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dr|z3d Peer [PFw4Uo] published their RouterInfo in the future
dr|z3d • Published: Tue Mar 12 23:13:14 GMT 2075
zzz Peer test responses sent by me as charlie:
zzz 0 76%
zzz 65 1%
zzz 68 7%
zzz 69 11%
zzz 70 5%
zzz I think that looks pretty good
orignal will do the same
zzz I think, and hope, I'm approaching the end of my SSU2 fixes, after spending all week on peer test
dr|z3d you been busy, zzz. props for the stamina.
zzz omg peer test corner case
dr|z3d re next version, I'd suggest 2.1.0 to indicate that it's a major release and to keep the api and version in sync.
dr|z3d 2.0.2 (?) suggests minor bug fixes.
zzz perhaps