IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal dr|z3d teach me how to share torrent
dr|z3d share torrent, orignal?
dr|z3d what do you mean by share?
orignal what do I put into "Data to seed"?
orignal I have a file I want to share
orignal magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d68018b22aab3ff093eb417c888b57a3873cb18&tr=http://tracker2.postman.i2p/announce.php&dn=Squid.Game.2021.DUB.MVO.Series
orignal does it look right?
dr|z3d is the file located in your data dir?
orignal I've done something in I2P+ snark
orignal yes, it's located in the same folder as other torrents
dr|z3d ok, and it's a single file or a folder?
orignal folder
dr|z3d ok, so specify the folder name in data to seed.
dr|z3d anything you don't want to share in that folder you can use the filters to exclude..
orignal so just folder name rather than full path
orignal thanks
dr|z3d if the existing filters don't cover what you want to exclude, create a new filter in the configs.
dr|z3d right, just the folder (or filename) if it's in the data dir.
orignal than everything looks right
dr|z3d you can check the contents of the torrent folder by clicking on the folder icon in the main view, assuming you're already sharing the torrents.
dr|z3d *torrent
dr|z3d that will bring up the file viewer with some stats.
orignal ofc nobody is downloading it
dr|z3d well, until it's started and running and uploaded to postman, only people you share the hash with will be able to download it.
orignal but everybody knows it
orignal like 1.find a magnet from clearnet 2. take hash from it 3. find on in I2P
dr|z3d sure, if you've got an existing torrent file with data, you can share that and edit the torrent metadata to modify the trackers without changing the torrent hash.
orignal originally it was a magnet too
orignal let ask differntly
orignal can I2P+ export list of torrent as a html page?
orignal so I could put it on eepsite
dr|z3d no, but that's not a bad idea.
orignal automatically with some metadata sepcified if necessary
onon_ It seems that DHT crawler was invented for this purpose
orignal say I agree to share my torrents to the world
orignal but don't want to publish it to postman
orignal just because too lazy
dr|z3d sure, I can see the usecase. Like I said, not a bad idea.
onon_ btdigg can search the i2p network, if I'm not mistaken
dr|z3d once upon a time snark itself used to function as a webserver hosting the content before it became i2psnark.
orignal no need for webserver, just an export to page
dr|z3d yup, sure, I get it. there's a good reason we don't serve anymore.
orignal you don't? how about web instreface?
dr|z3d we don't serve the files publicly is what I mean.
dr|z3d the webui is private.
dr|z3d the files are still served, but not via an http UI.
orignal priavte? I can show it to everybody though a web server
dr|z3d sure you can. just not the directly via snark.
orignal I'm running IIS on that machine
dr|z3d what I'm telling you is that previously, iirc, snark exposed an http UI for public browsing, a sort of de-facto tracker.
dr|z3d at the very simplest, you could just drop the .torrent files you want to share in a folder and server with IIS or whatever, ensuring you have file listing for the shared folder enabled.
orignal will check
dr|z3d or you could, as a mini-project, add a share folder feaature to i2pchat and use that once you've coded it :)
dr|z3d shouldn't be that difficult, we already serve a single file over http on the same dest as i2pchat dest.
dr|z3d did you update your snark yet?
cumlord There’s that neat zzzot hack thing idk shared
dr|z3d hack thing?
dr|z3d also, I was going to suggest zzzot to orignal, and then I remember, he's not running java i2p/i2p+
cumlord Ah good point
dr|z3d doesn't look like zzzot is a requirement, could use that to generate a page for iis.
dr|z3d slightly ridiculously, there are now over 6K images on wall.i2p
cumlord Oh even better I assumed it was
dr|z3d orignal: see above ^
orignal what?
dr|z3d eyedeekay's tracker-hack. also, did you update snark yet? also see i2pchat references.
orignal no, still that one
orignal did you uppdate build ?
dr|z3d you slack fsck :)
orignal for windows
dr|z3d ant i2psnark_nozip iirc.
dr|z3d will just build you the folder instead.
orignal thanks
orignal do you have a new release yet?
dr|z3d no, maybe later this evening.
orignal once you have one I will update
dr|z3d be aware that you may need ant-contrib files.
orignal then I will apply my fix with jar
dr|z3d sure, you can just keep your own build_orignal.xml file in your workspace and rename to build.xml once you've pulled the latest code.
dr|z3d just be sure to checkout the existing build.xml before pull, or git stash.
dr|z3d but you know all that.
orignal I want ot download an archive with source code
dr|z3d you can do that on github or git.skank
Snowflakes Hia chat. Do anyone here use graphenOS/PixelPro phones?
Snowflakes I would to know about GApps on GraphenOS and navigation
dr|z3d hi Snowflakes
Snowflakes is Google Pixel Pro secure with graphen os
Snowflakes hi dr|z3d
Snowflakes how do you do
dr|z3d if you want to install google play on your phone, or any app, you can instll manually over usb with the android sdk.
dr|z3d not bad here, thanks, you good?
Snowflakes All ok, I finish my problems with army
dr|z3d good to hear. they left you alone then?
