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orignal nevermind about RepayResponse. It's my isssue. However still the question about HolePunch
dr|z3d what do you want to know, orignal?
orignal I want to know how HolePunch msg gets confirmed
orignal I receive 6 or 7 or them
orignal definitly I don't confirm them properly
orignal from specs "Charlie sends to Alice, in response to a Relay Intro received from Bob. Alice responds with a new Session Request"
orignal but nothing mentions ConnID
dr|z3d did you check that link?
orignal / create new connID
orignal uint64_t oldConnID = GetConnID ();
orignal RAND_bytes ((uint8_t *)&m_DestConnID, 8);
orignal RAND_bytes ((uint8_t *)&m_SourceConnID, 8);
orignal once I receive HolePunch
orignal wondering what's the reason
orignal you link is abour relay request
orignal I'm talking about relay intro
dr|z3d scroll down.
dr|z3d receiveRelayIntro method further down the page. it's all there.
orignal but it doesn't explain what's going on next
dr|z3d that's not what you said you want. scroll up. that's the response. you want receiveRelayIntro
orignal no, I want to know when HolePunch is being resent
orignal and what it stops
orignal and the main question if I change ConnIDs of intruced session after HolePubch
orignal looks like I keeps them
orignal let's wait for confirmation for zzz
orignal that I keep ConnIDs
orignal and he relies on SessionRequest
dr|z3d sorry, was meant to be a line ref. 1 sec.
dr|z3d void receiveHolePunch(RemoteHostId id, UDPPacket packet) { ... }
orignal let me try to keep it and see
orignal seem he doesn't change connid
zzz looks like about 6 hole punches
orignal how do you send them?
orignal 6 hole punches or SessionRequest?
zzz huh? hole punches are hole punches
orignal as I see you check SessionRequest
orignal because when I send SessionRequest in reponse to HolePunch I don't recieve duplicates anymore
orignal I also still the issue with RelayResponse
orignal it seems that Bob keeps resendng it regrdless if thay were acked or not
zzz I mean, up to 6
zzz of course we stop when we get session request, that's the point
orignal fair enough
orignal so what with RelayResponse from Bob?
orignal the situation is it's alsway like this
orignal once I(Alice) receive RelayResponse it always comes 6 times
zzz seems like that should be same as hole punch, once we get session request we should stop
zzz or maybe we didn't get the ack from bob
orignal how? you are charlie, not bob
orignal you send holepunch to alice
orignal alice sends SessionRequest to Charlie
orignal but 6 RelayRequests come from Bob
orignal sorry RepayResponse
orignal initialy I though because I don't send Acks for it
zzz did you ack it?
orignal I checked and I do send acks
orignal double checked
orignal it never happens with PeerTest 4 only with RelayResponse
orignal not a big deal but strange
zzz don't know. I finished SSU2 two years ago ))
orignal futhermore Bob keeps resending it even if it's code 5
orignal tag not found
orignal hence Charlie is not involved
zzz maybe charlie is resending and bob just passes it through
orignal if you have finished SSU2 2 years ago why you don't chooce U routers for tunnels? )))
orignal wait charlie is resending
zzz not related
orignal do you keep nonce on Bob side after you got response from Charlie?
zzz not sure
orignal if charlie is resedning you should not be able to find nonce
orignal and Alice's session
dec thanks zzz
zzz welcome to i2p
dec hi devs, long time lurker, i've made a mockup of a widget that i think will be very good for the linux taskbar, i'm not an expert on what is possible and where to start, but i have coded up the 'Lucky Di(2)p' feature and I absolutely love it. So useful.
dr|z3d I was just going to suggest cake.i2p, but you got there first.
dec i can upload the svg if someone is happy to play with this, i wanted a user friendly way to manage tunnels, downloads, identities and timings
dec it doesn't do 4444 and 4445 because i want to address those tunnels based on the opening and closing of the browser.
dec if the discussion ismore suited to saltr, we can go there
dec Blinded message
dec scheduling would include randomness of course (±24h|±12h|±6hrs). oh and all symbols used are either made by me or included in adwaita and/or papyrus themes, ie. foss, :)
dec so yeah i must take off, but after you've had a chance to think about how you would improve it, tell me your thoughts and i'll try to collate all the feedback into another mockup. i want this thing to be basically perfect, out of the gate.
dr|z3d got potential, dec.
dr|z3d_ as for the question posed in the gif, the answer is a resounding "no!"
zzz he wants the _mockup_ to be "perfect out of the gate"? or the implementation?
dr|z3d I think he's looking for feedback as this stage, no?
dr|z3d something along those lines, though a lot less busy, might be a suitable alternative to DTG.
zzz dunno. striving for a perfect mockup seems pointless, at least before researching what's possible
dr|z3d esp. where DTG doesn't play nice with the DE.
dr|z3d doesn't look like a perfect mockup from where I'm sitting, more a conversation starter.
zzz right, convo starters don't need to be perfect, that's not their purpose
dr|z3d there are some good ideas in there, whether they're feasible is another matter.
zzz I'd suggest making a list of features shown in the mockup, and for each try to find an API that would enable it.
zzz maybe he'll bat about .250
Irc2PGuest68663 hi exactly, i want the mockup to EVENTUALLY be perfect to make sure the implementation is as painless as possible.
