IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal R4SAS did it
orignal we measured bandiwth
orignal how much traffic goes through i2p
orignal R4SAS was trying to watch HD yourtube video )))
orignal in our tests NTCP2 is around 3 times faster that SSU2
dr|z3d that's a bit vague, orignal :)
dr|z3d zzz: protip: i2pd measure bandwidth to get the tunnel latency, you heard it here first :)
orignal we tried 1 hops tunnels in both sides
orignal another peer were also our own
orignal not_bob we have found another reason why i2pd crashes under load
not_bob Do tell.
orignal race condition as usual
not_bob That will do it.
dr|z3d and you drop tunnels with more than 250ms latency, orignal, right?
orignal 250 ms per hop
orignal so 750 for 3 hops
dr|z3d and you're not doing any ongoing profiling?
dr|z3d so you can identify shitty/misbehaving routers fairly quickly then?
dr|z3d (and avoid them when building tunnels)
orignal I also check latency when connected
dr|z3d so do you have an avoidance strategy for slow routers?
orignal yes, some kind
dr|z3d good, sounds sane.
not_bob -/buffer 1
dr|z3d well done, not_bob
dr|z3d *** buffer granted ***
dr|z3d new + update with auto-refresh toggle on /logs, please test and let me know if there are any issues.
not_bob Thank you for the buffer.
dr|z3d don't spend it all at once!
not_bob Too late :(
not_bob I know, I know. I should be more careful with my buffers. But, that's just me.
weko Tunnel creation success rate: 99%
weko 200 i2pd routers (via localhost). Will test with real pings and packet loss later
dr|z3d running a testnet, weko?
weko yes
weko testnet
dr|z3d what's the objective? fun or something specific?
weko some easy script for run any count of routers
dr|z3d a script to setup a testnet, or a script to setup live routers? or both/either?
weko dr|z3d: It starting already exists routers and initialize network (add RI to NetDb) for new router. Need to do more utils, but have some results already
weko 97.42 tcsr - average for 200 routers after 3 hours uptime
weko with 8-hops tunnels
weko Some bug here
not_bob I've played with 8 hop tunnels. Is there a need for that?