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orignal link please to archive
dr|z3d it's in the channel topic, orignal, don't be lazy :)
orignal thanks
orignal I see only 2.7
orignal took master
dr|z3d assuming you grabbed the latest, you're good. tags should mostly be ignored.
dr|z3d (especially when you want the latest fixes that haven't landed in a new release)
orignal where do I see version?
orignal I2P+ I2PSnark standalone version 2.6.5 started
orignal seems I dowloaded wrong version
orignal is this right one?
orignal no, previos is 2.7.0
orignal please give me this fucking link to repo
orignal if you want me to upgrade
orignal refrers to old one
RN maybe you need
RN that's the one in the topic
orignal yes I go there
orignal it's web page
orignal I click Dowload and see 2.7.0 there
orignal I click On Goitlab and see that outdated shit
orignal drozd is an 80-th level troll
orignal point to page with outdated info
RN lol... he gonna put garlands on your antlers
orignal he just does care aboyt the content of
dr|z3d what is it you want, trollignal?
dr|z3d you want the source, or you want a zip?
orignal zip of current snapshot
dr|z3d source?
orignal please point me to the repo
dr|z3d or binary?
orignal source
dr|z3d git.skank.i2p
orignal I want to build
orignal no gitlab/github?
dr|z3d gitlab is dead.
orignal finally
dr|z3d they locked me out of my account and won't send a password reset to @i2pmail
orignal can you update your site?
orignal change gitlab to gihub
dr|z3d sure, I thought I already had.
orignal I couldn't fin dthe repo
dr|z3d what's the problem with git.skank?
orignal you din't provide link
dr|z3d which part of "git.skank.i2p" is unclear in the channel topic?
orignal it doesn't mention i2p+
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
orignal Cannot run program "sh"
orignal not buildable
dr|z3d try ant i2psnark_nozip
dr|z3d you'll probably still need the supplemental ant stuff.
orignal smae shit
orignal ok. stop it please
orignal it worked fine with 2.7.0
dr|z3d yup, build process has been updated.
orignal I'm not goint to do anything until you have fix it
orignal for windows
orignal enogh is enough
dr|z3d it now performs some additional checks and compresses the javascript if binaries are located on the path.
orignal I don't care
orignal if you break backward complibility than I pass
dr|z3d write yourself a custom ant script to build without the stuff you don't want, or make sure you've got whatever the windows equivalent to "ant-contrib" visible. or just build on linux.
dr|z3d the only actual requirement is ant-contrib
orignal no, I would stay on 2.7.0
dr|z3d do what thouh wilt :)
orignal again fix the build for wiwndows and I will try
orignal please tell why vanilla doesn't have this problem?
dr|z3d because vanilla isn't checking for various binaries required to compress the javascript.
dr|z3d and because ant itself doesn't provide a conditional clause, so you need ant contrib.
orignal either you fix it for me the same way as in 2.7.0 or don't buzz me to try new version
orignal create a sperate traget
dr|z3d I didn't buzz you, you buzzed me.
dr|z3d I mentioned fixes, you asked for source. Go figure.
dr|z3d it's not about targets, the entire build script required ant-contrib.
dr|z3d *requires
orignal we are done for now
orignal you even can't understand what the main problem
dr|z3d I can. you're being a cantankerous trol
dr|z3d that's the main problem :)
orignal lemme exaplain
orignal without any reason
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
orignal instead saying "oops, I'm sorry, let me fix it"
orignal you started claiming that I had to install something more, etc.
dr|z3d no, there is no oops, I was fully aware that anyone building for windows, linux, your mom, would require ant-contrib.
orignal it means that you are an amateur in software developemnt
dr|z3d And I stated as much several weeks ago.
orignal then wtf you dodn't mention it?
orignal becuase YOU DIDN'T KNOW
dr|z3d I did, I specifically made a point of telling YOU that you will require ant-contrib to build.
orignal eiither you make it buildable with the same toolsset as vanilla or not more I2P+
orignal at least for me
orignal understand?
dr|z3d And not only that, I modified the ant buildRequirements target to indicate as such. So don't tell me I didn't know. Please.
dr|z3d What I understand is that if you don't want to make the ant-contrib binaries available, you're entirely at liberty to create your own custom build script. I won't stand in your way.
