IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
halo <dr|z3d> i blew my load on my nephews face lmao
halo <dr|z3d> I sucked his little dick for hours
halo <dr|z3d> Licked his ass
cathode <dr|z3d> If my bother in law finds out i sucked his nephews dick ill get in trouble!
cathode <dr|z3d> I love sucking his little cock
cathode <dr|z3d> But all i could do was finger his asshole
cathode <marcus> You gotta lube it up man lmao
cathode <dr|z3d> Oh I covered him in lube
cathode <dr|z3d> I need to drug him if im going to rape his butthole
cathode <dr|z3d> Because then he'll cry
cathode <marcus> make him cry like a little whore
cathode <dr|z3d> he is my little whore
cathode <dr|z3d> i was thinking i could kidnap a nigger boy
cathode <dr|z3d> no one would look for him
cathode <marcus> rape that little nigger
cathode <dr|z3d> negro hoe bitch
T3s|4 18:05:58 i2p -- | irc: connected to (
T3s|4 18:06:08 i2p =!= | Closing Link: [] Z:Lined (...)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: what caused the Z:Lined storm I saw I on both rigs?
dr|z3d hey T3s|4
dr|z3d that was a postman accident.
T3s|4 ah...thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d it's all for a good cause, anyways. if ridding the network of the persistent idiot is a good cause. expect great things soon!
T3s|4 yeah, truly annoying
dr|z3d the product of a diseased mind.
T3s|4 indeed
mesh dr|z3d: no need to call me names or ZLine me
dr|z3d say wut, mesh?
mesh " if ridding the network of the 5 bash
mesh persistent idiot is a good cause. expect great things soon
dr|z3d are you confessing to being the persistent troll?
mesh I mean I don't think I'm so bad
mesh all I did was mention was that I had been connected for 50 days and then I got Z]Lined
mesh I thought it a bit excessive
dr|z3d thought not. so chill. nothing to do with you.
mesh it's an interesting problem though, how to ban bad actors in i2p. I assume at some point authentication and certs will be needed
dr|z3d the z-lining was a mistake, nothing to do with anything else at this point.
mesh (which is why it's sort of a shame that you can't actually retrieve a Certificate from an I2P Destination)
dr|z3d and you weren't the only person z-lined. half the network received the same treatment. just so you know. you're not special :)
mesh I figured you guys had finally gotten sick of my scientific pontificating. Some people don't like scientific research!
dr|z3d with a fixed dest you can get a custom hostmask, so not all is lost.
mesh what is a custom hostmask?
dr|z3d try /whois postman for an example.
mesh hmm
mesh I think I2P needs its own alternative to TLS
mesh actual encryption isn't required... but perhaps a standard way for a client and server to each prove they own a certificate
dr|z3d that's a fixed dest in essence. we already have that.
mesh I see what you're saying, but a fixed Destination doesn't tell me who's behind the Destination
mesh you sort of need to be able to connect to a Destination and ask it for a Certificate and then have it prove ownership
mesh you sort of want to trust Certs, not Destinations which can change at any time
dr|z3d which part of "fixed" don't you get.
dr|z3d a fixed dest is persistent.
dr|z3d without fixed dests, there are no addressbook hostnames.
mesh who prevents a fixed Dest from changing? I thought it was nothing but convention
dr|z3d you control your dests.
dr|z3d the tunnel manager can fix a dest for you, if so desired.
mesh and fixed Dests aren't good anyways. They are vulnerable to DOS attacks. You want to be able to move around, change your Destinations, but still retain your identity I think
mesh anyways it seems to me like a big problem. I'm not surprised it's so hard to ban trolls from irc in this case
dr|z3d banning trolls is easy. they just come back with a new dest and a new nick.
dr|z3d what you're proposing is forcing everyone to have a fixed id on the network, which goes against the whole principle of an anonymizing network.