IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN well, yeah, that is what privoxy does
RN we aren't on the same page
RN :)
RN that's ok... I'll bake theese ideas a little more and see what zzz comes up with
zzz first rewrite tested
zzz torsocks -P 9999 HEAD
zzz 200 OK
zzz Cache-Control: private
zzz Connection: close
zzz Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 22:46:59 GMT
zzz Server: gws
dr|z3d don't use orchid anymore, it's deprecated.
zzz Blinded message
dr|z3d nice, zzz.
dr|z3d if you're using orchid, RN, switch over to zzz's socks plugin, does more or less the same thing except using a separate tor instance.
RN only tested orchid when it was fresh. not using it now, not checked if it has been updated... prety sure orchid was pre onions getting longer
dr|z3d last time I tried the socks tunnel, zzz, it was super unreliable when used with microsocks for http browsing. now might be a good time to see how torsocks behaves with a browser session.
dr|z3d orchid is dead. no support for v3, and it sucks ram like a pig.
RN yeah, I figured. but the way it functioned was intriguing.
dr|z3d upstream support was abandoned years ago, so it was on life support for quite some time.
RN though you need a bigger jvm
RN ;)
RN I'll ♪ ♫ keep 'em seperated ♫ ♪
zzz I need to look at the timeouts
dr|z3d can we get a config for those, ideally exposed in the UI? :)
zzz should be standard streaming config
dr|z3d I got a question for you, zzz. why do participating tunnels not expire for the first 20 minutes of a router session?
dr|z3d or more accurately, perhaps, why does the sidebar counter keep incrementing for the first 20 minutes, with a resulting large drop?
dr|z3d term99!!!
dr|z3d welcome back!
dr|z3d we missed you.
dr|z3d wrong channel, woops.
dr|z3d looks like this is the code responsible:
dr|z3d public LeaveTunnel(RouterContext ctx) {
dr|z3d super(ctx);
dr|z3d _configs = new LinkedBlockingQueue<HopConfig>();
dr|z3d // 10 min no tunnels accepted + 10 min tunnel expiration
dr|z3d getTiming().setStartAfter(ctx.clock().now() + 20*60*1000);
dr|z3d getContext().jobQueue().addJob(LeaveTunnel.this);
dr|z3d it's working on the assumption that no participating tunnels are built within the first 10 minutes of uptime, but I don't think that's the case anymore.
zzz dr|z3d, if you changed it, yeah
dr|z3d zzz: elsewhere in the code there's still a buffer before part tunnels are meant to be built after startup, but I don't think that's being obeyed. you're saying canon routers won't build tunnels for 10m?
zzz iirc yes, check the code if you like
dr|z3d ok, I'll poke around, thanks.
obscuratus For the java I2P routers on my testing network, I usually set router.rejectStartupTime=240000 (4 minutes).
obscuratus This seems to work as expected, participating tunnels are accepted after 4 minutes.
obscuratus I'd never noticed before, but it looks like dr|z3d is correct, the partipating tunnels sit in grace period until 20 minutes of uptime elapses.
dr|z3d obscuratus: the question is whether or not I2P out of the box rejects participating tunnels for 10m. If it does, then 20 minutes before the expire part tunnels job runs is fine.
dr|z3d that said, probably deferring the start job for 10 minutes from the time the first part tunnel is created might be better.
obscuratus dr|z3d: On my java routers, particpating tunnels are accepted prior to 10 minutes of uptime if I set router.rejectStartupTime in router.config
dr|z3d private static final long DEFAULT_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME = 10*60*1000;
dr|z3d private static final long MIN_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME = 90*1000;
dr|z3d private static final String PROP_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME = "router.rejectStartupTime";
obscuratus The ya go. :)
dr|z3d apparently that all gets ignored, at least on routers I've observed. part tunnels are accepted within seconds of router startup.
obscuratus I've never seen that behavior. They've always properly respected router.rejectStartupTime, except to the extent they sit in grace period until after 20 minutes.
dr|z3d _rejectStartupTime = Math.max(MIN_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME, _context.getProperty(PROP_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME, DEFAULT_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME));
HaruCode question: if I create a SOCKS client tunnel and specify it as a SOCKS proxy in Tor client, will it work?
dr|z3d HaruCode: suck it and see :)
HaruCode it doesn't
obscuratus dr|z3d: I think you're reading that incorrectly. The sub-snippet: _context.getProperty(PROP_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME, DEFAULT_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME) will return ROP_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME if it is set.
dr|z3d it will, otherwise it should enforce the higher of the two limits.
dr|z3d which is my point, I don't explicitly set that config and yet the default value is ignored.
