IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d NULL: dunno if you have a reddit acct, but if you do, you might want to chime in on and now you're fully sorted
dr|z3d_ > NULL: dunno if you have a reddit acct, but if you do, you might want to chime in on and now you're fully sorted
dr|z3d_ good place to get your face known around the community
dr|z3d_ so to speak :)
dr|z3d new WIP feature in the latest I2P+ build on /tunnelsparticipatingsummary
dr|z3d you won't find a link to it anywhere in the console yet, but it's there.
dr|z3d work to do on the theme integration, dark theme probably in the best shape right now. but it works.
dr|z3d what does it do? it displays the top peers by transit tunnel requests, automatically refreshed every 15s, with a sticky sort if you click on a table column heading.
dr|z3d credit due to zzz for implementing the table data.
dr|z3d (it's a bit more sparse and static in vanilla)
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I'm getting a build error with the most recent commits with master. cake.i2p/view/2BucFXH81b_6S0Dt5D0G7BA7fiIJteuZ1Qu03Op9b_YqFDlPt0RD/2BucFXH81b.txt
dr|z3d yeah, I'm seeing that on the buildbot, y2kboy23, but the update builds fine, so trying to hunt down the issue as we speak.
dr|z3d thanks for the logs, helpful. gitlab's CI, not so much.
y2kboy23 Sure thing.
y2kboy23 Not sure if a regression with the jobs throttling.
dr|z3d more like it's because we're avoiding concurrent lookups unless the max job lag is super low (5ms).
dr|z3d (possibly)
dr|z3d there's a huge tradeoff between concurrent lookups and job lag, and for now I'm erring on the side of less job lag is better.
dr|z3d you can try adding the config netdb.maxConcurrent=2 and see if that brings down the times.
dr|z3d that will override the default.
dr|z3d shoudn't need a restart.
y2kboy23 my job lag on avg is 1 ms
dr|z3d exactly.
dr|z3d start doing concurrent lookups and that shoots way up.
dr|z3d the ceiling for concurrency isn't your job lag avg, which is what the sidebar reports.
dr|z3d it's the maximum lag of any of the waiting jobs, which is why you'll sometimes see tunnel requests being dropped due to high job lag when avg looks fine.
y2kboy23 on the graph, there's maybe one spike above 5 ms
dr|z3d got the build issue. forgot to add/commit a new helper file, which is why everything builds fine here but not via gitlab.
y2kboy23 wait...I see some huge spikes.
dr|z3d that's not unusual.
dr|z3d some jobs take a while to complete, which temporarily bumps up avg lag.
dr|z3d iterating over all the RIs in the netdb, for example, to work out things like caps, country of origin etc. every 10m.
y2kboy23 seems to be working as intended. my concurrency is under 2 so may be working as intended.
y2kboy23 that was tired...
dr|z3d I like seeing under 1ms in the sidebar, maybe I'm prejudiced :)
dr|z3d but if there's super low max job lag, then concurrency will increase.
y2kboy23 I do like seeing that mu symbol.
dr|z3d yeah, exactly. looks healthy :)
dr|z3d ok, I've pushed the fix to gitlab, you might want to wait a couple of mins until CI completes just to confirm it builds correctly.
y2kboy23 too late. already building
dr|z3d haha. eager beaver :)
y2kboy23 I was ready. already had the commands in my bash history.
y2kboy23 it built successfully
dr|z3d would have failed by now, anyways, if it was still borked. failed around 1.30s.
dr|z3d *1.30m
dr|z3d thanks for the nudge.. I was right in the middle of trying to find the issue and your logs helped pinpoint it.
dr|z3d > thanks for the nudge.. I was right in the middle of trying to find the issue and your logs helped pinpoint it.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d you're welcome. glad to have been able to help out.
dr|z3d quite a huge chunk of committed code there.
y2kboy23 I saw. Partly why I was eager to test out.
dr|z3d don't have a view on how things have changed just yet, but build averages seem pretty good overall.
dr|z3d ? /tunnelsparticipatingsummary is the new peer transit tunnel usage monitoring shizzle dazzle
dr|z3d as mentioned earlier, not yet linked, WIP, themes todo.
dr|z3d what's new is both ajax refresh and sticky sorting.
dr|z3d aside from the page itself.
y2kboy23 okay. my mind is blown.
dr|z3d handy tool to identify potentially abusive routers.
y2kboy23 definitely
dr|z3d another minor feature upgrade you got going on there.. graph rendering on /graphs .. should be faster to render with a lot of graphs on the page
y2kboy23 Looks faster, even on my phone.
dr|z3d great.. more ram allocated (where permissible), more threads.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: all manner of weirdness happening here: I'm running 5+ but trying to d/l your 03:46 update. I get multiple: Transfer failed from skank.i2p/dev/ from the console. I can make it to skank, but when I try to d/l the update, both via i2p and via tor - each 404s
dr|z3d hi T3s|4, maybe a permissions issue on the webserver, try now.
dr|z3d (via console)
T3s|4 seems to be stuck at: Contacting I2P+ update server… - hard refreshes not helping
dr|z3d ok, leave it 10m and then try again. hopefully fixed by then.