dr|z3d What any normal person running multiple Linux boxes would do is build under Linux and deploy on Windows.
dr|z3d But not you. No. Like I said, cantankerous troll.
orignal 2.7.0 is buildable on Windows
orignal 2.8.0 vanillay s buildable too
orignal 2.8.9 I2P+ is not buildable
dr|z3d And? I've told you why. Fix it, it's not difficult. ant-contrib files are what you need, if you insist on building on Windows.
orignal if you don't want to give this favour for me(same build requirements) as vanilla I give p with I2P+
orignal pretty easy
dr|z3d They're also required for Linux, so Windows isn't getting special treatment.
dr|z3d I'm willing to bet if you copied the vanilla build.xml files over they'd build you snark just fine under windows.
dr|z3d But it's up to you.
dr|z3d I've told you why ant contrib is required. Fix it, or don't. I'm beyond caring.
orignal 1. I have not idea what is it
orignal 2. I'm not going to change my build system on every single your change
orignal again, make it buildable as separate target
orignal soryy, but you are not up to software development business at all
orignal if it's also required for Linux it's even owrse
orignal you have broken backward compatibility everywhere
orignal just curious, let me try
dr|z3d apt install ant-contrib and you're good.
dr|z3d if you need it spelling out, ant buildRequirements
orignal i2pplus-master/apps/i2psnark/java/build.xml:138: Problem: failed to create task or type if
orignal Cause: The name is undefined
orignal same shit
dr|z3d exactly.
dr|z3d are you actually listening, or just reading from a script?
orignal no, I don't need I2P+
orignal I built vanilla for many years
orignal using just ant
dr|z3d [echo] * The ant-contrib package is a required dependency which supports various ant extensions
orignal you decided to change something in I2P+
orignal it's your business now
orignal not mine
orignal btw, how about gradle?
dr|z3d great, everyone's happy.
orignal so, not gradle build?
orignal may I ask you why?
orignal any partcular reason why I can't build with gradle?
orignal I'm always wondering why Java-I2p is stuck with ant
orignal say, we build i2pd-android with gradle
dr|z3d gradle is in an incomplete state. zab started implementing it but never finished afaik.
orignal then why don't you finish in I2P+?
dr|z3d because gradle's a whole new level of complexity that doesn't appear to be a huge priority right now. ant works.
orignal I see how it works
orignal I have an idea
orignal ant is seprecated for long time
orignal you are really insane
orignal I have copied build.xml from 2.7
orignal and built
orignal wtf with you?
orignal first, you could have said this from the beginning
orignal second, why did you break woroking thing without a reason?
orignal I2P+ I2PSnark standalone version 2.8.0 started
dr|z3d WTF with you, orignal.
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
dr|z3d lose the sense of entitlement, lose the aggressive tone, be nice. be excellent. don't be a douche.
dr|z3d I told you why ant-contrib is now a requirement.
dr|z3d Seriously, if your default is to go on the attack when things don't work as you think they should, you're not going to elicit an optimal response from people.
orignal you have broken the build without a good reason
dr|z3d No, it's not broken, it simply has an additional requirement which, when building on Linux, is as simple as installing ant-contrib and optionally uglifyjs
orignal there was not change in the code that requeired this change in build.xml
orignal now, tell me what hs changed?
orignal I see nothing
dr|z3d When was the last time I lectured you about your codebase?
dr|z3d you won't see anything because you haven't build with the ant-contrib and uglifyjs
dr|z3d *built
orignal when last time i2pd required extra dependancy without a reason?
dr|z3d I've already told you the reason.
orignal ok. enough
orignal time to rollback to 2.7
dr|z3d If you didn't get it the first time, ant-contrib is required to set conditions in the build script to test for uglifyjs, which, if present, will compress the javascript.
orignal since it's UI only
dr|z3d Don't let me disrupt your ignorance. Think what you like if it makes you happy.
orignal maybe you forgot that snark is supposed to do torrenting
orignal rather than "compress javascript"
orignal well. my feedback is
orignal I2P+ 2.8.0 went to wrong direction
dr|z3d You haven't actually used it enough to know.
