IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d depends on your threat model, not_bob
not_bob Fair point, yes.
not_bob RTP did a tutorial on his blog on how to setup ssh access via i2p tunnels.
dr|z3d excellent stuff.
dr|z3d oddly the tunnel manager in his screenshots is using the browser default font it appears. hmm. that shouldn't be happening.
not_bob I have no idea on that.
not_bob I'm glad he's putting out quality content.
RTP hey thanks! :) Not sure on the font thing. Haven't changed anything.
dr|z3d probably my fault, RTP, looking into it.
dr|z3d what you may want to change is the display font, not because bug, but because you might prefer it.
dr|z3d you can enable it on /configui
dr|z3d ok, that's strange, I can't reproduce the issue, so it may be something to do with your browser addons preventing fonts from loading.
dr|z3d let's see what you're doing with pngs...
dr|z3d (or not)
dr|z3d if you want to optimize the site for performance, you may want to consider using webp for screenshots etc.
dr|z3d as an alternative, uploading pngs to to optimize them usually gets you much smaller images.
dr|z3d yeah, 214K for a screenshot, not good. those should weigh in at around 30K max.
not_bob webp offers much better compression.
RTP ahh okay. I'm using librewolf if that could be related.
not_bob I use 70% when I save my screenshots.
dr|z3d could be, I use librewolf. that little shield in the addressbar, you want to toggle that off, no need to protect yourself from trackers etc running the console.
dr|z3d (because there aren't any)
dr|z3d librewolf also restricts what local fonts will load by limiting the list of available fonts the browser sees, but that's a separate issue because we're providing our own fonts here.
RTP Just enabled "use alternative display font" and it changed. Looks cleaner. Thanks!
dr|z3d no worries. check it also works in the tunnel manager. should do.
dr|z3d eyedeekay: any ETA on getting zzz's MR's merged?
not_bob x/buffer 1
not_bob hahahahah
not_bob command+. should stop the execution of programs~!
not_bob planet.i2p gets a review today!
not_bob In which the verdect is "Just use planeta.i2p"
dr|z3d whatever you're smoking, not_bob, you've had enough for today :)
dr|z3d could do with a new coat of paint, planet.i2p
not_bob Agreed.
not_bob Also, have I had enough?
not_bob I'm not sure.
dr|z3d actually, did I say paint?
dr|z3d what I meant was, it could do with a new coat of napalm.
dr|z3d -11+ uploaded.
T3s|4 I love the smell of napalm in the morning! Thanks dr|z3d, I'll grab it :D
dr|z3d Apocalypse delayed is apocalypse denied...