T3s|4 gotcha - but already pulling it from tor now (5.2 Mb)
dr|z3d > yeah, should be fixed now, T3s|4
dr|z3d > sorry for the inconvenience.
T3s|4 np - and yeah, the console is trying to d/l it now - but has been stuck at 115 KiB / 5.16 MiB for ~5 mins. The tor update has completed, so I'm gonna restart into that...
dr|z3d did you do anything with the vpn connection, T3s|4?
T3s|4 lols - now running 71dfc155 (Build date: 2023-01-31 03:41:23 UTC) - and yet the console is telling me there is 03:46 update available
dr|z3d ignore it.
dr|z3d different timestamps on the same update.
dr|z3d I'll fix that soon enough.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: Yeah, been trying to get my VPN to work on linux. It works flawlessly on Win, but their linux support ranges from horrible, with many broken 'support' links, to wildly outdated, to non-existent. Very frustrating...
dr|z3d no openvpn or wireguard support?
T3s|4 yeah, it supposedly supports openvpn on linux - but I just get an endless loop of account password requests, whether I try one of their UDP or TCP servers - and I've tried many. They also just started supporting wireguard (on Win) like 2 months ago; so they're obviously only 5 years behind their major competitors ;p
T3s|4 it worked fine on linux about 6 months - I have no frigging idea how they managed to break it, and their UDP and TCP config files haven't been updated in 2+ years - with no config updates available anywhere I can find (on their site, or elsewhere)
T3s|4 6 months *ago
dr|z3d annoying fo' sure. been in touch with tech support?
T3s|4 sent 3 emails to support, none have been answered to date
dr|z3d oh, fantastic. one of those.
T3s|4 yep - never again, the only reason I even went with them is my brother signed up first - and we share some trading platforms - and wanted to connect from the same IP - on Win (what he runs) this is not a problem
dr|z3d might be worth taking these guys for a spin, just to test I2P+ on:
dr|z3d I've used them in the past, pretty good.
dr|z3d > might be worth taking these guys for a spin, just to test I2P+ on:
dr|z3d > I've used them in the past, pretty good.
dr|z3d they tick all the right privacy, data transfer and linux support boxes. and free for a single device!
dr|z3d did I mentioned wireguard? :)
dr|z3d *mention
T3s|4 dr|z3d: just pulled 04:13 from the console without issue :D
dr|z3d permissions issue, T3s|4, fixed :)
T3s|4 great
T3s|4 also noted on Proton VPN: iirc they were the first to give Jason (the main WG dev) cash years ago to bake in WG support into Proton VPN
dr|z3d yeah, they're highly rated, and their software's good. used it on android before.
T3s|4 bbl - need to address some issues
dr|z3d NULL: did you see my messages earlier re reddit and MacOS/ARM?
NULL No I didn't, my bad
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> NULL: dunno if you have a reddit acct, but if you do, you might want to chime in on and now you're fully sorted
dr|z3d there's a read only proxy for reddit at teddit.i2p linked on your i2p+ homepage.
dr|z3d helping on reddit is a good way to establish a profile on the network.
NULL thank you, I will definitely check those out and see if I can be of some help
dr|z3d I'm sure you can. "here's how I got I2P+ running on my ARM Macbook" or something along those lines :)
dr|z3d you'll gain instant expert status :)
NULL dr|z3d could you shoot me the link to the manual install page for the wrapper as I can't seem to find it now
dr|z3d try this, NULL: hit ctrl+h in firefox, then type wrapper
dr|z3d let me know if you still don't have it.
NULL sadly not only one I have is for the post I made on git
NULL thank you must have opened it in the private browser instance I had
NULL Hopefully that will be able to help more users out and if theres anything I missed about what we had to do to get it up and running before messing with the webserver please let me now so I can make the proper edits
dr|z3d just working on some tricky console stuff, NULL..
dr|z3d when it's done, will take a look.
NULL Absolutely no rush dr|z3d take your time they aren't going anywhere
NULL dr|z3d: fixed the title so people know its not the easy bundle
dr|z3d *thumbs up* NULL
NULL Welcome tisratil7!
dr|z3d friend of yours, NULL?
dr|z3d by default, new visitors don't have voice and can't speak in channel. anti-spam/troll device.
dr|z3d welcome, tisratil7
tisratil7 thank you dr|z3d
dr|z3d a bit quiet round here right now, but it has it moments. :)
tisratil7 I like quiet and taking every moments.
