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zzz Reminder: Proposal 163 review today 8 PM UTC here
zzz test test test
dr|z3d we hear you, zzz. ***test completed successfully***
zzz *phew*
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
zzz anybody here for the meeting, please say hi, even if you're just planning to lurk
zzz multiple a-name people, welcome
dr|z3d *** pokes orignal with a shitty stick. ***
orignal 2 more minutes
zzz ping eyedeekay
zzz hello everyone
zzz today we're going to review proposal 163, Datagram2
zzz I'll start with a brief overview, then throw it open for comments and questions
eyedeekay Sorry got disconnected at the last second, I'm here now
zzz This is the leftover part of proposal 123, LS2, where we can't send datagrams from offline-signed destinations
zzz so it's been about 6 or 7 years
zzz the second thing we want to solve is replay prevention, which we already fixed for streaming
zzz and the third thing is to add some flags and options fields, so we don't have to do this again next time we change something
zzz that's it, it's a pretty simple proposal
zzz so I'll throw it open for questions and comments
orignal my first question
zzz go ahead
orignal why do we even need signature for each datagram if it goes through ratchets session?
orignal for me it's too much overhead
zzz well, datagrams came well before ratchets
orignal we only need it for very first datagram to link static key with dest
orignal I know
zzz whatever ratchet knows about, doesn't get out through I2CP to the client
orignal hence can we have a flag is signature included or not?
zzz so you don't want the from field either?
orignal you need it because it's repliable
orignal in case of I2CP client should rely on router
zzz you either know where it's from or you don't
orignal I just don't want to sign and verify through established session
orignal because overhead
orignal and yes from can be exaluded
zzz if we don't need 'from' or 'signature' any more, shouldn't we fix i2cp and streaming first?
orignal and it's this case it's raw datagram
orignal for streaming it's first packets only
zzz we have no way to pass the 'from' field through i2cp right now
orignal all follow-on packets use streamid
orignal then can we just have flags?
zzz that's the same for most normal UDP protocols. Use Repliable for the first packet, and RAW for the rest
orignal like in streaming
zzz that's what we do in snark
orignal from, signature, etc.
zzz well, without FROM/SIG it's just RAW anyway. You don't need DG2 at all ???
orignal I might want to send with Form and without sig
orignal and oppiste
orignal sig without from
eyedeekay Speaking to orignal's point we're not doing a lot of repliable/raw switching in SAM libraries by default but we could find a way
zzz orignal, what's your use case for from w/o/sig and opposite?
orignal for exapmle ping
orignal I send "ping" message and expect "pong"
orignal should add from and no sig
zzz isn't that insecure?
orignal and you do need from even without sig
orignal you receive datgram
orignal take "from"
orignal find leaseset
orignal get static key from there
orignal and compare with session
orignal if matches assume it's good
orignal if not drop
zzz so we do always need 'from' ?
orignal if you don't always have from an advesary can spoof
orignal yes we do
orignal my point is that signature is too expisive
orignal unlike from
zzz you're saying because of ratchet, it can't be spoofed, and we don't need the signature?
orignal right
orignal that's my point
orignal in case of ratchets you are good without it
zzz ok I understand your point. I'll have to think about it more
orignal thanks
zzz let's move on for now, any other comments or questions orignal?
orignal no more question from me
zzz anybody else?
dr|z3d nothing from me right now.
zzz does the replay prevention look good, by including the receiver hash in the signature?
eyedeekay As long as we have signatures it makes sense but what orignal's said about them has put me off balance
orignal yes we should do it
zzz would we still need sigs for elgamal?
orignal the same way as for streaming
zzz because you only get static key verification with ratchet
orignal I think Datagram2 shouldn't supprt ElGamal at all
orignal and if you want to keep it
zzz it's a different layer, so it doesn't matter
orignal you should use flag if signature included or not
orignal same for receiver hash
zzz you want a flag for receiver hash included in sig?