Snowflakes With my heart like all ok, its ok 57 (sometimes not all time, I monitoring my heart, my heart beat ~80-90, heart rate not critical)
Snowflakes yeap they left me
Snowflakes But I would not use alchocole anymore
dr|z3d good, good.
dr|z3d new site for you, Snowflakes: wall.i2p
dr|z3d (works best with javascript - slideshow etc)
Snowflakes It's AI generated videos?
dr|z3d no video, images.
dr|z3d I'm sure you'll figure it out.. over 6K images there.
dr|z3d keep browsing, no doubt you'll find stuff you like more. :)
orignal plaz pidaras
orignal Valara, got cigarette?
orignal *Valera
Snowflakes I dont smoke
orignal so no objections about Valera
Snowflakes What do you mean about objections
Snowflakes I looking to walli2p website for a now
dr|z3d *** smiles ***
eyedeekay Much nicer version of that tracker trick:
dr|z3d you got it running somewhere, eyedeekay?
dr|z3d *** pokes orignal ***
dr|z3d looks good.
eyedeekay Just a demo of the UI with no torrents behind it
eyedeekay But it works and looks nice
dr|z3d yeah, it's not bad given the limited css you've got going on there :)
eyedeekay Oh i forgot the damn a tags
eyedeekay Just a sed
dr|z3d wrap the infohash in a code block.
dr|z3d Infohash: <code>...</code>
dr|z3d and add a class to the code. <code class=hash>...</code>
dr|z3d then in the css: .code {user-select: all}
dr|z3d * .hash{...}
dr|z3d then users only have to click hash once to select.
dr|z3d also, you don't appear to need nested .directory divs, just one should suffice.
eyedeekay Doing this on a tablet and my thumbs hurt, will mess with that tomorrow
cumlord nice eyedeekay
eyedeekay Intheory it should handle nested directories and collapse them separately using only css, but I haven't tested it on that yet
eyedeekay Thanks though dr|zed will see about it in the am
dr|z3d no worries.. I'll send you over a css file when I get some time to mess with that.
dr|z3d still like orignal's idea for putting some sort of html exporter in snark, mind.
orignal what is this indexer about?
orignal my rationale
orignal I have a collection of shit I want to share
orignal I agree to run snark but nothing more
orignal e.g. people who are insterested in my torrents should find them, not me
dr|z3d indexer does what you want.
dr|z3d (demo)
Snowflakes dr|z3d, do you know what VPN for russia I would to use
dr|z3d Snowflakes: try incognet.
dr|z3d you can pay anonymously, they have no issues with Tor or I2P, various I2P services already run on incognet including the outproxies.
dr|z3d or maybe an entry level VPS server from them would better suit your needs.
Snowflakes dr|z3d, incognet what is?
Snowflakes Is protocol?
Snowflakes Can I pay though monero/bitcoin?
dr|z3d you can, Snowflakes
dr|z3d protocol is wireguard.
zzz dr|z3d, any progress figuring out coconut's router selection issue?
dr|z3d I've tweaked PersistentDatastore, let's see if that helps.
zzz because coconut and the two i2pd pyseeders are the three outliers serving loads of U RIs
zzz from 10 minutes ago:
zzz Test passed for, returned 100 router infos
zzz Router infos included 11 with versions before 0.9.59 and 31 unreachable
zzz Test passed for, returned 75 router infos
zzz Router infos included 19 with versions before 0.9.59 and 38 unreachable
dr|z3d this was already present in the code, but I've added !reachable to the unreachable boolean.. coconut won't have the changes yet:
dr|z3d } else if (unreachable) {
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldDebug() && dbFile == null) {
dr|z3d _log.debug("Not writing RouterInfo [" + key.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "] to disk -> Unreachable");
dr|z3d shouldDelete = true;
zzz Test passed for, returned 75 router infos
zzz Router infos included 18 with versions before 0.9.59 and 35 unreachable
zzz it's simple enough for you to test, no need to guess if it works
dr|z3d I'll test when coconut's on the latest +, no point checking until then.
zzz I mean test what you're writing to disk locally: java -jar path/to/router.jar routerinfo netDb/*/* | grep caps | grep U
dr|z3d -bash: /usr/bin/java: Argument list too long
dr|z3d for > /home/i2p/i2p/lib# java -jar router.jar routerinfo /home/i2p/.i2p/netDb/*/* | grep caps | grep U
orignal right, we haven't fixed reseed yet
orignal just don't have time
orignal <troll on>
orignal Have I2P even received grants from usaid?
orignal Especially for promoting DEI
orignal <troll off>
orignal dr|z3d what is indexer for?
dr|z3d orignal: are you a complete idiot, or just 1/2 an idiot? :)
dr|z3d check the demo link, it should be clear.
orignal no, please exlain
orignal in one sentence
dr|z3d making an html index of torrents served by snark.
orignal local only?
dr|z3d for hosting on a webserver.
dr|z3d "here are my torrents".. seriously, check the link, it should be obvious.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: minor stuff - but the latest from skank 3 mins ago is showing 2.7.0-0+ API: 0.9.65 Wrapper: 3.5.51  Built by: dr|z3d post re-start
T3s|4 304d4444 (Build date: 2025-02-05 15:33:19 UTC)
dr|z3d thanks T3s|4
Afkaid The SHA256 don't match the downloaded files on i2p-projekt.i2p/en/download
RN good catch. fixes in progress.