Irc2PGuest68663 thanks dr|zed yeah, i want it to be fun to use, and useful, the dots are numbers
dr|z3d distracting. if you want to differntiate, just use colors.
zzz haven't seen a DEC since I was programming VAX 11/750s in fortran
zzz but my point is there's no such thing as a perfect markup
Irc2PGuest68663 so you can use the dots to infer which things are downloading because you'll know that 3 is for your some of ur podcaster
zzz save perfection for the implementation
dr|z3d if you're attempting to represent percentage values, which I'm not sure you are, but maybe you want to(?), pie chart icons would be better.
Irc2PGuest68663 colors are for active, running, standby, and stopped, the slight incisions in the dots are for the port number
dr|z3d port numbers, who cares?
dr|z3d visual overload :)
Irc2PGuest68663 you'll be able to associate a port to a likely download
dr|z3d sure, or you could just have custom icons per service.
Irc2PGuest68663 i designed it to be subtle
dr|z3d what you don't want is something that looks like a binary clock.
dr|z3d also subtle, and also functionally useless :)
dr|z3d but what zzz said, make a list of features and take it from there.
Irc2PGuest68663 the deeper the incisions the more obvious they are as nuber but the more busy and less symbolic of i2p the widget gets, its a balancing act, basically all the options are there, i wanted it to be simple
dr|z3d I'm telling you what I think. You're free to ignore me. Simple is good, but when it's abstract to the point of having to learn a new visual language to decipher the meaning, it's failed already.
dr|z3d If you want some idea of simple icons that convey meaning at small dimensions, have a look at I2P+ perhaps. There's a library of svg files there.
Irc2PGuest68663 its not massively important to the feature set its just an added benefite for those who spend a minute to work it out, the Settings cog is for arranging the four ports that are on disply and so it is on the settings page where it will likely become obvious, but yes if it can be improved then i'll do that, i did think about having a pie chart perimeter for each port, thats why i left two pixels between
Irc2PGuest68663 each dot, :) its a good feature i think, it wouln't need to update often, once every 3s might be the default?
dr|z3d only needs to update when the user has the popup open.
dr|z3d unless you mean the system tray icon. and that depends what info you're conveying.
dr|z3d anyways, this is all moot right now. break down the app into features you'd like to support. then you'll get a better idea of what's possible.
orignal zzz, do you want me to create a ticket about RelayResponse?
zzz sure, thanks
Irc2PGuest68663 yes, i meant the tray icon. 3 sec is plenty for a refresh rate.
Irc2PGuest68663 ok great, in term of features to innumerate... it shows the port/tunnel, name of tunnel and the first 4 characters of the b32/identity assigned to a tunnel. Its shows basic info on downloads and tunnels on hovering the tray widget, and on click it provides an interface that people can use to download a link that is in the clipboard, a tunnel can be chosen automatically or manually, and the choice,
Irc2PGuest68663 whether automatic of user-chosen has some stickiness ie. if outproxy tunnel 44455 is used for a domain that tunnel will b a preferred tunnel for 20 days (±12 days).
Irc2PGuest68663 It has a Mirroring feature that seeks to mirror a domain creating a new hidden service for such. There is a 'Lucky Di(2)p' feature which i've already produced in bash, and a deepness slider that has an ability to crawl a site and/or pages directly referenced by a webpage. It has the ability to delay a download, and to schedule downloads (with timing randomness, of course) that you might want to download
Irc2PGuest68663 once per month, fortnight, day of week or daily, eg. an rss feed. It provides notifications of downloaded things. It allows downloads to go to locations on a per domain basis automatically, with an ability to override that.
Irc2PGuest68663 Further research is needed for RSS. I basically want to give the user some extra options for rss feeds but i need to determine the best method for that. Maximum compatability with clients, etc
Irc2PGuest68663 So that's basically it
dec I'm dec btw
dec If there are any additional features that people want from a user friendly downloadr like this, just tell me
dr|z3d I'd suggest formalizing your features in a document that you can then post on one of the network forums for feedback.
dec the next phase will be examining the linux DE's and what they can ALL achieve
dec yep
dr|z3d and if you can put together a tray app that supports whatever you think you can do without issue, great.
dec it will be the above list in dot point format, yes, its an undertaking for sure but i think is so needed
dec and suited to i2p
dr|z3d "build it, they will come".
dec yes i think so, if i can get vain to be smaller then while a person is downloading a site for mirroring, they can be spinning up vanity addresses at the same time