnel) > max part. bw, then reject tunnel
orignal I bumped number of transiot tunnes limit to 50K this morning
orignal and what you do if an existing tunnel start trnsmiiting too much data?
orignal when you accepted it you were good
zzz we start dropping
zzz and rejecting
orignal that's what we do now
dr|z3d last time we had a discussion about transit tunnel count, 10K was considered high, 13K was considered wrong.
zzz you can't "fix" congestion by getting rid of limits
orignal let me set the limit to 100K
orignal looks like the attack if about to stop all router accept new tunnels
dr|z3d yeah, that looks about right, orignal. transit tunnel saturation.
orignal and since your drop is based to TBM ratio
orignal rate is very low now
orignal because you can't differentite shit and legit TBM
dr|z3d ~54% here on one router. not great, not calamitous either.
dr|z3d (tunnel build success)
dr|z3d but you were talking about something else, sorry.
orignal same of firewalled one
orignal but very low on a high loaded floodfill
orignal because you guys like to drop my TBM
snex snarkFoot only displays if size() > 1. why not size() > 0?
snex the display logic even handles singular vs plural wording lol
weko zzz: do you use your own router for tunnel ends?
zzz of course not
weko zzz: so then there is deanon attack. do you know how enigma was broken?
weko there we can use same attack
weko if some router in b32's tunnels ending, we know what this router is not b32's owner
zzz so do it then, you don't need my permission
dr|z3d snex: off the top of my head, > 1 is because you don't get any meaningful information for 1 torrent that isn't already present in the table.
dr|z3d haven't looked at that code in a while, anyways, I'll see if > 0 makes more sense.