IRCaBot 2.1.0
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parabo hey people
parabo itsjustme dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up p
parabo dr|z3d, you know not much
parabo I been streaming Pokemon TCG on Twitch
parabo I got 4 subscribers
parabo sometimes I'll have 10 or more people watching
parabo I started a few weeks ago
parabo what's new with you dr|z3d?
dr|z3d oh, you know, nothing much. shizzle dizzle yo.
parabo shizzle dizzle is good
parabo dr|z3d, 4 subscribers!
dr|z3d 4!!!!
parabo amazing isn't it
dr|z3d amazing what shit people will watch on the net you mean? yeah, amazing :P
parabo I mean if 4 people want to get notifications to watch me play pokemon cards online while I discuss and explain and make commentary about the game, my decisions, etc... I am happy to let them watch
parabo I am hoping to get more subscribers but so far I've only streamed twice for a few hours twice a day on saturdays and I don't have a schedule and content promotion to get views
parabo It's just something I started trying out for lulz
parabo but I mean, I enjoy talking while I'm doing it to viewers. If there is more than 0 people viewing I'm happy to talk to them about the game while I play and give commentary as I do things or see things I have ideas about
parabo dr|z3d, wanna watch sometime?
parabo my account name is subhanawatala
parabo you can avoid telling me when you are watching to protect your anonymity
parabo but feel free to watch and see check it out. I'm guessing you'll only tune in for a moment to see what I sound like and get an idea of the game
dr|z3d watch?
parabo well, that's cool I just wanted to throw it out there, wasn't really expecting you to do it:P
dr|z3d no interest whatsoever in pokemon, sorry.
parabo no worries my man dr|z3d
parabo my friend let me take a very small amount of his kush to mix with my low thc medicinal stuff, I think I am going to have a small joint with it mixed in now. It's not the Muslim way to smoke recreational cannabis but I am but a man, not perfect
dr|z3d smoke away! I won't tell!
dr|z3d we got some new sites on i2p lately, parabo. no idea if they're official or not, but they work great.
dr|z3d new clearnet mirror sites, that is.
parabo but I don't mess with Windows 11
parabo I have a new surface go 2 laptop which came with Windows 11 preinstalled, but I was able to get all the drivers installed under Windows 10 by adding them to the installer images in the USB with powershell
parabo Windows 11 driver architecture technically isn't fully backwards compatible with windows 10 systems but I have never looked into whether or not there is any issues with any hardware currently using windows 11 only support not working on windows 109
parabo I think the new Windows 11 driver architecture features just aren't used at this point
parabo I remember you showed me a inproxy link dr|z3d
parabo not too many weeks ago
dr|z3d oh, that's a different thing altogether.
dr|z3d you're thinking of
parabo oh, what's the new sites?
dr|z3d let's see if notbob.i2p can shed some light
dr|z3d what we got there? arstechnica.i2p darkdotnet.i2p digitaltrends.i2p
dr|z3d duckduckgo.i2p
dr|z3d hightimes.i2p
dr|z3d and plenty more.
dr|z3d krebsonsecurity.i2p .. brian's seen the light!
parabo so the amount of available public accessible content on I2P is growing significantly, improving functional ability of i2p for end users
parabo that will grow the network leading to passive sybil attack attempts being much more resource intensive
dr|z3d every time I check notbob there are more sites
dr|z3d slashdot.i2p !
parabo every time I refresh my youtube video channel clips, there's another view on the video!
dr|z3d torrentfreak.i2p !
dr|z3d damn, there's even rollingstone.i2p now.
parabo subhanallah
parabo Since Muslim's can't use profanity, instead of what the f word who did that I have taken a movie quote as my wtf statement. "This is a bunch of pig sex. Who's Oinking?" or what is oinking
parabo dr|z3d, watch the movie "The Man from Toronto" on NetFlix
parabo it's amazing
dr|z3d it is? what's it about?
parabo A guy who gets confused with a torturing organized crime enforcer/information extraction interrogator when he's in the wrong place at the wrong time and ends up needing to continue pretending to be the torturer/murderous man from toronto to stop some messed up crap from going down which I think they say is about to kill a lot of people if not stopped
dr|z3d ok, not the best synopsis I've ever read, but I'll take a looksee. better not be a westworld-class recommendation :P
parabo I will tell you straight up the first 40 minutes aren't great, but the next 45 or 5 minutes are total laughs and good action non-stop until a happy ending conclusion but the first 40 minutes set up the non stop climax of the latter > 50% of thr movie
parabo it's a PG-13 action comedy. Some violence, nothing gory, no foul language
dr|z3d action comedy. I'll pass. :)
parabo it's good for PG-13, I usually don't find that stuff adult enough
parabo Oh okay
parabo well, keep it in mind if you ever feel in the mood dr|z3d
parabo hey T3s|4
dr|z3d I don't do action comedies. very rarely comedies of any hue.
T3s|4 haiya
parabo how are you sir?
dr|z3d what up T3
T3s|4 dr|z3d: fixing a broken touchpad on my old laptop...thank God I have a BT keyboard with a touchpad
dr|z3d never could get along with touchpads, wired mice work for me :)
T3s|4 at this point, I'm suspecting a bad TP cable, but now I have to wait 3 weeks to get a new one from China before I can confirm that's the issue
dr|z3d fun times, T3s|4!
T3s|4 yep - and 3 weeks was after paying for 'expedited' shipping ;p
T3s|4 otherwise, I was looking at 3 months
T3s|4 any cool tricks in your latest?
dr|z3d mostly upstream stuff in the latest build, and potentially more packets inbound/outbound packets in the queue.
T3s|4 I know zzz mentioned important ssu2 changes for i2pd in the past 48 hours; did you see any ssu2 changes in his i2p code?
dr|z3d he's mostly done with his side of SSU2.
dr|z3d at least in terms of basic implementation.. no doubt at some point he'll start looking at performance optimizations.
T3s|4 ok thanks - good to know
dr|z3d orignal's fixing various bugs, that's where most of the work appears to be happening right now.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: after 5 partial laptop disassembles, TP cable re-seatings on both ends (TP and MB), reassembles and testing, I finally got a working TP again :D
dr|z3d nicely done, T3s|4!
T3s|4 no pain, no gain :)
itsjustme Hey parabo!