NULL be sure to check out notbob.i2p for site links and skank.i2p for info on trying out i2p+
tisratil7 but yes very quiet on here
tisratil7 thank you
dr|z3d NULL's a new I2P+ convert. he's got the right idea :)
NULL Also go to and under the subscription section add the following links to get access to the full i2p network without needing a jumper service: i2p-projekt.i2p/hosts.txt notbob.i2p/hosts.txt reg.i2p/export/hosts.txt
NULL Sorry sent my message to soon
tisratil7 where do I look that at
NULL type into your browser that you are using for u2p
NULL i2p*
NULL there will be a tab called subscriptions
tisratil7 not sure why my Firefox is misconfigured...?
NULL in firefox open your proxy settings and set a manual http proxy with host and port 4444 then try again. Remember that if this is your main browser you will lose regular access to the clearnet
tisratil7 I'm on Android as well
tisratil7 foxyproxy is on in Firefox but says misconfigured which is why I don't know.
NULL You shouldn't need foxyproxy to utilize i2p but I am on OSX and not fully familiar with the android process of running i2p
NULL I have also never used foxyproxy myself so someone here might have more advice with that than I do currently
dr|z3d foxyproxy is fine, but I'd suggest not using it initially.
dr|z3d you want to push all your traffic over the :4444 http proxy so nothing leaks.
tisratil7 okay thank you
dr|z3d and make sure you exclude from the proxy in firefox.
dr|z3d otherwise you'll lose your console.
dr|z3d I use foxyproxy, so down the line once you're up and runninc comfortably we can think about getting you configured with that.
tisratil7 okay cause I don't understand this. my i2p is working and the irc but the browser like Firefox isn't working.
dr|z3d ok, how have you configured it?
dr|z3d Manual proxy configuration -> HTTP PROXY -> port 4444
dr|z3d HTTPS PROXY => port 4444
dr|z3d socks host -> BLANK port 0
dr|z3d No proxy for: localhost,
dr|z3d make sure foxyproxy is disabled in addons.
dr|z3d then try browsing to notbob.i2p
tisratil7 there isn't a manual proxy configuration in Android lol. I'm lost.
dr|z3d oh, android.
dr|z3d 1 sec, I'll find you a simpler proxy toggle addon.
dr|z3d not the best experience, i2p on android, but at least you're here.
dr|z3d try that.
dr|z3d I use it, simple, does the job, no frills.
tisratil7 it won't let me add it to Firefox..
tisratil7 notbob.i2p works on i2p app tho
dr|z3d not android compatible?
dr|z3d well you're somewhere, I don't know quite where. I'd recommend installing I2P+ in a desktop or laptop if you have one of those available. much better experience.
tisratil7 the addons on Firefox won't let me add the proxy toggle.
tisratil7 ah I see
dr|z3d android I2P is a bit of a rough ride, and doesn't provide all the good stuff you'll want, like torrenting etc.
tisratil7 that would make sense
NULL firefox mobile both iOS and android don't support the adding of any addons last I checked
dr|z3d so how did you manage to install foxyproxy?
dr|z3d ah, that was NULL chiming in, my bad.
dr|z3d anyways, best advice, run I2P+ on a desktop or laptop.
tisratil7 okay thank you
dr|z3d I'll give you a link to the installer, 1 sec.
dr|z3d that will work on windows, linux, osX
dr|z3d if not windows, then java -jar /path/to/i2pinstall.exe
dr|z3d assuming you have java installed.
tisratil7 yeah Java is installed but isn't enabled?
tisratil7 or it might be
dr|z3d what OS?
tisratil7 what os meaning?
dr|z3d operating system
dr|z3d windows? linux? mac?
tisratil7 oh none. I'm just on Android.
tisratil7 I'm guessing I need to get laptop or desktop lol my app on my android is doing little okay
not_bob YOu can use torrents on android, but it's quite a bit more complex than most users want.
not_bob I can help with that if you desire.
not_bob I do a brief explanation in this post.
not_bob Anwyay, back to being afk
tisratil7 oh I'm good on torrents. I never liked torrents. my i2p is doing fine for now. I'm going to get new laptop or desktop soon and I'll have it fully configured
dr|z3d NULL: be careful when posting to reddit, too many links in a post and it'll be marked as spam and won't show up. that's probably why I couldn't see your replies on reddit.
tisratil7 reddit? I haven't been on Reddit for a long time
acetone major: what da fuck? you are logger, what tha message you repeat???
acetone (sorry for flood, just for test)
acetone NULL: be careful when posting to reddit, too many links in a post and it'll be marked as spam and won't show up. that's probably why I couldn't see your replies on reddit.
dr|z3d I'd remove all the host links in your post and just put them in a [code]..[/code] block instead.
dr|z3d teddit.i2p for a read only version. also, was talking to NULL as he's posted there recently.
dr|z3d sup acetone. major bugs is buggy. :)
acetone dr|z3d: I'm shocked) And what, major flooding here frequently?
dr|z3d not really, just occasionally.
dr|z3d amusing more than anything else.
acetone dr|z3d: "C++ is simple for monolitic web apps says he..." :D
dr|z3d NULL_AFK: work on the basis that more than 3 links will get your post marked as spam.
