IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d Thanks to some assistance from zzz, the latest I2P+ build now contains support for pack200 update files regardless of the version of java you're running.
dr|z3d what does this mean in practice? once you've installed the update with pack200 support, future updates have the potential to be around 50% of the size of existing updates at around 5MB instead of 10-11MB.
dr|z3d If you want to test, download the latest I2P+ update from skank.i2p/dev/, restart your router, and then temporarily set the unsigned update url to skank.i2p/pack200/
dr|z3d then check for updates and you should be pulling down a fully featured 5.4MB update.
dr|z3d smaller updates are go, NarratorZ!
dr|z3d with zzz's help, I've now got pack200 updates working which means roughly 50% smaller update zips with support for all java versions. \o/
dr|z3d it'll take a while for them to be default on /dev/ because you need the support for them in an update file before you can use them.. so the support will be included in all updates and installers from now on.
NarratorZ 🥳
dr|z3d off my charts, that extended character. all I see is a box with numbers, which is unusual. mostly I have extended char support in this font.
dr|z3d >> If you want to test, download the latest I2P+ update from skank.i2p/dev/, restart your router, and then temporarily set the unsigned update url to skank.i2p/pack200/
dr|z3d >> then check for updates and you should be pulling down a fully featured 5.4MB update.
dr|z3d don't forget to restore the original /dev/ update url after you've updated from /pack200/
NarratorZ OK, I'll set it up later
NarratorZ Ah, I'm using noto-fonts-emoji
dr|z3d ah, that'll be it. :)
dr|z3d dejavu sans mono here.
dr|z3d no need to do the pack200 test if you don't want to, it's just available right now for the curious :)
dr|z3d once we've got past the next release, I'll probably switch over to pack200 for dev builds, and keep release on uncompressed.
NarratorZ Ah, I'm happy to participate in any testing.Compression is always good, we don't have a lot of bandwidth
dr|z3d yeah, NarratorZ, I'm all for compression if there's no downside. updates at ~50% of the size of uncompressed is a win for everyone :)
dr|z3d pack200 capable routers will have a pack200.jar file listed on /jars
dr|z3d (specifically v14, with the JDK listed as OpenDJK, not Maven Jar Plugin)
dr|z3d with some extra options, an I2P+ update with docs now weighs in at 4.7MB.
dr|z3d *extra pack200
dr|z3d vs 11.4MB non-pack200.
dr|z3d re pack200, skank.i2p/dev/pack200.jar can be saved to i2p/lib/ in preparation for pack200 updates. it's also supplied with all updates going forward. it may also prove useful for vanilla i2p updates, if zzz pushes his upstream mods.
dr|z3d (re vanilla, that is, if anyone ever decides to do pack200 vanilla updates)
dr|z3d anyone wanting a full universal pack200-enabled I2P+ installer can grab: skank.i2p/pack200/i2pinstall.exe .. launch with java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe if not on windows.
dr|z3d it's a 30MB download, so use a download manager or eepget -n 999 skank.i2p/pack200/i2pinstall.exe
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - without surprise or issues, pulled in the 4.74 MiB package on both rigs :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: also, been quite busy I've late and have been running the variants of -15+ for several days. Did -14+ get skipped, or did I somehow miss pulling that one down?
dr|z3d hi T3s|4_, thanks for testing the pack200 update.
dr|z3d Re update minor versions, I think zzz versioned the updates to the po files, so I missed that version.
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: noted, and ofc, np :)]
dr|z3d I'm pretty happy pack200 is now working regardless of version. Was sad to see it deprecated.
RN Yes, dr|z3d thanks for bringing pack200 back!!! :D
dr|z3d no worries, RN, should make those dev updates (in time, once everyone's got the underlying code) just that little bit zippier :)
dr|z3d we also made some progress with bringing zzz on board. :)
RN indeed.
RN Good thing I was frustrated tinkering with a bot and asked about the irc thing.
dr|z3d yeah, you done good there
RN guess you can see how long ago it was I was compiling builds previously if I was using pack200
dr|z3d surfaced another bug.
dr|z3d pack200 still works, as long as you're running java13 or earlier.
dr|z3d natively in java I mean.
RN ahh
dr|z3d very soon java 21 is set to be the LTS release, so we're a bit beyond that now, at least for most.
dr|z3d what my patch does is restore the patch200 compression code that was in java14 before it got removed, so it's about as native as it gets.
dr|z3d native in the sense that it's compatible with oracle's pack200 stuff. I tried apache's version. crap. no workee.
dr|z3d what up ijm!
RN it should be compatible with openjdk, no?
dr|z3d what should be?
dr|z3d for any mention of oracle java, you can also assume openjdk.
dr|z3d despite the difference in names, they're both essentially the same, both authored by Oracle.
RN perfect.
dr|z3d there's a feature in the tunnel manager I'm working on..
dr|z3d if you hover over the status stars on the index page, you'll get a tooltip indicating some basic tunnel configs.
dr|z3d I'm adding tunnel variance there, and converting the OS tooltips into css tooltips for better presentation.
dr|z3d minor thing, but if you're coming from vanilla i2p, or even if you're not, those tooltips might not be obvious.
RN neat