IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d zzz: do you mind casting an eye over this to see if I've got things broadly right please? cake.i2p/view/oj181FPk5M_8XMs1k7ljBljIRSyMdYAcbCDVOhyXT_bZetSQrIAU/oj181FPk5M.txt?syntax=xml
dr|z3d seat of pants stuff, I kludged that together using various other files as reference.
dr|z3d it builds what appears to be a valid .jar file, so that's I guess one half of the battle. I've got the source sitting in apps/pack200/
dr|z3d ok, updater200 now builds with lib/pack200.jar, just need to figure out how to not pack200 pack200.jar
dr|z3d I thought -o $i = pkg-temp/lib/pack200.war would exclude it from being packed, but appears not.
dr|z3d oh, wait.
dr|z3d it's a .jar not a .war. maybe that's why it's being packed.
dr|z3d OK, it works! Thanks for the help, zzz.
dr|z3d tuning the pack200 options, I'm now building updates at 4.7MB vs 11.4MB non-pack200.
eche|off RN: redo your forum regsitration, I do not see any account with that name
RN eche|off, it was not me, perhaps they used a different name. Is it safe to presume you have not processed any pending requests?
eche|on RN: I did allow all which looked valid and discarded all looking lkike spam
eche|on with >30 per day I may remove valid requests, to
RN Thank you sir.
eche|on RN: so, if the user does not work yet, please re-register, best with i2pmail.i2p address
RN 10-4
dr|z3d how many coffees, zzz? :)
zzz sorry dr|z3d got distracted
zzz congrats on p200
dr|z3d no worries, zzz. code's in my dev branch if you want it :)
zzz heh
dr|z3d I've had a few testers report back success.
dr|z3d and, well, 4.7MB vs 11.4MB. that's pretty huge!
zzz yup
dr|z3d with pack200 default settings, still comes out pretty nice at 5.3MB.
dr|z3d I think we should both probably remove the stuff in FileUtil regarding apache's commons-compress. that's to all intents and purposes broken.
zzz sure, not really any use
dr|z3d anything new with socks tunnels?
zzz got outproxy working, basics, now doing a total rewrite to be more bulletproof
RN so is this experiment auto-detecting a local running Tor and using that for what you direct to it? [elevator speech version]
dr|z3d it's using the torsocks wrapper to route over i2p instead of Tor.
dr|z3d zzz's fixing up the socks tunnel to handle it.
RN ah that's right
RN and no modifiation of torsocks?
dr|z3d apparently not, just point it at a different port with the -P switch.
RN ah, so it is not deciding to send things to Tor or i2p, just turning it into i2p-socks functionally
RN meaning, if you throw a .onion at it, I presume it would use the configured outproxy to try and handle the Tor address?
RN but you can run multiple instances... hmmm...
dr|z3d in theory that should work, sure.
RN thinking of the newer outproxies. :)
RN that reminds me. could the outproxy be set to my local privoxy easily? I was wondering if I put localhost:port there instead of puroshki or stormy if that would just work, but havent tried it.
dr|z3d should be trivial.
RN though that would continue to pipe the connection through I2P to privoxy, instead of 'handing it off' if I understand correctly.
dr|z3d well, you'd create a new tunnel for privoxy and then point privoxy at existing outproxy port(s).
RN I was thinking more like orchid.
dr|z3d privoxy should be able to handle routing to different proxies based on tld. .i2p, .onion, whatever.
RN as in, connect to 4444 and if it isn't a .i2p/ then it gets sent to orchid-tor. also something I read about using Tor to reseed if available.