NULL dr|z3d is there anyway to remove the hyper links to the post so that its just txt? Not seeing the option and manually removing them works in edit and then applies them again as soon as I save it
dr|z3d remove the
dr|z3d and switch editing mode. not necessarily in that order.
dr|z3d if you're in the button-mode editor, you can highlight a link and edit it that way.
dr|z3d Also, remember that you don't need to download the official installer and then upgrade to I2P+, you can just download the I2P+ installer.
dr|z3d that way you don't need any of the addressbook host links you've mentioned. they come as standard.
dr|z3d and you also get a bunch of install-time only configurations that you'd need to do manually if you upgrade from normal i2p.
dr|z3d thinks like ram allocation, default webserver files etc.
NULL Alright just removed all hyper links and made the edit dicussing grabbing i2p+ from the start vs manually upgrading to it later
NULL dr|z3d, wasn't aware of the fact to many links would lead to it being marked as spam. Thank you for the heads up
NULL Are you able to see the replies I made now or do I need to repost everything?
dr|z3d if they're visible, they'll show up there.
NULL I deleted the comment, made a repost with no hyperlinks and still can't see the replies on teddit
NULL I can see my original post
NULL That one I have 3 minutes left before reddit will let me post my new comment but I have commented here: teddit.i2p/r/i2p/comments/10ohwn5/cant_install_i2p_on_mac_can_anyone_help
dr|z3d if so, and it's not showing up, talk to eyedeekay, he can see if you've been put in a moderation queue.
tisratil7 eepsites ain't running...
tisratil7 but others are fine.
dr|z3d try hitting the purple diamonds on notbob for links, tisratil7, you're probably missing addressbook subscriptions.
NULL dr|z3d its showing up now
dr|z3d NULL: could just be a cache thing on the server then, shouldn't take more than 10m for a new post to show up, probably less.
dr|z3d I see it.
NULL Alright I will remember that for future post if I am checking to make sure its visable
dr|z3d that's on teddit.
NULL I assumed so cause I could immediately see it on reddit
dr|z3d on reddit, new posts will appear the moment you've posted them, and if you're logged in, you'll see them regardless of whether or not they've been put in a moderation queue, but other people may not.
NULL I hate that it makes you wait 8 minutes in between post
NULL Oooh I wasn't aware of that
NULL Just made the new post to the other post with the M2, once I confirm it is also visible I think it is finally time for some shut eye
tisratil7 am not seeing purple diamonds on notbob
NULL Do you see a option next to the links for address helper tisratil7?
tisratil7 no I don't yet. I see links but no option anywhere
dr|z3d 3rd column, purple diamond, per host.
dr|z3d in between blue square and variable color circle.
NULL Alright both are now posted and visible on teddit.i2p and the original post contains no hyperlinks
dr|z3d great, NULL. your new arm mac fanbase awaits.
NULL catch you all later o/
tisratil7 still ain't seeing it I'm not sure if it's bc of JavaScript.
dr|z3d no javascript on that page/site.
dr|z3d what page are you on?
tisratil7 notbob.i2p
dr|z3d > /index.html ?
tisratil7 idk the url I'm just trying to get back on notbob.i2p. it worked while ago.
tisratil7 I can't hear the voice. I'm hard hearing btw
tisratil7 it's weird
tisratil7 not sure what's going on tho. I'm thinking I need desktop lol
dr|z3d I think you do too :)
dr|z3d or termux, if your device can run that it can run java.
dr|z3d and desktop linux apps.
dr|z3d but maybe a bit of a stretch on a phone.
tisratil7 I do have termux
dr|z3d you should be able to run I2P+ with termux and java.
tisratil7 what's the command?
dr|z3d and maybe firefox, too?
dr|z3d desktop firefox.
tisratil7 oh naw I have termux on my android. I have no computer or laptop
dr|z3d no, I mean with termux you may well be able to install a desktop version of firefox.
tisratil7 okay thank you I'm doing it now
dr|z3d if you get to the install part, make sure you specify an install path, otherwise it'll install in the directory you're in.
dr|z3d usually /home/yourname/i2p/ though maybe different on android.
dr|z3d or rather, /home/yourname/i2p .. no trailing /
tisratil7 okay thank you
NULL dr|z3d, just realized there was a new i2p+ dev update available in the console, currently pulling it down and will have the new update running shortly
NULL Any changes to be on the lookout for in 2.1.0-5+?