obscuratus 10 minutes is default. It can be over-ridden by setting router.rejectStartupTime.
obscuratus I can't explain that. I've never seen that behavior.
dr|z3d I mean, it's not a big issue, I don't personally mind the zero delay before accepting part tunnels, but I'm just curious why.
dr|z3d as zzz suggested, maybe I've fat fingered something in the code somewhere :)
obscuratus There does seem to be a deviation in observed behavior for this facet.
dr|z3d anyways, for canon I2P, the expire router tunnel job should probably use PROP_REJECT_STARTUP_TIME + 10m as the initial startup delay if it's set.
obscuratus I think so.
dr|z3d trivial change.
obscuratus Makes sense.
zzz yeah, looks like canon has a minor bug if the default is overridden, I'll fix it at some point, thanks
dr|z3d is there any problem deferring the expire part tunnel job longer than necessary, zzz?
obscuratus In my experience, that's never been a problem. If the peers wants to start a new, refreshed tunnel, the 'grace period' tunnel just sits there.
zzz unless you hit your max part. tunnel limit because you haven't expired all the old ones, no, and even then a very minor issue
dr|z3d right, thought as much. they just sit around doing nothing until they're removed then, as obscuratus states.
zzz but if you wanted a different default in cannon, dunno why you didn't just change the default
dr|z3d that's a separate issue, still trying to work out why the current defaults aren't working.
dr|z3d I guess there's no harm in running the expire part tunnel job early, in any event. If there's nothing to expire, it'll just wait until the next cycle.
dr|z3d re torsocks, zzz, sorry, I probably sent you down a dead end re browser sessions. likely to be least useful here, even when it works. ssh sessions is probably a good thing to look at.
zzz no no, was going to try it anyway
dr|z3d I spoke to StormyCloud re connect ports, we're on the same page. If there's a requirement for additional ports to be opened, just holler.
dr|z3d I'm guessing port 22 might be high on the list :)
zzz dr|z3d, ok, but here's what stormy said at the aug. 2 approval meeting:
zzz (05:04:39 PM) not_bob: How do you deal with users who try to use your service for "really nasty stuff"?
zzz (05:05:46 PM) StormyCloud: Nothing, we do not filter any requests. While that does invite "bad" users we feel the internet should be a free and open place.
dr|z3d for requests read http requests.
dr|z3d that's what he was referring to there, I can assure you. in other words, no dns blocking.
dr|z3d and I'm pretty sure that's what not_bob was asking about. web requests to dodgy sites.
zzz now, I never thought it was wise to allow everything, but stormy was very consistent this year in claiming that
dr|z3d also remember it's an http proxy, a web proxy. that's its stated purpose.
zzz you allow http on any port?
dr|z3d since you're throwing that page at me -> Supports HTTP, HTTPS. and TOR .onion links
zzz yup
zzz I probably only tested non-std http ports, not https, back in july
zzz so I don't know if things changed after testing or not
dr|z3d well, I'm not sure what your point is, but as I've said, if you want other non-https connect ports open, just let us know :)
zzz just trying to understand how we got here
dr|z3d from my perspective, we've got a functional http/https web proxy. allowing unrestricted access to non https connect ports could quite quickly result in the service degrading. better to provide a stable, performant service than run the risk of something entirely less functional.
zzz I agree, it's just that the status quo isn't what I thought it was. Apparently that's my misunderstanding
dr|z3d I think we can both agree that we don't want another false.i2p :)
dr|z3d and fwiw, the proxy software ships in the state it's in now, re connect ports, given it's primarily role is to route http/https.
dr|z3d *zap* apostrophe *zap*
zzz I expect any ports wishlist will come out of the discussion on my forum after some time, and I've posted that in the thread, thanks
zzz anybody tried acetone's "legendary" outproxy? I wonder what its policies are... might be another way to test feasibility
dr|z3d last time I tried it, it was offline, but I've spoken to him since and apparently it's now up.
dr|z3d what are you wanting to test?
weko zzz, recently, he rented an anonymous VPS, so now he's users directly enter to the clearnet (earlier was TOR)
zzz whatever torsocks application might be worth testing
dr|z3d ssh, start there.
dr|z3d exit.stormyproxy primed for ssh connect.
dr|z3d that is, assuming you're connecting to port 22.
dr|z3d quick question, zzz. pack200 comes with _ja and _zh DriverResource files. compiles fine without them, so presumably they can be dropped?
dr|z3d (not seeing any specific reference to them in other files)
zzz good guess, possibly for CLI, but you can look inside at the strings
zzz but translation failures shouldn't ever be fatal
zzz acetone is fatal however, 16 tunnels but 503 for everything, not so legendary
dr|z3d it appears that all the files are providing is translation for the CLI help.
