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dr|z3d wodencafe: joking aside, I'm sure we can accomodate your requirements re default trackers quite easily.
dr|z3d to remove non-i2p trackers, I'd add a config option to strip all non-i2p trackers by default.
dr|z3d to add postman's tracker when a new torrent is added, I'd probably add a <select> to the add torrent section with an option to add or replace existing trackers with the selected tracker from the dropdown.
dr|z3d_ should have said, no need to restart when modifying your eepsite.
dr|z3d you'll want a folder named .resources there though, in eepsite/docroot under /applications/i2p/support/ ...
NULL OSX won't allow folders to have a . at the beginning since the system reserves those
dr|z3d try from your terminal.
dr|z3d mkdir /applications/i2p/support/eepsite/docroot/.resources/
dr|z3d if that doesn't work then I'll need to figure out a different method for serving error files for osx.
dr|z3d but it should.
NULL that did work but its straight from i2p/eepsite/docroot there wasn't a support folder
dr|z3d no, that's your template folder, not your live config folder.
dr|z3d ls -l /applications/i2p/support |grep eepsite
dr|z3d is it there?
NULL /Application Support/i2p/eepsite/docroot is
dr|z3d there, then, in there you want .resources
dr|z3d and in resources at a bare minimum you want the 404.html, 403.html and the index.html files
NULL just wanted to double check as having part be under /applications/i2p and the other under /Application Support/i2p is slightly confusing
dr|z3d application support is your config dir, most stuff happens there.
dr|z3d the stuff in applications is mostly template files and essentials for the app itself, so when you run i2p for the first time, or don't have a config dir, it'll copy some files from your app dir.
dr|z3d so no harm in modifying the applications/i2p/ eepsite dir as well, but it's not what gets served when you run the webserver.
NULL Alright got all those files copied into the newly created .resources folder
dr|z3d great
dr|z3d now for a content refresh there. i2p+ help files. in docroot/ delete everything except the .resources dir you just created.
dr|z3d and I'll pm you a link to new content.
dr|z3d nice homepage, with /help/ available. once that's done, we'll get your website running so you have an online presence you can tinker with.
NULL Just finished up with that
dr|z3d ok, so in your console, browse to the tunnel manager linked in the sidebar and hit the start button on your webserver server tunnel..
dr|z3d after a few moments, you'll get a preview button (with an eye on it).. copy that button's link and paste here. then we can test it's working.
dr|z3d welcome to your own website on i2p!
dr|z3d works for me.
dr|z3d more or less the same help is available in the console /help/ section.
NULL With eepsites, do they just utilize basic html and css or can it handle more complex things if I wanted to tinker around
dr|z3d if you want that available when the router restarts, set it to autostart on the config page for the webserver in the tunnel manager.
dr|z3d depends on the webserver you use. jetty which you're using now will handle perl and python if run from eepsite/cgi-bin
dr|z3d it will also handle php with the php-bridge java app.
dr|z3d or you can run nginx or apache or whatever and get everything you need.
NULL Sounds good to me, thank you for everything today dr|z3d
NULL I am offically going to sign off for a while and get some much needed sleep
dr|z3d no worries, hopefully you've got enough insight now to start figuring out what you want to do. sleep well o/