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orignal delayed ack is possible
orignal I need to fix that part
orignal because I resend whole packet with initial ack block
orignal the trouble is network problems there I guess
orignal I will fix resends later
orignal SSU2: RelayResponse status code=68
orignal wtf 68?
orignal why it can't just send HolePunch instead?
zzz if alice is already connected to charlie, why are we doing relay?
orignal it looks like you were stuck with that connection
orignal because I didn't have it on Alice side
zzz hmm
orignal so, if I receive 68 should I just restart a session?
orignal assumign hole punch already
orignal it was 5 or 6 attempts with code 68
orignal I was able to connect only after 15-120 minutes
orignal 15-20
zzz yeah I see them but dinner time, will investigate in the morning and let you know
orignal no problem
orignal please try to find out why the session was not dropped on time
zzz I don't see a problem on my side
zzz looks like you are the one that forgot about the session:
zzz 07-01 00:21:34.732 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 0 as charlie nonce 1971080285 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:21:46.404 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 3961045171 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:23:47.995 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 3012517303 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:24:44.172 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 212263956 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:27:30.159 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2731266011 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:30:19.605 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2257861679 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:30:41.265 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2505872536 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:31:38.917 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2380069603 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:31:52.730 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2695904708 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:33:45.577 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 2148413251 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:34:41.718 WARN [leTimer2 4/4] r.transport.udp.PacketBuilder2: Sending termination 2 to : [2001:470:1f06:405:0:0:0:2]:29948 cdoFbN IB2 recvAge: 13m sendAge: 13m sendAttemptAge: 13m sendACKAge: 13m lifetime: 13m RTT: 141 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1408 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 5281 acwin: 5281 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 3/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 2/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
orignal the question is
zzz ^^^^ stayed up 13 minutes, inbound to me
orignal why this session stayed so long
orignal why 13 minutes?
zzz vvvvvvv then after that, another successful relay, another 68, stayed up 168 seconds
zzz 07-01 00:37:38.438 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 0 as charlie nonce 439355217 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:39:53.247 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie nonce 1292647942 to bob [2001:470:1f06:6ad:0:0:0:2]:12388 Qreu1M
zzz 07-01 00:40:26.747 WARN [leTimer2 2/4] r.transport.udp.PacketBuilder2: Sending termination 2 to : [2001:470:1f06:405:0:0:0:2]:29948 cdoFbN IB2 recvAge: 167s sendAge: 167s sendAttemptAge: 168s sendACKAge: 167s lifetime: 168s RTT: 142 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1408 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 5281 acwin: 5281 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 3/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 2/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
zzz idle timeout changes based on number of peers
orignal I forgot for the reason
orignal because I was restarting
orignal that's why
orignal is there a way to restart session?
orignal in this case
zzz it's a good question
zzz since you lose the chacha keys we'd have to start over
orignal and it was idling for 13 minutes are you sure that HolePunch was still valid?
orignal I care more about hole punch
zzz I should ping periodically if I'm firewalled
zzz maybe, since it's signed, we could "believe" the relay request and tear down the old session. I don't know
zzz don't you send a destroy when you're restarting?
orignal well I was restaring due to hmmm ... hardware issue ))
orignal simply specking hard drive started malfuctioning there
zzz so a local destroy then ))
orignal the box has rebooted
orignal the problem with this box it's being abused all the time because mining
zzz you sure that's the reason? I got the 2nd relay intro only 12 seconds after the first. You rebooted and restarted i2p in 12 seconds?
orignal no I'm talking about first one
orignal when I received 68 after few attempts after restart
zzz yeah the first one
orignal and got confused
zzz 07-01 00:21:34.732 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 0 as charlie
zzz 07-01 00:21:46.404 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 68 as charlie
orignal so you think I have missed first one or what?
zzz no, because a session was actually set up between those two
orignal or you received SessionConfirmed?
zzz you can see because it expired 13 minutes later
zzz 07-01 00:34:41.718 WARN [leTimer2 4/4] r.transport.udp.PacketBuilder2: Sending termination 2 to : [2001:470:1f06:405:0:0:0:2]:29948 cdoFbN IB2 recvAge: 13m sendAge: 13m sendAttemptAge: 13m sendACKAge: 13m lifetime: 13m
zzz I wasn't logging handshake, but I must have received session confirmed, yes
orignal but again why 13 minutes?
zzz that's when it timed out for me
zzz doesn't matter if the timeout was 13 seconds. I still would have sent you a 68 after 12 seconds
orignal maybe ack to session conrirmed was missing
zzz maybe, but same thing happened twice
orignal I think I tried it again after 12 seconds
orignal it's possible
orignal but they question is what has happened with original session
zzz and I didn't see any retransmitted session confirmed from you
orignal and how we can restart
orignal I will investigate
orignal but restart
orignal if I send a new SessionRequest when I receive 68
orignal what will happen?
zzz in SSU 1 I'll replace the old session with the new one. Should work for SSU 2 also but haven't looked to see if it's ever happened
orignal I think how to handle 68
zzz we also need to talk about when to work on 'path challenge'
orignal agree
orignal also successive relay is still rare
orignal interesting coincidence
orignal seem relay works only through 2RRY
orignal 10:56:17@924/info - SSU2: RelayResponse status code=68
orignal wtf again?
orignal I have just started the router a minute ago
orignal I even haven't received HolePunch
orignal and my that router was offline for more than an hour
zzz wasn't my router
orignal 68 is Charlie
orignal and I tried to connect to you
zzz I'm charlie?
obscuratus In the context of SSU2, what is "Relay"? Is there somewhere I can read up on it?
zzz basically the same as in SSU 1 obscuratus see 'introduction' section in i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/transport/ssu
obscuratus zzz: Thanks
obscuratus Ah, hence the importance of connection time. If the introducer isn't connected, then the hole punch is lost.
orignal yes, you are
orignal the question is why 68
zzz I have not sent any 68 in the last 12 hours
orignal then any ideas where is might come from?
orignal maybe Bob did something worng?
zzz who was the bob?
orignal not 2RRY for sure