zzz if there's no sig then you don't need a 2nd flag for no receiver hash
zzz the hash isn't being sent, it's just included in the sig
zzz PQ sigs, btw, are ~2400-4600 bytes
orignal only for sig itself
zzz any other questions or comments?
orignal as long as we have options section everything else looks good
eyedeekay My concern re: removing aspects of the proposal is that if stuff gets taken out then we end up needing it it's probably a big headache
eyedeekay But that's the point of having the ability to set flags right?
zzz so I agree with eyedeekay, the no-sig proposal has shaken things up a little
zzz yeah if there's no flag there there's no options section, not even a two-byte 0 0
zzz since we don't have any idea for it right now, doesn't seem like we should waste two bytes
zzz I want to reiterate that using DG2 for every packet would be extremely wasteful. Normally Alice would just send one, with a token
zzz and then Bob sends back one or more RAW packets with the token in them
zzz well the no-sig flag is an 'addition' to the proposal
zzz but I think we need to think about it and come back later
zzz what do you think about a second review on April 15th?
eyedeekay I should be good
zzz ok then
dr|z3d sure, let's shoot for then.
zzz anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
orignal nothing
zzz *** *bafs* the meeting closed ***
zzz thanks everybody
zzz in two weeks: PQ prop. 169
eyedeekay thanks zzz :) looking forward to the next one
zzz FYI the MLDSA parts of the proposal are in pretty good shape; the MLKEM parts need some work
zzz I'll be updating/fixing the MLKEM parts this week
orignal I'm still waiting for openssl 3.5
zzz 3.5 scheduled for April 8, keep your pants on
zzz don't need 3.5 to review the proposal ))
orignal I want to try PQ
orignal that's all
zzz happy to send a LS to a dest of your choosing to see if you crash ))
orignal let me check the code
orignal const size_t MAX_LS_BUFFER_SIZE = 3072;
orignal that's what I have now
zzz yeah I found some buffer overflows in streaming trying to sign/verify
zzz I'm thinking about the APIs for datagrams for whether we would require a signature or not
zzz that might be messy
orignal and it consider unknows signature types as DSA ))
zzz one way to do it: define Datagram2 (type 19) requires sigs, and Datagram3 (type 19) where we don't have sigs, or they're optional
orignal thanks. will check streaming code
zzz correction datagram3 would be type 20
orignal 2/3 looks good
zzz just a two second idea, we have 6 weeks to think about it
zzz re: PQ overhead, PQ adds from 3380 to 7456 bytes to every LS, Streaming SYN, or repliable datagram
orignal again what's the saigntire size for PQ?
orignal uint8_t signature[256];
orignal I have such shit in the code
zzz Type Length (bytes) Since Usage
zzz MLDSA44_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 2484 0.9.xx See proposal 169
zzz MLDSA65_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 3373 0.9.xx See proposal 169
zzz MLDSA87_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 4691 0.9.xx See proposal 169
zzz MLDSA44 2420 0.9.xx See proposal 169
zzz MLDSA65 3309 0.9.xx See proposal 169
zzz MLDSA87 4627 0.9.xx See proposal 169
orignal it my code streaming will just produce error
orignal LogPrint (eLogError, "Streaming: Signature too big, ", signatureLen, " bytes");
zzz overhead chart:
zzz Type Pubkey Sig Key+Sig RIdent Dest RInfo LS/Streaming/Datagram (each msg)
zzz EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 32 64 96 391 391 baseline baseline
zzz MLDSA44_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 1344 2484 3828 1383 1351 +3412 +3380
zzz MLDSA65_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 1984 3373 5357 2023 1991 +5668 +5636
zzz MLDSA87_EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519 2624 4691 7315 2663 2631 +7488 +7456
zzz MLDSA44 1312 2420 3732 1351 1319 +3316 +3284
zzz MLDSA65 1952 3309 5261 1991 1959 +5668 +5636
zzz MLDSA87 2592 4627 7219 2631 2599 +7072 +7040
orignal so what's the max LS size? 6K?
orignal or 8K?
zzz your current max + 7456 ))
orignal 10K then