orignal also it doesn't find peers presented in 2.7.0
orignal I think it's more serious
orignal that's what I see
orignal or peers discovery also require ant-contrib?
dr|z3d There's no change to the peer discovery code.
orignal that's what I see
dr|z3d What you're experiencing is more than likely normal network variations.
orignal less peers in 2.8 that in 2.7
orignal variations?
orignal these peers remained the same for momths
dr|z3d ebb and flow.
orignal and not in 2.8.0
dr|z3d network conditions are not a constant.
orignal siwtched back to 2.7 and they are back
dr|z3d but yeah, when you actually have a clue about UI, I'll be ready to listen to your opinions about UI. until then, please desist from spewing nonsense.
dr|z3d regarding the UI, feedback re Snark 2.8.0+, "does feel faster" which was the intention. But you don't care, so nevermind.
orignal well tell me if there are any changes, but UI
orignal I mean in core functionality
orignal like 2 tunnels min etc.
orignal e.g. I'm fine even if snark was cli tool
orignal and different bahviour of DHT is real thing
dr|z3d I've already told you that. 2 tunnels minimum for standalone.
dr|z3d UI isn't just about what you see.
dr|z3d It's about how it responds to your input.
dr|z3d and 2.8 is more responsive.
orignal please tell me how can I see peers in I2P+?
dr|z3d The same way you enabled them last time you asked.
dr|z3d click the triangle with 3 dots in the table header.
orignal I didn't ask yet
dr|z3d you asked a few months ago.
dr|z3d the exact same question.
orignal and nothing
dr|z3d you'll only see peers that are connected, assuming your browser isn't blocking javascript.
orignal is there a way to see all peer with this torrent?
dr|z3d if there are no peers connected, the toggle peers button will be hidden.
dr|z3d enable the filter bar in configs, then click on the connected tab that will present itself on the main page.
dr|z3d then you'll filter out any torrents that are inactive. then hit the show peers button.
orignal where is it?
dr|z3d configure -> torrent filter bar -> enable.
dr|z3d if you want to zone in on a specific torrent, use the search bar to search for the torrent name you're interested in.
orignal then?
dr|z3d do you have connected peers?
dr|z3d then how do you expect to view peers that aren't connected?
orignal I want ot see who else has this torrent
dr|z3d it won't show you peers in the swarm UNLESS they are connected to you.
orignal but how does uit know the number?
dr|z3d because it's talking to trackers, scanning the DHT.
orignal I can see thier leasesets in i2pd
dr|z3d and using PeX..
dr|z3d all of which are aggregated to provide a swarm size.
orignal I see leasesets but can't see on torrents page
orignal where do these leasest come from?
dr|z3d peers that are briefly connecting to you.
dr|z3d checking for updated comments on torrents, touching base.
orignal does snark know what torrent are they about?
dr|z3d the connection will probably last for 30s. if you enable the filter bar and select the connected tab, you'll see them when they connect if you have the toggle peers active.
orignal hence snark knows i2p addresses of other peers
orignal is there a way to show this info?
dr|z3d only when they connect to your snark.
dr|z3d otherwise, you're learning about the swarm size from trackers, dht etc.
orignal yes, but it can remebers
orignal who connected to particular torrent recently
dr|z3d it's not information that's functionally useful in a tracker client.
orignal I want to establish linbk between lesessets an torrents
dr|z3d you know where the source code is.
orignal because I see bunch of leasesets and don't know actual torrents
orignal I'm not a snark developer
orignal if I start developing torrent I would try qbittorennt
orignal because it's SAM
dr|z3d it may surprise you that we don't cater to all and every niche request.
orignal I care about that leasesets
orignal I see it as a potential attack vector
orignal an advesary can foold your dest with leasesets
zzz Reminder: Proposal 163 review today 8 PM UTC #ls2
dr|z3d Will try not to miss this one :)
snowflakes hia all. Do anyone know how to ressurect an account on github after shadow ban? My friend did wrote code for automatization of instagram and them found him private repository and did ban the account
snowflakes Him did wrote to them but not helps
snowflakes Maybe someone have simillar expririence
orignal plaz pidaras
snowflakes plaz is very very bad
snowflakes even him nickname say about that
orignal then Valery
snowflakes *** give the ciggarete ***