dr|z3d the actual switches/arguments remain unchanged.
dr|z3d anyways, thanks, I guess I'll junk those files then, since pack200 isn't really user-facing.
acetone zzz: i dont know about 503 error. Using this outproxy for files download and clearnet scrolling. Some times I have software issues and try to fix it. In main time all seems fine for me
dr|z3d acetone: zzz's testing with torsocks over i2p, so maybe he's hit a bump on your outproxy. maybe check the logs and see what requests are causing the 503s?
acetone zzz: you try outproxy.acetone.i2p or simple old acetone.i2p:8888? (Old not working ever)
dr|z3d acetone: attempting to access outproxy.acetone.i2p over http gives me site unreachable. that's probably a different issue.
zzz yes, outproxy.acetone.i2p
dr|z3d ideally you want a splash page there or something.
acetone dr|z3d: yep, so its real. I do not create html page for it
acetone All info about outproxy in main acetone.i2p page
acetone But i hope http-fronend coming soon
dr|z3d ok, good. definitely a good idea.
acetone I planing interactive front-end with statistics and so not have time to programming it now, dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d understood, acetone. in the meantime. a simple <!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>outproxy.acetone.i2p</title></head><body><center><h1>outproxy.acetone.i2p</h1></center><hr></body></html> would suffice :)
acetone dr|z3d: yep... Let me make it today :)
zzz actually, my bad, the 503's were from stormy. I changed the socks outproxy config but it didn't take effect... another bug to chase
zzz legend restored
dr|z3d so stormy's 503ing still, or config issue?
zzz 503 for me on a port 443
acetone zzz: language barrier broke my mind in understanding your case :) i thing outproxy not routing to clearnet or something like this
zzz acetone, it is working
zzz acetone, do you allow all ports, or only 80 and 443?
acetone zzz: all without limits
dr|z3d 503 should be fixed, looks like the proxy doesn't like being reloaded. :|
RN btw dr, thanks for the tip, running my eepsite images through optimizers did improve load times for nearly all of them
RN I didn't script gimp, I just used a couple off the shelf utils
acetone dr|z3d: woohoo. Html placeholder created
RN 1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN /#
RN 0.1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN rk/#
RN 0.0.1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN nark/#
RN psnark/#
RN i2psnark/#
R4SAS RN: huh
RN //
RN 7/i2psnark/#
RN s://
RN 667/i2psnark/#
RN tps://
RN 27667/i2psnark/#
RN 1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN /#
RN 0.1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN rk/#
RN 0.0.1:27667/i2psnark/#
RN nark/#
R4SAS someone fell asleep at the keyboard
RN psnark/#
RN i2psnark/#
RN //
R4SAS zzz: mute him temporary?
RN 7/i2psnark/#
RN s://
RN 667/i2psnark/#
RN tps://
RN 27667/i2psnark/#
RN 1:27667/i2psnark/#
R4SAS zzz: RN said that it done now, can you give voice again?
RN Sorry about that y'all
RN I had no idea it was that many lines, nor how agressive my bouncer would be
RN router was counting down to restart, and the url in the browser changed like that for snark
RN I thought maybe a couple lines.
RN do, dr|z3d. Snark is doing wierd things in the url bar on i2p+
RN right after the page loads, the url bar changes to repeated urls
RN like that but over and over
RN canon I2P is not doing this
RN the different port is due to ssh forwarding
RN revision apears to be "1.9.0-15+
RN 553ac7a2"
RN something funky with the redirect from /torrents to /snark ?
dr|z3d RN, try clearing your browser cache, that shouldn't be happening.
dr|z3d acetone: well done.
dr|z3d RN: what was all that spam about? *chuckle*
RN I thought maybe a couple lines.
dr|z3d oh, I guess you wanted to demo the url and didn't quite realize how long it was.
RN cache cleared, and still doing it
RN to reproduce: right click on "torrents" and open in new tab in firefox
RN once page is rendered and busy indicator stops, the url changes
dr|z3d ok, I see that. thought I'd removed the code doing that, thanks for pointing it out. on it.
RN thanks. and again, sorry to all for the spam-wall
dr|z3d R4SAS: he is a she (RN), for future reference :)
R4SAS dr|z3d: anons always "he" ;D
dr|z3d watch it, R4SAS, she bites! :)
RN only if asked to bite.
RN ;)
dr|z3d RN: /attack R4SAS
RN ERROR: Module Not Found
RN I thought I got rid of all the cameras!
R4SAS he-he-he