IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
fox cool auto voice
RN aloha fox welcome back
fox aloha indeed
fox Reinhilde: that name seems similar to something i've seen before
Reinhilde prrrowf?
itsjustme Hey fox
Reinhilde i might be a clearnet irc bean to you (:
Reinhilde I don't try to be anonymous here
fox ah that might be it
fox or i'm thinking of reinhart from overwatch
fox hello itsjustme
fox i've returned to pour some orwellian tea
itsjustme how are you fox?
fox mildly entertained by musk getting boo'd by 15k+ people
fox tis an ephemeral laugh tho
fox i wonder
fox ah good he blocked versioning
RN who?
fox itsjustme
fox i know you have them blocked psi and tried to figure out anything about you for a while
RN about me? or you talkin' 'bout IJM?
fox you
fox it's just me i versioned successfully before think he was running hexchat or pidgin
RN ah
RN the latest version 2.0.0 made a couple fixes to the irc tunnel
RN but I believe I set my client up to leak minimal info
RN unless you see something?
RN it is also running under a different os that it was about two weeks ago
fox RN: mine too finally got back to gentoo
fox well as a host
fox never expected z3d to be here long after jeff
dr|z3d hello fox
fox hello fellow relic of the 0.x age
dr|z3d oh, I'm a relic? *chuckle*
dr|z3d pushing new frontiers here, have you seen I2P+ fox?
fox i2p in... rust? go?
fox everything getting redone in those. tor needs to hurry the fuck up
dr|z3d go, maybe in a couple of years. rust, not really.
dr|z3d Tor is already shipping alpha builds of its new rust client.
fox i look forward to rusty tor especially once they get those post quantum primitives in
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
dr|z3d parabo: you fix your firewall issue yet?
dr|z3d if not, I've got another idea. run udp and tcp on different ports, see if that changes anything.
parabo I could try
parabo I'll mess with it later
parabo just got home from work
parabo I have a machine in the factory
fox wait so i2p+ is go? or no can't be C++
parabo it's java
parabo hi fox
dr|z3d what are you running there right now, fox?
dr|z3d manually installed java i2p?
fox a machine in a factory running java? Your managers are cheap bastards
fox yup this is just a basic install i had in a vm
dr|z3d ok, so you should be good to upgrade to i2p+, assuming the vm install isn't from a repo or .deb file.
fox oof which is almost EOL damn fedora devs
RN time to update that shit
fox where the + at
fox i still have a few days left lol
dr|z3d skank.i2p/dev/ is what you want, just drop that into ~/i2p/ or ~/.i2p/ and restart the router.
dr|z3d or for a full installer ...
fox oh so it works like a normal update i was expecting something like i2p++
RN sudo powerdxx restart
RN yeah, i2p+ is very closely tie3d to canon
RN dr makes a lot of changes and customizations
RN but they are sisters
RN i2pd on the other hand is the red headed cousin
dr|z3d these routers all run I2P+ ->
fox more than i thought
dr|z3d oh, it's been picking up steam lately, I2P+
fox some others as well but russia always seemed to have a strong following here
RN dr|z3d, has done some nice enhancements in his branch
RN don't they use i2pd most?
RN and there is the #ru channel here, but there is also a whole Russian IRC also
fox so long as they don't up and disappear suddenly that's good
fox oh yah where's abyss... questions for later lol
RN lots of people come and go
y2kboy23 Is there a i2p+ docker image?
RN I think I say abyss recently... not sure
dr|z3d no docker image, no. not yet, anyways.
fox if you're keeping logs of all of them grep for "elixir" been trying to think of his nick for ages
RN elixir?
fox dude was a big fan of that language and doing a double PHD but i can't recall his name
RN don't have a lot of logs, mine rotate out
fox ah well
y2kboy23 I might try making one. Is development mainly on gitlsb?
dr|z3d yeah, gitlab.
dr|z3d mirrors on github and git.i2p
dr|z3d but primary repo is gitlab.
y2kboy23 Great. I'll see what I can do with making an image for it.
dr|z3d great stuff, y2kboy23. are you running it locally?
dr|z3d 25MB/s on that stromycloud router just seen.
dr|z3d seems to be warming up still.
y2kboy23 I've just got the plain java i2p locally.
parabo dr|z3d: you have AIDS
dr|z3d installed via repo, or browser bundle, y2kboy23, or installed via java installer?
dr|z3d shut up, parabo. idiot.
dr|z3d sort your ports out you douche.
dr|z3d router just spiked at 36MB/s
dr|z3d before a couple of days ago, I'd never seen anything like that much b/w usage on a single router.
dr|z3d just hit 38MB/s. that's pretty insane.
y2kboy23 I'm running the docker image.
dr|z3d ah, gotcha.
parabo I'm not sorting out my ports
parabo FUCK YOU
parabo I have myself a VPS
dr|z3d I haven't had much experience with docker aside from gitlab CI, but I can't imagine it's too difficult to get an I2P+ image happening.
parabo docker is common in ML
y2kboy23 I'm trying it know but I would imagine the main image would work here.
dr|z3d if the main image makes use of the manually install version, not repo/deb, then it might be just a question of supplying an update url.
y2kboy23 Would just need a tweak or two and then setup on gitlab to upload to docker hub.
dr|z3d sounds great.
dr|z3d oh, it's all scripted, docker, my bad.
dr|z3d yeah, probably just need to tweak the vanilla defs.
dr|z3d package: "fonts-open-sans" recommend for better text on the graphs.
RN lol... always something to tweak
dr|z3d always, RN :)
parabo hey RN
RN aloha parabo
parabo how are you?
RN howe're the birds?
RN I'm doing ok
parabo stoned
parabo the birds are stoned
RN waiting for some hardware to repair my infrastructure
RN I'm on an ipad right now
RN ohh, good Ideea
parabo do you have a pencil?
RN ok, so I know I am stoned when I light a cigarette, and go to drop the ashes and there is another lit near full length cigarette sitting in the ashtray burning
RN hehhe
RN yes, I have an apple pencil (tm)
RN came with the ipad when I got them barely used from a coworker
RN never really used the external keyboard till now
RN I wouldn't be here in irc2p if I had to use the onscreen kb
RN I don't know how people irc on their mobiles
parabo gboard autocorrect and autocomplerte
RN so, parabo how goes your conversion to Mac Fanboi?
parabo install gboard on your ipad
parabo I am chatting on a MacBook Air M2
parabo I have an iPhone 13, and I have an iPad Air 5
parabo also with M2
RN I would be nervous about gboard phoning home and sending info about my typng/cntent
RN I don't expect I would be a big fan of 'glide typing'
RN so... is the speech recongnitionszess better precious?
parabo I disable glide typing
parabo you can disable sharing your typing data
parabo google has always had opt out options and been very open about data collection policies
parabo the reason people don't trust the opt out policies is many of them require you to be signed in to opt out
parabo but not gboard
RN well, the ipad already has speech recognition, but gboard does it that much better?
parabo I dunno honestly
parabo I type with keyboard
RN so, then which feature of gboard do I need?
RN lol
parabo the autocorrect and completion
parabo when you do a lot of typing on them, you develop an intuition for when and which selection to click
parabo so you start to hammer out 60-70wpm
RN ah
RN I'll take a look at it
RN right now, the ipad and attached keyboard are just being a vnc terminal
parabo peek-a-boo
parabo albat__:
parabo well I'm gonna try to sleep
RN aloha parabo
RN thanks for the shout out. ;)
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme\
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche!
dr|z3d latest sidebar innovations, coming to a dev build near you soon: skank.i2p/new.png
y2kboy23 Looks good
dr|z3d thanks, y2kboy23, that's full collapse mode active.
dr|z3d (each section gets its own collapsible toggle)
y2kboy23 Awesome. I can't wait to try it.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche!
parabo I can't
dr|z3d will be my regular response when you namecheck me.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche!
parabo dr|z3d
parabo you need to script that
dr|z3d don't test me.
dr|z3d yeah, I'll script that and putting you on +q at the same time :)
dr|z3d check this, parabo -> skank.i2p/new.png
parabo I'm not running i2p locally to see it
parabo what is it?
dr|z3d new and stuff. be running i2p to see it, or sort out an ssh tunnel to the proxy where you are running it. and sort your ports you douche!
dr|z3d or just use
parabo dr|z3d: looks new
dr|z3d new and shiny, parabo
parabo but is it, translucent?
parabo I have to leave for work in 2 hours
dr|z3d obviously.
albat hi parabo :3
parabo hey albat!
parabo how are you?
albat fine :)
albat you?
parabo I'm good
parabo I got a new job and I really like it
parabo what are you up to albat?
albat nothing much
albat i watch some star wars tvshows episodes
albat watched*
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo